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When we read books we seem to enter a new world.  This new world can be similar to the one we are living in, or it can be very    1   .  Some stories are told    2   they were true.  Real people who live in a normal world do real things; in other words, the stories are about people just like us doing what we do.  Other stories, such as the Harry Potter books, are not    3   .  They are characters and creatures that are very different from us and do things that would be   4 for us.
But there is more to books and writing than this.  If we think about it, even realistic writing is only    5   .  How can we tell the difference between what is real and what is not real?  For example, when we read about Harry Potter, we do seem to learn something about the real world.  And when Harry studies magic at Hogwarts, he also learns more about his real life than    6   .  Reading, like writing, is an action.  It is a way of    7   .  When we read or write something, we do much more than simply look at words on a page.  We use our    8   --- which is real --- and our imagination ---which is real in a different way --- to make the words    9   in our minds.
Both realism and fantasy use the imagination and the “magic” of reading and writing to make us think.  When we read    10   realistic, we have to imagine that the people we are reading about are just like us, even though we know that we are real and they are not.  It sounds   11   , but it works.  When we read, we fill in missing information and    12   about the causes and effects of what a character does.  We help the writer by pretending that what we read is like real life.  In a way, we are writing the book, too.
Most of us probably don’t think about what is going on in our    13   when we are reading.  We    14   a book and lose ourselves in a good story, eager to find out what will happen next.  Knowing how we feel    15   we read can help us become better readers, and it will help us discover more about the real magic of books.
A.thatB.what C.whetherD.as if
A.lessons B.dreamsC.experienceD.magic
A.come to life B.come to lightC.come to the pointD.come to nothing
A.a newspaper B.somethingC.everythingD.a story
A.turn upB.pick upC.cook upD.bring up


小题9:A 词义辨析。A有了生命;B显露。C点题。D化为乌有。同上。
小题10:B 上下文出来。这里指我们在阅读一些现实主义作品的时候。。。
小题11:C 形容词辨析。指上面的说法即:我们阅读现实主义作品的时候,也要去想象。这样的想法很奇怪。
小题12:D 固定词组。Think about考虑。这里指要考虑因果关系。
小题13:A 名词辨析。A思维;B生活;C世界;D社会。指当我们阅读的时候很多人我们自己的脑海中在想什么。
小题14:B 短语辨析。A出现;B捡起;拿起;C编造;D抚养;这里指我们拿起一本书开始阅读。
小题15:C 连词辨析。这里指当我们在阅读的时候知道自己心中所想也很重要,可以帮助我们成为更好的读者。
试题【When we read books we seem to enter a new world.  This new world can be similar 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Susan Sontag (1933 ------ 2004) was one of the most noticeable figures in the world of literature.  For more than 40 years she made it morally necessary to know everything----- to read every book worth reading, to see every movie worth seeing.  When she was still in her early 30s, publishing essays in such important magazines as Partisan Review, she appeared as the symbol of American culture life, trying hard to follow every new development in literature, film and art.  With great effort and serious judgment, Sontag walked at the latest edges of world culture.
Seriousness was one of Sontag’s lifelong watchwords (格言), but at a time when the barriers between the well-educated and the poorly-educated were obvious, she argued for a true openness to the pleasure of pop culture.  In Notes Camp, the 1964 essay that first made her name, she explained what was then a little-known set of difficult understandings, through which she could not have been more famous.  Notes on Camp, she wrote, represents “a victory of ‘form’ over ‘content’, ‘beauty’ over ‘morals’”.
By conviction she was a sensualist (感觉论者), but by nature she was a moralist, and in the works she published in the 1970s and 1980s, it was the latter side of her that came forward.  In Illness as Metaphor ------published in 1978, after she suffered cancer ------ she argued against the idea that cancer was somehow a special problem of repressed (被压抑的) personalities, a concept that effectively blamed the victim for the disease.  In fact, re-examining old positions was her lifelong habit.
In America, her story of a 19th century Polish actress who set up a perfect society in California, won the National Book Award in 2000.  But it was as a tireless, all-purpose cultural view that she made her lasting fame.
“Sometimes,” she once said, “I feel that, in the end, all I am really defending… is the idea of seriousness, of true seriousness.”  And in the end, she made us take it seriously too.
小题1:It is implied but not stated in the first paragraph that Sontag _________.
A.was a symbol of American cultural life
B.developed world literature, film and art
C.published many essays about world culture
D.kept pace with the newest development of world culture
小题2:She first won her name through _________.
A.publishing essays in magazines like Partisan Review
B.her story of a Polish actress
C.her explanation of a set of difficult understandings
D.her book Illness as Metaphor
小题3:From the works Susan published in the 1970s and 1980s, we can learn that ________.
A.she was more of a moralist than a sensualist
B.she was more of a sensualist than a moralist
C.she believed repressed personalities mainly led to illness
D.she would like to re-examine old positions
小题4:According to the passage, Susan Sontag would agree to the ideas except _________.
A.We should try hard to follow every new development in literature, film and art.
B.Cancer can be defeated because it is a special problem of repressed personalities.
C.‘Form’ should be over ‘content’, ‘beauty’ should be over ‘morals.
D.We should defend the idea of seriousness, of true seriousness.
小题5:What is the passage mainly about?
A.A lifelong watchword: seriousness
B.Susan Sontag is the symbol of American culture
C.How Susan Sontag became famous
D.An introduction to Susan Sontag and her watchword

