—But you________.
A.ought | B.ought to | C.oughted to | D.ought to have |
试题【—I didn"t go to see the doctor yesterday. —But you________. A.ought B.ought】;主要考察你对虚拟语气等知识点的理解。[详细]
—I’d like to walk. But since there isn"t much time left, I"d rather we________ a taxi.
A.walking; hire | B.to walk; hire | C.to walk; hired | D.walking; hired |
—She________ask her boyfriend to if she ________go walking in the forest.
A.needn"t to; dares to | B.doesn"t need; dares |
C.need not to; dare to | D.needn"t; dare |
A.can’t have followed | B.needn’t have followed |
C.mustn’t have followed | D.shouldn’t have followed |
—____ my students have a try?
A.Shall | B.Will | C.Could | D.Should |
A.could have told | B.must have told | C.should tell | D.might rell |
- 1若函数是一次函数,则m=_______,且随的增大而
- 2下列运算中,正确的是【 】A.3a2﹣a2=2B.(a2)3=a5C.a3•a6=a9D.(2a2)2=2a4
- 3It was the first time that a Canadian ________ a gold medal
- 4.The story goes ____ William Tell did kill the tyrant with t
- 5Other _____ to school by boat.A. boy goesB. boys goes C. boy
- 6已知(1+ax)(1+x)5的展开式中x2的系数为5,则a=________.
- 7不等式的解集为( ).
- 8用计算器计算:sin23°24′≈( )。(保留3个有效数字)
- 9因式分解:
- 10.The company ______ a survey to find out customers’ reaction
- 1某质点做直线运动的v-t图象如图所示,由图可知( )A.物体先做匀加速直线运动再做反方向的匀减速运动B.前2s内的加速
- 2在如图所示的几何体中,四边形是菱形,是矩形,平面⊥平面,,,,是的中点.(Ⅰ)求证://平面;(Ⅱ)在线段上是否存在点,
- 3如图的转盘中,表示某次乒乓球比赛中,小明、小亮两人获胜的可能性,转动转盘,当指针停止转动时,落在阴影区域的可能性 ___
- 4
- 5面对国际金融危机对我国经济的冲击,我国政府审时度势,及时提出并实施了积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策。2009年我国政
- 6当x=5时,代数式-2x+1的值为______.
- 7马克思说过,只要英国人“把机器用于一个有煤有铁的国家的交通上”,“就无法阻止这个国家去制造这些机器了”。对于这段话的正确
- 82008年8月第29届奥运会将在北京开幕,5个城市的国际标准时间(单位:时)在数轴上表示如图所示,那么北京时间2008年
- 9“自尊者达观”,面对他人批评时的正确态度是[ ]①自以为自己了不起 ②不会太在意别人的议论和态度 ③对待别人的议
- 10由两种原子构成的纯净物( )A.一定是化合物B.可能是单质,也可能是化合物C.一定是单质D.一定是同素异形体