B. showing
C. having showed
D. to have showed
activities are more difficulty than they are for others. It is also
often disappointed to find that other people do not feel
comfortable together with someone who are disabled.
Perhaps we should all listen Xiaowen"s advice.
"Sometimes I wonder why they call myself disabled," she says.
"I have learnt to live with my body as it is and adjust
my way of life." Maybe it is time for the rest of society
accept me as I am and get used to the fact which while I may
not be able to walk, there are many the other great things I can do."
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
8. ______
9. ______
10. ______
B. have become
C. having become
D. becoming
B. to be working
C. working
D. work
B. to think of
C. thought of
D. think of
B. playing
C. to play
D. be playing
- 1A survey showed that _______ Chinese kungfu movies remain po
- 2唯物辩证法的总特征是① 联系的观点 ②发展的观点 ③实践的观点 ④群众的观点A.①②B
- 3. This English newspaper is believed to be a highly valuable
- 4如图,在平面直角坐标系中,已知:△ABC的三个顶点的坐标分别是A(4,6)、B(0,0)、C(6,0).(1)求AO、A
- 5斯大林决定实行农业全盘集体化的主要目的是 [ ]A.配合国家工业化建设的顺利进行 B.克服粮食收购危机 C.工业
- 6下列词语中没有错别字的一项是( )A.殒身不恤辽廓大地息息相关没精打采B.轻歌慢舞了截爽直汗流浃背旁稽博采C.锋
- 7已知p:关于x的方程ax2+2x+1=0至少有一个负实根,q:a≤1,则q是p的( )A.充要条件B.充分不必要条件C
- 8下列各组离子因发生水解反应而不能大量共存的是( )A.Ba2+、Cl-、Na+、SB.Al3+、K+、HC、Cl-C.
- 9舞蹈《千手观音》,主要运用了手的变化来达佛教传说中观世音菩萨的千变万化。21位演员通过手的丰富多彩的变化和出人意料的组合
- 10(7分)两实验小组使用相同规格的元件,按右图电路进行测量。他们将滑动变阻器的滑臂P分别置于a、b、c、d、e、f、g七个
- 1Ⅰ溴被称为海洋元素,向盐卤中通入氯气可制得溴:Cl2 + 2NaBr = 2NaCl + Br2,该反应被氧化的元素为_
- 2下列图形是某些多面体的平面展开图,说出这些立体图形的名称.(1)( );(2)( );(3)( )。
- 3质量和体积都相等的空心铜球和铝球都漂浮在水面上,空心部分体积较大的是 ______球,它们受到的浮力 ______.(ρ
- 4下列生理现象的发生,不需要其他部位供应生长素的是[ ]A.棉花侧芽的生长受到抑制B.玉米胚芽鞘尖端以下部位的弯曲
- 5The song was very popular _______.[ ]A. in the 1990B. in
- 6△ABC的外接圆的圆心为O,半径为2,且,则向量在方向上的投影为( )A.B.3C.D.-3
- 7我国金鱼在长期家养的过程中形成了许多品种,这充分说明( )A.生物多样性B.遗传多样性C.物种多样性D.生态系统多样性
- 8小川同学的下列学习和生活用品涉及的主要材料中,属于金属材料的是 [ ]A.铅笔芯 B.合成
- 92008年6月8日,新华网报道:天津银座集团董事长王贵武,十年如一日照顾素昧平生的烈士父母,用超越血缘和亲情的孝心,温暖
- 10如图,直线与双曲线(k>0,x>0)交于点A,将直线向上平移4个单位长度后,与y轴交于点C,与双曲线(k>0,x>0)交