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Yesterday was my stepmother’s birthday. I haven’t been home for a long time, so I wanted to stop by the house to  36  her on this special day. I have been  37  
on a low income so I was afraid that I couldn’t afford the long  38 . Gas is so expensive nowadays!  39 , I filled my tank with gas and set off.  
I  40  at a shopping mall and found a present. It was the  41  gift and I knew she would love it.  42  when I got to the cashier, my card was 43  !
I didn’t have enough money to  44  the gift!
So I thought about the 45  for a few minutes. I could put it back and get something  46 , but I knew there was 47  else in the store she would have liked as much. So, I transferred some money from my saving account and was able to buy the gift. It took a  48  part of my savings but I wanted her to have something special.
It turned out that she loved the gift and I  49  that even though I had spent almost all my money, my stepmother  50  the best. I was glad I gave her the best I could.
Before I  51  my parents’ house, my dad took me to one side and, with our secret handshake, he gave me some money. I hadn’t  52  anything to him about my financial  53  , but I guessed my dad just knew. When I got to the car, I saw the  54  he gave me was three times what I had spent on the gas and the gift! It shows that doing the right thing always comes with great  55  .
A.hang onB.hand outC.make up D.pay for

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When Han Duan started her professional career at 16, China’s national women’s football team was defeated in the final of the World Cup by the US. While she was asked to play in her first World Cup in 2003, she largely remained on the bench after the first match.
But things have changed. Now, Han is one of the most important players in China’s team. “I can’t wait to play. Life is short. You must make the most out of it,” Han always says like that. 
Han wants every possible honor that a football player can get — an Asian Cup, a World Cup and an Olympic medal. She has always been good at sports, especially swimming and horizontal bars. At school, she was the fastest in the 60m and 100m.
But the reason she picked football was that she wanted to get more compliments (称赞). “Football is for boys. But I feel more fulfilled when I can do better than them and win more compliments,” she said. Later, when she entered a football school, the coach always asked Han to show others what to do.
However, nobody can be good at everything. Han described her singing as “howling” and the only school subject she was good at was Chinese. “I was very happy every time my essay was posted on the wall for my schoolmates to read.” But Han still has some regrets about her school years. Her handwriting was terrible at school. She ever wanted to improve her handwriting but didn’t achieve much.
“My fans ask for my signature (签名), so I’d better practice and practice. It’s not too late,” she says.
小题1:In the World Cup in 2003, Han Duan was a(n) ______.
A.member of the audienceB.unimportant player
C.team captainD.fan of a sports star
小题2:What does the underlined part in the second paragraph imply?
A.Han Duan seizes every chance to learn more to fulfill herself.
B.Han Duan never wastes any of her practicing time.
C.Han Duan seizes every chance to take part in matches.
D.Han Duan has become ill and she will die quite soon.
小题3:According to the passage, we know that Han Duan ________.
A.has won an Asian Cup, a World Cup and an Olympic medal
B.was good at sports when she was at school
C.did very well in singing and Chinese when she was at school
D.often gets compliments because of her beautiful handwriting
小题4:From the fourth paragraph, it can be inferred that Han Duan most probably ________.
A.felt sad as the boys laughed at her
B.felt proud as she got compliments from others
C.felt sad as she was too strong as a girl
D.hated herself as she couldn’t do anything else well
小题5:What’s the best title of this passage?
A.Growth of a sports star.B.The World Cup.
C.Honor of a football player.D.Star of tomorrow.

