当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > Henry Ford was the first person to build cars which were cheap,strong and fast.H...
Henry Ford was the first person to build cars which were cheap,strong and fast.He was able to se11 millions of cars because he could produce them in large numbers at a time;that is,he made many cars of the same kind.Ford’s father hoped that his son would become a farmer,but the young man did not like the idea and he went to Detroit(底特律)where he worked as a mechanic(机械师).By the age of 29,in 1892,he had built his first car.However,the car made in this way,the famous “ Model T ” did not appear until 1908. Five years ago, Ford started his great motor car factory.This kind of car showed to be well-known that it remained unchanged for twenty year.Since Ford’s time,this way of producing cars in large numbers has become common in industry and has reduced the price of many goods which would be very expensive.
小题1:Henry Ford was the man to built _____ cars.
A.cheap and strongB.cheap and long
C.fast and expensiveD.strong and slow
小题2:Ford was able to sell millions of cars,because_____.
A.he made many carsB.his cars are many
C.he made lots of cars of the same kindD.both A and B
小题3:The young man became a mechanic,_______.
A.which was his father’s willB.which was against his own will
C.which was against his father’s willD.which was his teacher’s will
小题4:The “ Model T ” was very famous_____.
A.before 1908B.between 1982 and 1908
C.before 1892D.after 1908
小题5:Ford built his own car factory_____.
A.in 1903B.in 1908 C.in 1913D.in 1897



试题【Henry Ford was the first person to build cars which were cheap,strong and fast.H】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
One of the most famous nursery rhymes(摇篮曲) in the English language is Mary Had a Little Lamb(羔羊). It has touched many children who have read it. It is about the deep love between a young girl and her pet lamb. The poem is from a true story that happened in the early part of the 19th century in the town of Sterling, Massachusetts, in the USA.
Mary Sawyer (1806-1889) lived on a farm with her family. One day, when she was about nine years old, she saw a little lamb that had just been born and left behind by its mother. It was very weak and looked as if it would die at very moment. Mary took pity on the lamb and spent the whole night looking after it. Eventually, it grew strong and became a very close friend with Mary, following her everywhere she went.
One day, the lamb even followed Mary to school. At first she wanted to turn it back but her brother suggested that it would be fun to take the lamb to school. During the class, she hid the lamb under her desk. But when she was called to go to the front of the class, to her surprise, the lamb followed her. Though the students and the teacher thought it was funny to see a lamb at school, the teacher had to ask Mary to keep the lamb outside of the school.
That very day, a young man called John Roulstone was visiting Mary’s school. He was so moved by the love between the child and her little pet lamb that he wrote a poem which he handed to Mary the next day. His poem contained twelve lines.
Later, Sara Josepha Hale added another twelve lines to the poem and published it in 1930 under the title “Mary Had a Little Lamb”. The poem has become a classic, loved by children all over the world. The appeal (吸引力) of the poem lies not only in the funny idea of a sheep going to school but also in the true love between the little girl and her pet. The town of Sterling has honoured Mary’s lamb by building a statue (雕像) of the lamb with Mr Roulstone’s poem below the statue.
小题1:What is the best title for the passage?
A.Mary Had a Little LambB.The Life of Mary Sawyer
C.The Origin of a PoemD.An Animal Friend
小题2:The underlined word “eventually” in the second paragraph most probably means         .
小题3: Why did the poem become a classic?
A.It had another twelve lines added.
B.It was written by a young man.
C.It describes the true love between a little girl and her pet lamb.
D.A statue of lamb was built in the town of Sterling.
小题4:Which could be the right order of the following events according to the passage?
a. The poem “Mary Had a Little Lamb”became popular.
b. Mary’s brother suggested that she take the lamb to school.
c. People built a statue to honor the lamb.
d. Mary found a little lamb.
e. A young man was moved by the story and wrote a poem.
A. d. b. e. c. aB. d. b. e. a. c
C. d. e. b. c. a D. d. e. b. a. c
小题5:Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
A.Mary’s mother was also fond of the little lamb.
B.Mary and the little lamb developed a very close friendship.
C.Mary wrote to John Roulstone and asked him to write the poem.
D.All children were allowed to take their pets to school in America.

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Three  21  ago, my family got our first computer.  22  the beginning of this summer, I found it was too old and I wanted to get a  23  one. After my father. and I talked for a long time, he  24 . We went to many shops and read many ads.   25  we bought an HP computer.
During the first week, I noticed  26  our computer had some problems. I spent many hours   27  to fix it, but it   28  work. So I   29  to phone the HP compa­ny and ask them   30  to work out my problem. They told me to wait until the next morning because all their workers were 31 that day.
The next morning two workers came. It took them many hours to mend it, but the computer    32 did not work. My dad had no other way but to return the whole thing.
A few days later, we decided that I should go on the Internet and order some parts to build a new computer by  33 .
It was not an easy job for me to build a new computer. I tried many times, and in the end I was successful. From these setbacks(挫折), I have learned a lot. Now I be­lieve that if the HP computer hadn"t had any problems,   34  I would not have learned how to build the new one. Even though I spent lots of time on it, I know it wasn"t    35   .
A. daysB. weeksC. monthsD. years
A. AtB.OnC.ToD.For
A. bigB.newC.cheapD.small
A. wonB. paidC. agreedD. received
A. At firstB.At lastC.At onceD. At times
A. ifB. thatC.whatD. how
A. tryB.triedC. to tryD.trying
A. doB. didC. don"tD. didn"t
A. hopedB. haveC.hadD.liked
A. howB. whatC. whyD. where
A.freeB.sadC. busyD.exciting
A.alreadyB.alwaysC. stillD. usually
A.themselvesB. himselfC. itselfD. myself
A. orB. thenC. soD.and
A.a waste of timeB.a successful jobC. a good computerD. a bad company

