当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 完成句子1. Only through study ________________(才能获得知识). (obtain)2. ________________(...
1. Only through study ________________(才能获得知识). (obtain)
2. ________________(国与国之间的时尚不同)may reflect the cultural differences from one
aspect. (differ)
3. These profits are based on the assumption ____________________(物价在上涨). (rise)
4. I suggested not only ________________(他出席会议)but also give a speech there. (attend)
5. Little ________________(妈妈禁止我)to do whatever I like except when I play computer games
long. (forbid)
6. There is a new problem involved in the popularity of private cars that road conditions need
______________(提高). (improve)
7. It is in the village school ________________(他积累了)a lot of teaching experience during the
past 10 years. (accumulate)
8. The news came, as expected, ________________(她被选中)to be a foreign aid doctor to go to
Africa where people are suffering a lot from AIDS. (choose)
9. There are laws in some countries which forbid ________________(上演广告)at inappropriate
times and places. (show)
10. He was cast down by ________________(剥夺了机会)of attending the meeting. (deny)
1. can knowledge be obtained     2. That fashion differs from country to country   3. that prices are rising
4. should he attend the meeting    5. does my mother forbid me    6. to be improved/ improving
7. that he has accumulated    8. that she was chosen     9. advertisements being shown
10. being denied the opportunity
试题【完成句子1. Only through study ________________(才能获得知识). (obtain)2. ________________(】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]
完成句子1 .The mother ,much to the surprise of the doctors ,won"t want her daughter ________________
( 动手术)this week.(operate)
2 .His wife is constantly finding fault with him ,________________( 这让他很烦). (annoy)
3 .Had you come a little earlier ,you ________________( 适应) the life here last year.(adapt)
4 .Word came ________________( 他已经辞职了) and would return the next year.(resign)
5 .There were so many people __________( 缺席会议) that the meeting had to be put off.(absent)
6 .To make sure he ________________( 关了窗) ,Tom returned to check them carefully.(shut)
7 ._______________( 没有预料) the risks in the stock market ,they are now suffering a great financial
loss. (predict)
8 .He ________________( 不可能在打扫) the classroom now. I saw him playing basketball on the
playground a moment ago.(clean)
9 .Another primary school is reported ________________( 建造好了) for children in Wenchuan now.
10 .The problems ________________( 要讨论的)at the meeting tomorrow are really hard to solve.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
1. The idea ____________( 似乎被淡忘了)and the club was never formed.(fade)
2. The cave ____________( 也许永远不会为人所知)had not the entrance been spotted by French
     pot -holer ,Berger.(discover)
3. I don"t know why the woman __________( 甘心忍受) her husband"s cruelty to her in the past few
4. In terms of quality ,the product of our company is ____________( 比其他公司的好). (superior)
5. I explained to her that last night it was already eleven p. m. ____________( 飞机起飞) ,so I didn"t
    ring to disturb her. (take)
6. I didn"t know his telephone number otherwise I ________________( 会给他打电话). (telephone)
7. He ________________( 仍拿不定主意)over whether to join the expedition.(hesitate)
8. __________( 无论他多么晚) ,his mother would wait for him to have dinner together.(however)
9. Not until the teacher explained it again ________________( 我们才理解)the sentence.(sense)
10. They soon realized that ,unless carefully ______________( 处理) ,the situation would become even worse.(deal)
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
1. Under a new ten-year plan, our company ________________(正在改变)into an international
corporation.  (transform)
2. With the rapid development of medical science, we ________________(会看到)more new drugs
used in the treatment of cancer. (see)
3. He chose one large stone and began to hit one of the scrapers hard on the edge ________________(需要磨锋利的). (sharpen)
4. I"ll never forget the most wonderful holiday ________________(我们住在乡下的)with my
grandparents. (stay)
5. To every one of us, ________________(被北大录取)is a great honor.  (admit)
6. Every year one million tourists visit Stonehenge, which is believed ________________(修建) before
the Pyramids, about 4,000 years ago.  (construct )
7. My bicycle isn"t where I put it.  Who ______________(可能移动) it? (move)
8. On the wall is a blackboard ________________(上面写着)some words, "It is no use sitting here
without listening to me." (write)
9. Medical researchers have painfully realized that there are many problems to ________________
(他们没有找到) any solution so far.  (find)
10. It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones:he ________________
(可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand)
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完成句子1. So ________________(地震如此猛烈)that people didn"t escape before they realized it.(violent)
2. It was at the very beginning that she made the decision ________________(我们派遣)more 
    firefighters there.(send)
3. ________________(我们应该制定一项计划)to deal with the present serious situation is
   important. (work)
4. It was James Watt"s observation of steam from a kettle ________________(产生)the idea of the
    steam engine.(birth)
5. Whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on ________(是否
    能解决这一问题). (solve)
6. People in Chongqing are proud of ________________(他们所取得的成就)in the past ten years.
7. I was ________________(拜访他)last Wednesday but I had an unexpected visitor.(see)
8. All those second-hand goods are sold ________________(以低于30%的价格) than before.(low)
9. News came from the school office ________________( 她已被录取) Beijing University.(admit)
10. An air France jet is reported ________________( 坠落)in the Atlantic Ocean with 228 people
      aboard,   the airline"s worst disaster in its 75 -year history.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完成句子1 .All of the flowers now raised here have developed from those ______________
( 一度生长在深林里的) .(grow)
2 .If times ________________( 变了) ,have our ways of thinking changed too ?(change)
3 .He hurried to the hospital leaving ________________( 早饭未吃完) .(unfinish)
4 .We could have a good view of the lake __________( 从我们住的地方) .(where)
5 .You can"t see through the telescope ______________( 直到调整好) to your eyes.(adjust)
6 .Mary as well as her classmates ________________( 一直在做准备) for an important examination
7 .We ________________( 本来可以完成任务)on time ,but the traffic delay destroyed all our plan.
8 .It is widely acknowledged that never ______________( 中国参加)in any nuclear arms race and
never deployed nuclear weapons abroad.(participate)
9 .The mother rather than the twins ________________( 在动手术)by Doctor Thomas now.(operate)
10 .The deed ________________( 她两次捐款)to the Hope Project inspires all the people in her
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