[ ]
B. that
C. how
D. which
试题【I was surprised by her words, which made me recognize ____ silly mistakes I had 】;主要考察你对名词性从句等知识点的理解。[详细]
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B. how much do they cost
C. how much they cost
D. how much are they cost
[ ]
B. if he could
C. whether could he
D. if could he
-I didn"t understand_______ during the lecture.
[ ]
B. how did she say
C. that she was talking about
D. what she was teaching
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B. what"s the trouble
C. what the matter was
D. what was the matter
[ ]
B. what it is that
C. that it is
D. what. is it that
- 1When they heard the bad news, they all looked____at the mast
- 2The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather_
- 3实验操作考查时,要求考生配制50g5%的NaCl溶液,所给仪器都会用到的一组是( )A.胶头滴管玻璃棒烧杯量筒B.托盘
- 4美国总统与英国国王的职权( )A.都掌握国家最高行政权B.都是虚设之位C.总统有权,英王“统而不治”D.都有
- 5Hello. You ____68442936. I’m sorry I’m unable to answer your
- 6下列各句中加点的熟语使用不恰当的一句是 ( )A.现代的年轻人大多是
- 7The couple have decided to________buying a car until their e
- 8I have to go to bed ___ _ 9 o"clock. [ ]A.
- 9图甲中A、B、C、D四条曲线表示北半球不同纬度在6月22日的太阳高度日变化,图乙是“一年中最大正午太阳高度与最小正午太阳
- 10与我国降水空间分布特点相符的是[ ]A.从东北地区向西南地区递减B.从东南沿海向西北内陆递减C.从中部地区向东、
- 1I can __________ many things on the table. [ ]
- 2小明照镜子的时候,发现T恤上的英文单词在镜子中呈现“”的样子,请你判断这个英文单词是______.
- 3已知等腰三角形的周长为8 ,边长为整数,求这个三角形的腰长。
- 4已知椭圆为其左、右焦点,A为右顶点,l为左准线,过的直线与椭圆相交于P,Q两点,且有(1)求椭圆C的离心率e的最小值;(
- 5小明学习非常刻苦,早上很早就起床念书,上课从来没做小动作和随意讲话,中午没休息就做作业,晚上也忙到十一点后才睡觉,可学习
- 6材料一 1970年,原油价格每桶还不到两美元,到2003年美国发动伊拉克战争前,油价为每桶37美元左右,2008年6月
- 7已知点是曲线上任意一点,则点到直线的距离的最小值是 .
- 8(7分)自2009年3月起,从墨西哥、美国等国逐渐扩散到全世界的甲型H1N1型流感暴发疫情,引起了全球关注和积极应对。防
- 9将两块表面光滑的铅块相互紧压后,它们会粘在一起,这是因为分子间存在______;液体很难压缩,这是因为分子间存在____
- 10做过双侧输卵管结扎手术的育龄妇女,一般将不再具有生育能力,分析其原因正确的是[ ]A.卵巢不能产生和排出卵细胞B