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When I first got an e-mail account ten years ago, I received communications only from family, friends, and colleagues. Now it seems that every time I check my e-mail, I have an endless series of advertisements and other correspondence that do not interest me at all. If we want e-mail to continue to be useful, we need specific laws that make spamming(发送垃圾邮件) a crime.
If lawmakers do not do something soon to prohibit spam, the problem will certainly get much worse. Computer programs allow spammers to send hundreds of millions of e-mails almost instantly. As more and more advertisers turn to spam to sell their products, individual(个人的) e-mail boxes are often flooded with spam e-mails. Would people continue to use e-mail if they had to deal with an annoying amount of spam each time?
This problem is troubling for individuals and companies as well. Many spam e-mails contain computer viruses that can shut down the entire network of a company. Companies rely on e-mail for their employees to communicate with each other. Spam frequently causes failures in their local communications networks, and their employees are thus unable to communicate effectively. Such a situation results in a loss of productivity and requires companies to repeatedly repair their networks. These computer problems raise production costs of companies, which are, in the end, passes on to the consumer.
For these reasons, I believe that lawmakers need to legislate (立法) against spam. Spammers should be fined, and perhaps sent to prison if they continue to disturb people. E-mail is a tool which helps people all over the world to communicate conveniently, but spam is destroying this convenience.
小题1:According to the text, what is the major cause of the flooding spam?    
A.Companies rely on e-mail for communications.
B.More people in the world communicate by e-mail.
C.More advertisers begin to promote sales through spam.
D.Many computer viruses contain spam e-mail.
小题2:According to Paragraph 3, who is the final victim of spam?             
A.The businessB.The advertiserC.The consumerD.The employee
小题3:What is the purpose of the text?
A.To informB.To educateC.To instruct D.To persuade

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It was Saturday when the entire summer world was bright and fresh. Tom looked at the fence, which was long and high, feeling all enthusiasm leaving him. He dipped his brush into the whitewash before moving it along the top board of the fence. He knew other boys would arrive soon with all minds of interesting plans for this day. As walking past him, they would tease him for having to work on a beautiful Saturday—which burnt him like fire.
He, putting his hands into his pockets and taking out all he owned with the expectation of letting someone paint, found nothing that could buy half an hour of freedom. At this dark and hopeless moment, a wonderful idea occurred to him, pouring a great bright light into his mind. He took up his brush and continued to work pleasantly with calm and quietness.
Presently, Ben Rogers came in sight—munching an apple and making joyful noises like the sound of a riverboat as he walked along. Tom went on whitewashing, paying no attention to the steamboat. 
“Hello!” Ben said, “I’m going swimming, but you can’t go, can you?”
No answer. Tom moved his brush gently along the fence and surveyed the result. Ben came nearer. Tom’s mouth watered for Ben’s apple while he kept painting the fence.
Ben said, “That’s a lot of work, isn’t it?”
Tom turned suddenly saying “Here you are! Ben! I didn’t notice you.”
“I’m going swimming,” Ben said. “Don’t you wish you could go? Or would you rather work?”
Tom said, “Work? What do you mean ‘work’?”
“Isn’t that work?”
Tom continued painting and answered carelessly, “Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t. All I know is it suits Tom Sawyer.”
“Do you mean that you enjoy it?”
“I don’t see why I oughtn’t to enjoy it.”
“Does a boy have a chance to paint a fence frequently” said Tom.
Ben stopped munching his apple.
Tom moved his brush back and forth—stepped back to note the effect—added a little paint here and there. Ben watched every move, getting more and more interested, more and more absorbed1. After a short time, he said, “Tom, let me whitewash a little.”
Tom seemed to be thinking for a moment before he said, “No, Aunt Polly wants this fence to be perfect. If it was the back fence, maybe you could do it. But this fence beside the street is where everybody can see it. It has to be done right.”
“Oh, come on, let me try. I’ll be careful. Listen, Tom. I’ll give you part of my apple if you let me paint.”
“No, Ben, I’m afraid—”
“I’ll give you all the apple!”
Tom handed the brush to Ben with unwillingness on his face but alacrity in his heart. While the riverboat worked and sweated in the hot sun, Tom, an artist sat in the shade close by, munching his apple, and planning how he could trick more of the boys.
Before long there were enough boys each of whom came along the street; stopped to laugh but soon begged to be allowed to paint. By the middle of the afternoon, Tom had got many treasures while the fence had had three layers of whitewash on it. If he hadn’t run out of whitewash, he would have owned everything belonging to the boys in the village.
Tom said to himself that the world was not so depressing after all. He had discovered a great law of human action: in order to make a man cover a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.
小题1:By using “Tom continued painting and answered carelessly”, the author shows Tom ______ when he was talking to Ben.
A.made mistakesB.damaged thingsC.was naturalD.wasn’t concentrating
小题2:The underlined word “alacrity” in the last but two paragraph most probable means “______”.
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ________
A.Tom did not want to go swimming at all
B.Tom was asked to help Aunt Polly paint the fence
C.Tom did not get along well with his friends
D.Tom was very busy that Saturday afternoon.
小题4:We can draw a conclusion from the last paragraph that _______.
A.forbidden fruit is sweet.B.a friend in need is a friend indeed.
C.all good things must come to an end.D.a bad excuse is better than none.

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