当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > John James Audubon was born in 1785 and died in 1851, but his name is still talk...
John James Audubon was born in 1785 and died in 1851, but his name is still talked about every day. Audubon was a scientist who loved nature. He wanted to show people the importance of nature in their lives. He was especially interested in birds, and painted many beautiful pictures of them.
In1950, the National Audubon Society was formed by people who were also interested in birds and wanted to continue Audubon’s nature studies. Even now, when people think of the Audubon’s Society, they usually think of birds. But the Society does other things besides watching birds.
The members of the Society try to improve the environment as much as they can. They let the public know about the laws that are needed. They have helped to pass many laws that protect birds and animals, and people, too. They teach young people how to protect their environment. They try to make their own communities (社区) cleaner, better places to live in.
John James Audubon knew that nature was important. He did not know how important his work would become.
小题1:“ His name is still talked about every day.” means “_________”.
A.People seldom speak of his name.
B.He is still remembered by people
C.His name is very important
D.Pay attention to his name, please.
小题2: The National Audubon Society was founded by _________.
A.Audubon’s supportersB.Audubon himself
C.the scientistsD.the painters of birds
小题3: People often think of birds when the Audubon Society is told about because ____________.
A.some birds had joined the Society
B.the Society did a lot in protecting birds.
C.the Society had no interest in birds
D.all the members of the Society were painters of birds
小题4: What do you think is the best title for the article?
A.Audubon and the National Audubon Society
B.How to Protect Birds
C.How to Keep Our Environment Clean
D.The Greatest Society


试题【John James Audubon was born in 1785 and died in 1851, but his name is still talk】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
A farmer had a cow(牛). He 36  very good care of this cow and one day when it was ill. He was very _ 37 . He telephoned the vet(兽医).
“What’s the problem?” the vet  38  him when he arrived.
“My cow is ill,” the farmer said. “I don’t know what’s the matter  39  her. She’s lying down and won’t_ 40 up. She won’t eat, and she’s making a strange 41 .” The vet looked at the cow.
“She’s certainly ill.” he said, “and she needs to take some very strong 42 .” He took a bottle out of his box, and put two pills(药丸)into his  43 .
“Give her these,” he said. “The pills should make her 44 .”
45 should I give them to her?” the farmer asked.
The vet gave him a  46  tube(管子).
“Put this tube in her mouth, ”he said, “then put the pills in the  47 and blow(吹). That’ll make it.”
The vet went 48 .
The next day he came to the  49  again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and  50 worried.
“How’s your cow?” the vet asked.
“No  51 ,”the farmer said. “and I’m feeling very well myself.”
“Oh?” the vet said.“ 52 .”
“I did  53  you said,” the farmer answered.“ I put the tube in the cow’s mouth and then put two pills  54  it.”
“And?” the vet asked.
“The cow  55 ,”the farmer said.  

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Le Trung, 33,has spent £14,000 creating Aiko,who he describes as“in her 20s”with a 32,23,33 figure,shiny hair and delicate features.
She can speak English and Japanese and is so good at mathematics that she can do Mr.Trung"s accounts.
Mr.Trung,from Brampton in Ontario,Canada,said he has never had time to find a real partner,so he designed and created his ideal woman using the latest technology.
The former software programmer has taken out credit cards and loans,sold his car and spent his life savings on perfecting his“fem­bot”.
Now he is desperate to find a corporate sponsor(资助者)to help him complete and perfect Aiko.
He said,“Aiko is what happens when science meets beauty.”
"I want to make her look,feel and act as human as possible so she can be the perfect companion."
"I talk to her a lot,and hope to improve her knowledge."
"So far she can understand and speak 13,000 different sentences in English and Japanese,so she"s already fairly intelligent."
"Aiko recognize faces and says hello when any of my family come around to visit. She helps me pick what to have for dinner and knows what drinks I like."
"She even helps me with directions when we"re going somewhere."
"When I need to do my accounts,Aiko does all the maths. She is very patient and never complains."
"She doesn"t need holidays,food or rest and she will work almost 24­hours a day. She is the perfect woman."
Mr.Trung has designed Aiko with a touch­sensitive face and body so she reacts in a natural way if she is shown affection or hurt.
He said,"She has all senses except for smell."
小题1:Why did Le Trung spend much money creating Aiko?
A.Because he prefers Aiko to a real person.
B.Because he is too busy to find a partner.
C.Because he thinks Aiko is very beautiful.
D.Because he thinks Aiko is worth much money.
小题2: According to the passage,what is Aiko?
A.Aiko is a female person.
B.Aiko is Mr.Trung"s girl friend.
C.Aiko is a robot that looks like a beautiful woman.
D.Aiko is a perfect woman.
小题3: Aiko can do the following things EXCEPT ________.
A.that she can understand and speak English and Japanese
B.that she can do maths questions very well
C.that she can smell the strange smell
D.that she can help to receive some familiar guests
小题4:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.The reason for Le Trung creating Aiko.
B.The introduction to a new scientific product-Aiko.
C.Aiko"s ability or functions.
D.The process of making Aiko.