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Australia is the largest island in the world. It is a little smaller than China. It is in the south of the earth. Australia is big, but its population is small. The population of Australia is nearly as large as that of Shanghai.
Enough laws have been made to fight against pollution. The cities in Australia have got little air or water pollution. The sky is blue and the water is clean. You can clearly see fish swimming in the rivers. Plants grow very well.
Last month we visited Perth, the biggest city in Western Australia, and went to a wild flowers" exhibition (展览).There we saw a large number of wild flowers we had never seen before. We had a wonderful time. Perth is famous for its beautiful wild flowers. In spring every year Perth has the wild flowers" exhibition. After visiting Perth, we spent a day in the countryside. We sat down and had a rest near a path at the foot of a hill. It was quiet and we enjoyed ourselves.
Suddenly we heard bells ringing at the top of the hill. What we saw made us pick up all our things and run back to the car as quickly as we could. There were about three hundred sheep coming towards us down the path.
Australia is famous for its sheep and kangaroos. After a short drive from any town, you will find yourself in the middle of white sheep. Sheep, sheep, everywhere are sheep.
小题1:Australia is                       
A.the largest country in the worldB.larger than China
C.as large as ShanghaiD.not so large as China
小题2:Enough laws have been made to__
A.increase the populationB.grow more plants
C.fight against pollutionD.show wild flowers
小题3:Perth is_       
A.the capital of AustraliaB.in the west of Australia
C.in the east of AustraliaD.the biggest city in Australia
小题4:In Perth you may visit a wild flowers" exhibition in        
小题5:Which of the following sentences is TRUE?
A.All the big cities in Australia are seriously polluted.
B.Australia .is famous for its sheep, kangaroos and large population.
C.We ran back to the car because we were in the middle of the white sheep..
D.If you go to the countryside in Australia, you will see a large number of White sheep.

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A young man was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had loved a beautiful sports car in a dealer’s showroom, and knowing his father could well   16   it, he told him that was all he wanted.
As   17   drew near, the young man expected   18   that his father had bought the car. Finally, on the morning of the special day, his father called him into his study. His father told him how   19   he was to have such a fine son, and how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped (包装好的) gift box. Curious, but a little bit   20  , the young man opened the box and found a lovely Bible (圣经).
Angrily, he raised his   21   to his father and said, “Is a Bible   22   you can give me with all your money?” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible.
Many years   23   and the young man was very successful in business, but   24   his father was very old, he thought perhaps he   25   go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day.   26   he could make the arrangements (安排), he received a telegram which   27   him of his father’s death, and all the possessions (财产) willed (立遗嘱) to him.
  28   arriving at his father’s house, sudden sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to   29   through his father’s important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had   30   it years ago. With tears, he opened the Bible and began to   31  . As he was reading, a car   32   dropped from the back of the Bible.
How many times do we   33   blessings (祝福) because they are not wrapped as we expected? Do not spoil (搞糟) what you have by desiring (渴求) what you have not; but remember what you now have was once   34   the things you hoped for. What may appear as bad fortune (运气) may   35   be the door that is just waiting to be opened.
A.his birthdayB.graduation dayC.sports meetD.examination day
A.allB.thatC.all whatD.that all
A.turn overB.turn onC.turn upD.turn down

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The back door of the ambulance(救护车) was suddenly shut and the driver ran to the front, jumped into his seat, and started the engine. Inside were the  36 parents, Mr and Mrs Green, the mother holding their baby daughter Ally. The little girl had  37 food stuck in her throat and could hardly breathe.
The driver, Mr white, 38  his siren (报警器) and flashing light, and started speeding towards the nearest hospital, fighting against _39 _. The cars ahead of him pulled out of the way as he drove through the  40.  From the back of the 41 the parents were shouting at him to 42 , since Ally had almost stopped  43 . In front of him he saw some traffic lights, with the red “STOP” light shining. Mr White knew that he had no time to 44 , so he drove straight past the traffic lights, looking  45  his left and right as he did so.
Coming towards him from his right was a taxi. The driver had the windows  46 , since the car was air-conditioned, and he was playing his radio. He did not  47  the ambulance. The lights were green, so he drove straight  48  into the path of the ambulance.
Mr White tried to stop his ambulance but it was too late. It hit the taxi. Everybody was shaken but no one was hurt. Mr White looked to see  49 little Ally was. He was astonished to see relief (宽慰) instead of  50  on the faces of the parents.
“Look!” cried Mrs Green. “She is  51  again.”
“It must have been the  52 .” said her husband. “It  53  the food out of her throat.” The baby’s color was turning to normal, and she was crying in a loud but healthy  54 .
They were all joyful, and quite forgot about the accident, the taxi, and the lines of 55  all around them.
A.opened onB.turned onC.turned offD.sped up
A.empty streetB.busy trafficC.crowdsD.deserted place
A.hurryB.be carefulC.stopD.drive
A.thinkB.look aboutC.loseD.miss

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