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Art exhibition: The 16th Asian International Art exhibition from Dec.18,2005 to Jan.10,2006 at the Guangdong Museum of Art.
The exhibition will highlight over 300 works from Japan, Korea, China Mainland, China Hong Kong, China Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, The Philippine, Indonesia and Australia.
Booking Tel:88677766
Concert: Christmas Concert performed by German organist Thorsten Macder and the Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Yu Feng.
8pm on Dec2
Symphony performed Hall. Guangdong Xinghal Concert Hall
Booking Tel:87352222
Thailand cuisine festival: In the Greenery café’ at Garden Hotel from Dec.20,2005 to Feb.20.2006
Booking Tel:87675443
Performance: At Sun Yatsen Memorial Hall; 8pm on Dec 6,7,9
77. The group of the advertisements are mainly about __________ in Guangzhou Morning Post.
A. sports   B. business trade    C. country life    D. city guide
78. If you want to go to the concert with your two friends, you will at least carry__________yuan  with you.
A. 240          B.160       C.80      D.   190
79.The countries in the 16th Asian International Art Exhibition are all in Asia except ___________
A. Korea       B. China Macau    C. Indonesia      D.  Australia
80. If you  want to enjoy yourself on Dec.7,you will probably dial the telephone number _______
A. 89785656    B. 87675443    C. 87352222    D. 888677766

试题【Art exhibition: The 16th Asian International Art exhibition from Dec.18,2005 to 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

A few weeks after Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf coast, the Texas school where I teach collected furniture and other household items for a family from Louisiana that had lost everything. I thought of how sad it would be to lose all of the things that held so many priceless memories. Nothing could ever really replace a memory. I prayed I would be able to help the family in some ways , and at least give them practical things they could use.
I had a couple of old chairs in the house, and went into the spare bedroom to dig them out. Then I saw the wooden rocking chair(摇椅) in the corner. Deep brown , with a unique pattern of fruits and leaves edged in gold on the back. I’d never seen another like it. I used to rock my son to sleep in it when he was a baby. Talking about memories, I could never bear to part with that rocker.  http://wx.jtyjy.com/
But a feeling suddenly swept over me. Give it away. “Do you really want to do this?” my husband asked. I said firmly, “Yes!” He helped me load the rocking chair into my car. “Doesn’t it hold sentimental(情感的)value for you?” I couldn’t explain it. I took the rocker to the school the next day. The woman in charge of the donations(捐赠品)for the Louisiana family loaded it into the back of her truck.
The very next day at school, the woman in charge came rushing into my classroom. “Angie, I have to tell you a story about that rocking chair!” she said.
The family was grateful for every single item we’d donated, they told her. Then they saw the rocker. Everyone stopped and stared. Then the granddaughter cried out, “Grandma, look! It’s your rocking chair!”  http://wx.jtyjy.com/
My rocking chair was exactly like the one they had lost in the hurricane, the one that held their sweetest memories.
56. Why did the author feel sympathy for the family that had lost everything?
A. They met Hurricane Katrina.
B. They had no furniture and other items to use.
C. They lost the things holding memories.
D. They had to rebuild their house.
57. When thinking of having used the rocking chair the author     .
A. decided to give it away                          B. asked her husband for advice
C. liked it more than before                        D. hated to part with it
58. We can infer from the passage that the author’s husband      .
A. didn’t support the author’s social work    B. didn’t agree to donate the chair
C. thought the rocking chair valuable          D. could understand what she thought then
59. What’s the best title for this passage?
A. A good deed for a homeless family                B. Comfort a family with a gift of memories
C. A piece of furniture donated to a family          D. We all need the rocking chair
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My husband hasn’t stopped laughing about a funny thing that happened to me. It is funny now but it wasn’t at that time.
Last Friday, after doing all family   31    in town, I wanted a rest   32    catching the train, so I bought a newspaper and some chocolate and went into the    33   coffee shop—that cheap, self–service place with long    34    to sit at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, put the newspaper and chocolate on the table to   35    a place, and went to get a cup of coffee.
When I came back with the coffee, there was someone in the next   36    . It was one of those wild-looking youngsters,   37    dark glasses and worn clothes, and    38   colored bright red at the front. Not so unusual these days. What did    39    me was that he had started to eat my chocolate.
