— ________.
B. It still leaves something to be improved
C. It will be corrected by the teacher
D. It was written in ink
试题【— What do you think of Mary"s composition?— ________. [ ]A. It was written i】;主要考察你对疑问句等知识点的理解。[详细]
— .
A. They were destroyed in the earthquake
B. The earthquake was destroying them
C. They destroyed in the earthquake
D. The earthquake destroyed them
1. Can you move just two matches to create seven squares ?
2. What country is popular on Thanksgiving Day?
1. What do every couple have in common?
2. Where can a dog get another tail?
— I am simply tired of life here.
A. You"ve just taken the words out of my mouth.
B. Enjoy yourself.
C. I can"t afford the time.
D. Where should we go?
over a bridge. One-fifth of the length of the bridge goes over land on one side of the river, and one-fifth
of the length of the bridge goes over land on the other side of the river. What is the total length of the
Answer: _
2. There is a new film, the price of which is 20 dollars for each adult and 10 for each child; if you buy
three tickets or more you will have a 10% discount; Susan, a primary school student, together with her
parents is going to see the film. How much will they pay?
Answer: _
- 1小明最近很烦恼,觉得周围同学不尊重他。请你告诉他受人尊重的奥秘是[ ]A.尊重他人B.奉承他人C.藐视他人D.迎
- 2三角形的一边长为14,这条边所对的角为60°,另两边长度之比为8:5则此三角形的面积为_____________.
- 3Ⅰ.工业上常用电解饱和食盐水的方法制备氯气,其装置如图1所示,如果在饱和食盐水中滴加酚酞,通电后______ (填X或Y
- 4闵子骞单衣顺母闵子骞,名损,鲁人也。父娶后妻,生二子。骞供养父母,孝敬无怠。后母嫉之,所生亲子,衣加棉絮,子骞与芦花絮衣
- 5如图,△ABC的角平分线AD、BE交于点F,点F到边BC的距离为2cm,那么点F到边AC的距离为( )cm.
- 6如图,所示的计算程序中,y与x之间的函数关系对应的图象所在的象限是 ( ) A.第一象限B.第一、三象限C.第二、
- 7阅读下面的文言文,完成后面小题。钱蛰庵征君述全祖望公讳光绣,字圣月,晚号蛰庵。先生少负异才,随侍其父侨居硖石,因尽交浙西
- 8生物的数量超过了环境的承载力后,会违背生态工程的哪一基本原理[ ]A.整体性原理B.系统性原理C.协调与平衡原理
- 9-________is the coat? - It"s 30 yuan.[ ]A. How soo
- 10常温时,下列溶液的pH或微粒的物质的量浓度关系正确的是A.某溶液中由水电离出的c(H+)=1×10-amol/L,若a>
- 132He可以作为核聚变材料。下列关于32He的叙述正确的是A.32He和31H互为同位素B.32He原子核内中子数为2C
- 2【题文】如果函数,那么
- 3如图,α⊥β,α∩β=l,A∈α,B∈β,A、B到l的距离分别是a和b,AB与α、β所成的角分别是θ和φ,AB在α、β内
- 4如图,在△ABC和△DEF中,已知AB=DE,BC=EF,根据(SAS)判定△ABC≌△DEF,还需的条件是( )A.
- 5下列药物类型中由于过度使用,会导致人类面临无药可用的危机的是( )A.中成药B.抗生素C.抗酸药D.解热镇痛药
- 6 已知 ( )A 2 B -1 C 2或-1 D
- 7在一块长16m,宽12m的矩形荒地上,要建造一个花园,要求花园所占面积为荒地面积的一半、下面分别是小王和小李的设计方案,
- 8现有三组溶液:①汽油和氯化钠溶液 ②39%的乙醇溶液 ⑧氯化钠和单质碘的水溶液,分离以上各混合液的正确方法依次是 [
- 9X、Y均为元素周期表中前20号元素,其简单离子的电子层结构相同,下列说法正确的是( ) A.由mXa+与nYb-
- 10在168O、188O、2311Na、2412Mg、146C、147N中:(1)、______和______互为同位素;(