当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 翻译 > 句子翻译1. 他努力工作直到1854年得出了结论。He worked hard until he ________  ________  __________ ...


1. 他努力工作直到1854年得出了结论。
He worked hard until he ________  ________  __________ in 1854.
2. 现在许多农民想脱离农业到城市谋生。
Nowadays many farmers want to ______  ______  _______ farming and make a living in cities.
3. 英国是由几个部分组成的?
How many countries does the UK ________  __________?
4. 这就是我们这个行业的诀窍了。
This is a ___________ of the ___________ .
5. 同时, 你还要根据被采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。
Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question ________  _______ what the person says.
6. 当没有人能够找到绷带的时候, 他的父亲就从屋里拿出一些擦杯盘的布和胶带来。
When nobody could _______  _______  _______  ________ any bandages, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house.
7. 急救知识的确能发挥重要的作用。
A knowledge of first aid can ________  ________

1. drew/reached/made a conclusion  
2. break away from  
3. consist of  
4. trick, trade  
5. depending on  
6. put their hands on    
7. make a real difference
试题【句子翻译1. 他努力工作直到1854年得出了结论。He worked hard until he ________  ________  __________ 】;主要考察你对翻译等知识点的理解。[详细]
It seemed that the water_________  _________   ___________.
However, the southern part of Irland was unwilling and_____ _____to form its own government.
He often _____________ food and clothing __________  the Red Cross.
4. 值得称赞的是汤姆及时地把事故中的受害者送到了医院.
Tom, _______ _______ _______, sent the victims in the accident to the hospital in time.
Now when people ___________ to England you find Wales ___________ as well.
However , I _____  _____  _____Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market.
____________  ___________these reasons, he said nothing
In the factory, the workers get _____________ by the piece
The downgrade of America"s credit rating _________  ________  a fall in global stock market.
题型:福建省月考题难度:| 查看答案
1. 人们总是爱拿我穿的衣服开玩笑。
    People always enjoy _____  ______  ______ the clothes I wear.
2. 你在图书馆遇到的不可能是约翰。他不在这儿,他在北京。
    The man you met at the library can"t be John. He is_____  ____Beijing.
3. 你为什么突然拍我的肩膀,我都吓死了。
    Why did you pat me on the shoulder suddenly? I was______ _______ ______.
4. It is said that the president          _______     _   (有风流韵事)with a beautiful actress.
5. 从假日回来的时候,约翰发现他的工作越积越多。
    John found that his work had been_____ _____when he was back from the holiday.
6. 我的生活很充实,没有时间闲坐着顾影自怜。
    I have a very busy life with no time_______ ________ __________feeling sorry for myself.
7. 一刻不停地,我们和其他捕鲸人都跳进渔船,朝海湾方向驶去。
    _____ _____we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay.
8. 从詹姆斯的脸上我能看出他非常恐慌,生怕被我们遗弃。
    From James" face, I could see he was terrified of________ _________by us.
题型:福建省月考题难度:| 查看答案
1. 你见到那副令人害怕的图画吗?
2. 我们怎样才能说服他们加入我们?
3. Tom因为没能参加她的生日道歉。
4. 今晚八点我去接你。
5. 你能借尽可能多的书。
题型:河南省月考题难度:| 查看答案
句子翻译1. 他承认有责任的是他。
    He admitted that it was he who _______ ________ ________.
2. 直到她摘下眼镜我才认出她来。
    Not until she_________  __________her glasses_______ ________ _________her.
3. 这些措施旨在防止暴力犯罪。(aim)
   These measures _________  _________  _________  stopping violent crime.
4. 回答老师的问题后,她坐下来,感到轻松多了.
   ________  ________ the teacher"s questions, she sat down and felt much more ______.
5. 要是没有筋疲力尽的话,我们就赢了.
   We _________ _________ __________ if we _________ __________ _____________ of energy.
题型:福建省月考题难度:| 查看答案
1. Every minute is_   _ _       _    _        _ _       _      our lessons well.(use)
2. Later in the next century, people from England made voyages to conquer other parts of the world
and ____  ____ that, English began to be spoken in many other countries.(because)
下个世纪的晚期, 从英格兰来的人利用航海征服了世界上的其它一些地方, 也正因为如此, 英语开始在其它许多国家使用.
3. ____ ____her accent, she must be from Shanghai.(judge)
从她的口音判断, 她肯定来自上海.
4. Many students believe the choice of their courses and universities__  _ _    _ _    _ _      their own
5. The officer commanded that everyone passing by____ ____that day.(search)
6. _      _      _   _ _      _      _      _       , I"ll keep my business going.(even)
即使要卖掉我的房子, 我也要让生意进行下去.
7. The UN_      _      _    _ __    _    _international relations.(part)
8. It is so nice to hear from her._   _ _    _ _   _ _    _, we last met more than twenty years ago.(believe)
收到她的来信真是令人愉快.信不信由你, 我们上次见面是在二十多年前.
9. People_    _ _   _ _   _ _    _would have a discussion on pollution.(present)
10. He asked us to be quiet and_        _     _ _   __ _      _.(disturb)
他要求我们安静, 并且不要去打扰他.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
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