Naturally, I was annoyed. However, to avoid    40    —and really I was rather   41   
about him, I just looked down at the front page of the newspaper, tasted my coffee, and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me   42    , then he took a second piece of my chocolate. I could   43     believe it. Still I didn’t dare to   44   an argument. When he took a    45    piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece”. And I got it.
The boy    46    me a strange look, then stood up. As he left he shouted out,” This   47    is crazy.” Everyone stared. That was embarrassing(令人难堪的)enough, but it was worse when I finished my coffee and got ready to   48   . My face went red—as red as his hair—when I    49    I’d made a mistake. It wasn’t my chocolate that he had been taking. There was mine, unopened, just    50    my newspaper.
31. A. cooking                            B. running                    C. shopping                  D. reading     
32. A. after                          B. as                            C. while                D. before
33. A. airport                       B. park                         C. station               D. hotel
34. A. bridges                      B. tables                C. desks                D. fences
35. A. keep                         B. make                       C. take                         D. have
36. A. seat                          B. room                       C. chair                 D. door
37. A. on                             B. with                         C. by                           D. between
38. A. hair                          B. button               C. hands                D. eyes
39. A. frighten                            B. worry               C. encourage          D. surprise
40. A. matter                       B. thing                 C. trouble                     D. danger
41. A. difficult                        B. excited                     C. uneasy                     D. worried
42. A. quickly                      B. closely                     C. happily                    D. friendly
43. A. seldom                      B. nearly               C. almost               D. hardly
44. A. avoid                         B. follow               C. attack                D. make
45. A. second                       B. third                 C. fourth               D. fifth
46. A. took                         B. kept                         C. gave                        D. turned
47. A. woman                      B. man                         C. boy                          D. kid
48. A. run                         B. leave                 C. calm                        D. prepare
49. A. guessed                      B. regretted           C. said                         D. realized
50. A. in                              B. with                         C. under                D. for
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第三部分 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
A poor traveller stopped under the tree to eat the boiled rice and vegetables which he had brought with him. A few metres away, there was a small shop by the side of the road where a woman was frying (油炸)fish and selling it to travelers. The woman watched the poor traveler carefully, and when he finished his food and began to go, she shouted rudely, “You haven’t paid me for the fried fish!”
“But I have not had any fried fish!” he said.
“But everyone can see that you enjoyed the smell of my fried fish with your rice and vegetables,” said the woman, “If you had not smelled the fish, your meal would not have been so pleasant!”
Soon a crowd collected, and although they supported the poor traveler, they had to admit that wind was blowing from the shop to the place where he had eaten, and that it had carried the smell of the fried fish to him.
Finally, the woman took the poor traveler to a judge, who said, “The woman says that the traveler ate his meal with the smell of her fried fish. The traveler agrees that the wind was blowing from the woman’s shop to the place where he ate his rice and vegetables, and that it carried the smell of her fried fish to his nose while he was eating, so he must pay for it. What does your fried fish cost?” he asked the woman.
“Twenty-five cents a plate,” she answered, delighted.
“Then go outside together,” said the judge. “There the traveler must hold up a twenty-five-cent piece so that its shadow(影子)falls on the woman’s hand. The price of the smell of a plate of fried fish is the shadow of twenty-five cents.”
51. The traveler refused to pay the woman for the fried fish because       .
A. he was poor                                                 B. he was rude
C. he was supported by a crowd                  D. he hadn’t eaten her fried fish at all
52. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. The traveler bought the boiled rice and vegetables and ate them by the side of the road.
B. The judge had no idea what the woman meant.
C. In the fifth paragraph, the first “it” has the same meaning as the second “it”.
D. The woman got nothing but the shadow of twenty-five cents in the end.
53. The best title for the passage should be       .
A. The Smell and the Shadow
B. A Poor Traveler
C. A Rude Woman
D. A Woman and a Traveler
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Have you ever heard the story of the four-minute miles? Many years ago, people believed that it was impossible for a human being to run a mile in less than four minutes until Roger Banister proved it wrong in 1954.
