If he ________ my advice,he wouldn’t have lost his job.[ ]
B.should follow
C.had followed
D.would follow
B.should follow
C.had followed
D.would follow
试题【If he ________ my advice,he wouldn’t have lost his job.[ ]A.followed B.sho】;主要考察你对虚拟语气等知识点的理解。[详细]
-Where are the children? The dinner’s going to be completely ruined.
-I wish they ________always late. [ ]
B.hadn’t been
C.wouldn’t be
D.wouldn’t have been
-I wish they ________always late. [ ]
B.hadn’t been
C.wouldn’t be
D.wouldn’t have been
Whatever your parents ________ you-there is real Santa Claus. And I should know, because I’ve seen him myself![ ]
A.may tell
B.could tell
C.may have told
D.must have told
A.may tell
B.could tell
C.may have told
D.must have told
I ________ sooner but I didn’t know that they were waiting for me.A.had come
B.was coming
C.would come
D.would have come
B.was coming
C.would come
D.would have come
I ______ the poor rabbit,but I didn"t have the right drugs with me at that moment.[ ]
A. saved
B. had saved
C. could save
D. could have saved
A. saved
B. had saved
C. could save
D. could have saved
- Mother hasn’t come back yet.
- Well, she ought ____. [ ]
A. to
B. to be
C. to do
D. to have
- Well, she ought ____. [ ]
A. to
B. to be
C. to do
D. to have
- 1Money is very important, ______ it isn"t the most important
- 2 一般来说,板块内部比较_______,板块与板块交界处有张裂拉伸、有碰撞挤压、地壳比较______,最容易发生___
- 3She’s the equal of her brother________intelligence is concer
- 4Beijing is cold this time ______. You need ______ warm cloth
- 5下图为世界某一区域,图中曲线为某季节等压线分布状况,完成下题。小题1:对图示丙半岛现象叙述正确的是 A.半岛上
- 6以下旅游名胜与所在地连线正确的是[ ]A.缅甸仰光——水上市场 B.印度尼西亚——婆罗浮屠 C.越南——吴哥窟
- 7养蚕是为了获得蚕丝,要使蚕丝产量提高,应该设法延长家蚕的哪个发育期( )A.卵B.幼虫C.蛹D.成虫
- 8人类社会在本质上也是客观的,因为①人类社会是物质世界长期发展的产物 ②社会地理环境是客观的 ③人口因素是客观存在的
- 9在中国古代,农业、手工业的发展促进了商业的繁荣,商业的繁荣又与城市的繁荣密切相关。阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料一 (中国
- 10若直线与直线垂直,则A.2B.1 C.1D.2
- 1下列是初中物理中的几个探究实例:①探究“光的反射规律”;②探究“液体内部的压强与哪些因素有关”;③探究磁场时,引入“磁感
- 2【题文】已知函数满足 且当时总有,其中. 若,则实数的取值范围是
- 3因式分解(1)3a2-6ab(2)x2(a-b)+4y2(b-a)
- 4一船在静水中的划行速率为5m/s,要横渡一条宽30m、流速为3m/s的河流,此船渡河的最短时间为 s,此船渡河的最短
- 5若∃x∈[2,3],使得x2-x+3+m>0成立,则m的取值范围是______.
- 6下表是12月5日甲、乙、丙、丁四地的白昼时间,根据表中数据回答问题。(1)四地按纬度从低到高依次是___________
- 7(坐标系与参数方程选做题)极坐标系中,直线l的极坐标方程为ρsin(θ+)=2,则极点在直线l上的射影的极坐标是____
- 8(2011年山东威海,3题)下列哪种方式不可能用于分离饱和溶液中的溶质和溶剂A.过滤B.蒸发C.蒸馏D.结晶
- 9如图所示A.、B分别表示某一个门电路两个输入端的信号,Z表示该门电路输出端的信号,则根据波形可以判断该门电路是(
- 10不改变原意,用两种不同的改法将下面句子改为单句。(4分)阿Q是个***农民,生活在半殖民地半封建中国的农村,生活在同赵太爷