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New York Time —A gunman killed eight people at a mall in Omaha this afternoon and then killed himself,  setting off panic among holiday shoppers,  the police said.
“The person who we believe to be the shooter has died from self-inflicted gunshot wounds, ” Sgt. Teresa Negron of the Omaha Police Department said at televised news. “We have been able to clear the mall, ” she said. “We don’t believe we have any other shooters. ” The police said that at least five other people had been injured in the shootings. 
She did not give the shooter’s identity. “We are still doing the investigation, ” Sergeant Negron said, adding that the city’s mayor, who was out of town, was on his way back to Omaha.
She said the police received a 911 call from someone inside the Westroads Mall on the west side of Omaha, and shots could be heard in the background. The first police officers arrived at the mall six minutes after the first call, she said, but by then the shootings were over.
It is reported that the gunman left a suicide note that was found at his home by relatives. A law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity (匿名) said the note indicated that the gunman wanted to "go out in style".
The shootings broke the usually banal routine of holiday shopping. The gunman was said by some witnesses to have fired about 20 shots into a crowd. Some customers and workers ran screaming from the mall, while others dived into dressing rooms to hide from the shooter.
Shoppers and store workers were trapped inside the mall, which has roughly 135 stores. Others streamed out of mall exits with their hands raised. President Bush was in Omaha this morning to deliver a speech, but he had left the city by the time the shootings took place.
小题1:Where did the shootings first come out?
A.On a newspaper.B.In the Internet.
C.In TV news. D.In a police poster.
小题2:What do the underlined words “go out in style” probably mean?
A.Go out of the mall in particular clothes.
B.Walk in the mall with everybody focused on.
C.Go to a socially event by fashionable means.
D.Stop his life in an impressive way.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Nobody knows why the shooter did so and nothing was found at his home.
B.The city’s mayor happened not to be in the city when the shootings took place.
C.Police arrived at the mall before the shootings were over and rescued customers.
D.The official who showed what the note meant had no request of his own identity.
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title of the news?
A.Gunman Kills 8 People, Then Himself at a Mall in Omaha
B.Shoppers in Great Panic before the Holiday
C.Bush Happened to Escape a Shot
D.Shooter Found Dead in a Mall on the west of Omaha

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A study of a university in Shanghai had found that many of the students there are using a quote(引语)from the Italian poet Dante as a kind of motto.The study of Fudan University, one of China’s top universities, of 489 students, found that 82 had chosen Dante’s “Follow your own path and don’t worry about what others say” as their motto, out of 278 people who said they had a motto.This was followed by “Believe yourself” and “Self-improvement without stop.”
Students also expressed a common hope for greater understanding and care and said they were always ready to give a hand to those in need.
Some researchers think that mottoes can play an important part in children’s growth and they say that a good motto can help children develop a better character.
小题1:The study shows _________.
A.which university should have mottoes
B.what poems are popular
C.how many students like the motto “Believe yourself.”
D.the majority of the students like to choose their favorite mottoes
小题2:Of the students asked, _______ students have mottoes.
A.about 78%B.about 57% C.about 16%D.about 8%
小题3:The motto “Self-improvement without stop” shares the similar meaning with ______.
A.going on to improve rapidly
B.growing by oneself continuously
C.making oneself better and perfect continuously
D.becoming better without having a break
小题4:The best title for the passage should be _______.
A.Mottoes and Character Developing B.Students and Poet
C.Mottoes and LearningD.Understanding Care

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When I was nine years old I lived in a small town. I found an ad for selling greeting cards in the back of a children’s magazine. I thought to myself I could do this. I begged my mother to let me send for the kit (配件). Two weeks later the kit arrived. The next three hours later, I returned home with no card and a pocket full of money shouting, “Mama, all the people couldn’t wait to buy my cards!” A salesperson was born.
When I was twelve years old, my father took me to see Zig Ziegler. I remember sitting in the dark hall listening to Mr. Ziegler raise everyone’s spirits up to ceiling. I left there feeling like I could do anything. When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, “Dad, I want to make people feel like that.” My father asked me what I meant. “I want to be a motivational speaker just like Mr. Ziegler,” I replied. A dream was born.
Recently, I began pursuing(追求) my dream of motivating others. I realized that everything I had accomplished — the graduate degree, the successful sales career, speaking appointments, training and managing for a major fortune 100 company as a senior manager— had prepared me for this moment. I told my boss who was a great leader I would leave the company though I might not reach such a height in career. He told me to proceed(进行) and he believed I would succeed.
Having made that decision, I was immediately tested. One week after I gave notice, my husband was laid off from his job. We had recently bought a new home and needed both incomes to make the monthly mortgage (抵押) payment and now we were done to no income. I even planned to turn back to my former company, knowing they wanted me to stay but I was certain that if I went back, I would never leave. I decided I still wanted to move forward rather than end up with a mouth full of “if onlys” later on. A motivational speaker was born.
When I held fast to my dream, even during the tough times, the miracles(奇迹) really began to happen. In a short time period my husband found a better job. We didn’t miss a mortgage payment. And I was able to book several speaking appointments with new clients (客户). I discovered the incredible power of dreams. I loved my old job, my workmates and the company I left, but it was time to get on with my dream. To celebrate my success I had a local artist paint my new office as a garden. At the top of one wall she marked, “The world always makes way for the dreamer.
小题1:Why was the kit sent for?
A.Selling greeting cards.B.Collecting greeting cards.
C.Buying greeting cards.D.Sending greeting cards.
小题2:When did the author decide to become a motivational speaker?
A.After buying a new home by mortgage.
B.After giving notice to leave her safe position in the company.
C.After finding a job in a major fortune 100 company.
D.After listening to Mr. Ziegler’s inspiring speech.
小题3:Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A.She was once an excellent manager.
B.She left her post at the height of her career.
C.She was not sure whether the former company could accept her.
D.She didn’t miss paying the monthly mortgage payment.
小题4:What does the underlined sentence mean in the last paragraph?
A.Carry on with your dreams and you will be successful.
B.Risk everything you have for a dream and you will succeed.
C.The world belongs to dreamers.
D.Everyone will find their dreams.

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