What happens if you put an animal in a pond? Any animal, big or small, will swim its way through. What happens when someone, who doesn’t know how to swim, falls in deep water? They drown. If an animal who has not learnt swimming could escape by swimming, why not you? Because you believe you will drown while the animal doesn’t.
Have you ever wondered why the letters are organized in a particular order on your keyboard? You might have thought it is to increase the typing speed. Most people never questioned it. But the fact is that this system was developed to reduce the typing speed at a time when typewriter parts you jam if the operator typed too fast.
These three cases show the power of our beliefs. There is no other more powerful force in human behavior than belief. Your beliefs have the power to create and to destroy. A belief delivers command to your nervous system.
I used a snake in my workshop for children to show them how unrealistic some of their beliefs are. Students of a school in India said snakes are slippery and slimy and poisonous. After doing an exercise for changing beliefs, they took my snake and found it to be dry and clean. They also remembered that only three types of poisonous snakes exist in India.
Did this story end the way you thought? Review your beliefs now and find out which ones you need to change.
60.In the author’s opinion, if a person in deep water doesn’t know how to swim, he will drown because_________.
A.he is afraid of water               B.he believes he will drown
C.he hasn’t learnt to swim before      D.he doesn’t want to live in the world
61.The author thinks that the letters are organized in a particular order on your keyboard in order to _________.
A.save more space                  B.satisfy the operator
C.reduce one’s typing speed           D.increase one’s typing speed
62.The author’s experiment shows that________.
A.snakes are dry and clean            B.snakes can be caught easily
C.snakes are slimy and poisonous      D.snakes in India aren’t poisonous
63.According to the passage, we know that_________
A.students from India have unrealistic beliefs on how to live a better life 
B.an animal who hasn’t learnt how to swim will drown if you put it in pond
C.most people don’t like the order the letters are arranged on the keyboard
D.Roger Banister was the first person who ran a mile in less than four minutes
64. The main idea of this passage should be that________.
A. beliefs are very powerful           
B. beliefs make us seem stupid
C. changing your beliefs now is necessary
D. people should always believe in themselves
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
A ship hit a rock on its way back. The only   36    of the shipwreck was washed up on a small,    37        island. He prayed    38   for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the   39      for help, but none seemed forthcoming.
Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut   40    driftwood to protect him from the bad weather, and to store his few    41       . But then one day, after searching for food, he arrived home to   42    his little hut in flames, the   43     rolling up to the sky.
The    44    had happened; everything was lost.
He was shocked with grief and  45 . “God how could you do this to me!” he cried.
Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the  46  of a ship that was   47    the island. It had come to rescue him. "How did you know I was here?" asked the tired man of his   48  . “We saw your smoke  49   ,”they replied.
It is easy to get    50   when things are going bad.
But we shouldn"t   51  , because Nature is    52   in our lives, even in the midst of pain and   53     .
Remember,    54     your little hut is burning to the ground it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of Nature.
For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, Nature has a   55  answer for it .
36. A. captain       B. boss            C. friend        D. survior
37. A. lonely        B. populated       C. rich           D. poor
38. A. happily       B. feverishly       C. sadly          D. surprisingly
39. A. horizon       B. sky            C. land           D. tree
40. A. by           B. with           C. out of          D. in
41. A. possessions    B. food           C. furniture       D. animals
42. A; look for       B. find            C. search        D. search for
43. A. fire          B. cloud           C. smoke         D. wind
44. A. best         B. worst          C. most           D. least
45. A. sadness      B. silence         C. fear            D. anger
46. A. sound       B. voice           C. whisper         D. footstep
47. A. reaching     B. arriving in       C. approaching      D. getting to
48. A. friends       B. rescuers        C. searchers        D. brothers
49. A. sign         B. mark           C. scene           D. signal
50. A. encouraged   B. discouraged      C. enabled         D. disabled
51. A. lose heart    B. lose our heart     C. Lose a heart      D. lose hearts
52. A. at work      B. at play          C. at large          D. at table
53. A. blame       B. suffering        C. praise           D. wandering
54. A. the first time  B. the last time     C. every time       D. next time
55. A. wrong       B. right           C. different         D. positive
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