_____a written permission, he had to write another letter to the president of the university.
A.Not giving | B.Not having been given |
C.Having not given | D.Having not been given |
试题【_____a written permission, he had to write another letter to the president of th】;主要考察你对现在分词等知识点的理解。[详细]
We are looking forward with hope to______ from Ms Smith.
A.hear | B.hearing | C.heard | D.being heard |
For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit ______on his own farm.
A.grown | B.being grown | C.to be grown | D.to grow |
The brave people in the village preferred to die rather than _____ , and _____encouraged others to fight more bravely in the anti-Japanese battlefield.
A.to give in ; it | B.to give in; which | C.give in ; this | D.give in ; which |
______the doors were closed and that all the lights were off, the boy left the classroom.
A.Check | B.To check | C.Checked | D.Having checked |
I think it quite foolish of you_______into buying such products as that .
A.to persuade | B.persuading | C.to be persuaded | D.being persuaded |
- 1Today country music can _____between 200 and 400 million dol
- 2下列著名战争中不是发生在战国时期的是[ ]A.桂陵之战B.马陵之战C.长平之战D.城濮大战
- 3GIS中不同类型的地理空间信息储存在不同的图层上,叠加不同的图层可以分析不同要素的相互关系。据此回答1~2题。1.下列叙
- 419世纪末,日本著名的思想家福泽谕吉直截了当地为日本指出了这样一条便捷之路:“我国不可犹疑,与其坐待邻国之进步而与之共同
- 5绿色植物在生物圈中的作用是 A.绿色植物是食物之源B.绿色植物能稳定大气中碳氧平衡C.绿色植物能稳定生物圈
- 6如图所示,把试管放入盛有25 ℃的饱和澄清石灰水的烧杯中,试管开始放入几小块镁片,再用滴管滴入5 mL盐酸于试管中,试回
- 7设随机变量服从X~B(2,P),Y~B(3,P),若P(X≥1)=716,则P(Y=2)=______.
- 8某化学兴趣小组欲制取氨气和氯化氢气体并完成喷泉实验(图中夹持装置均已略去)。 (1)写出实验室制取氨气的化学方程式:__
- 9用分析法证明:6+7>22+5.
- 10鉴别稀硫酸和浓硫酸既简单、又可靠的方法是( )A.加酚酞试液B.与铜片作用C.加BaCl2溶液和硝酸D.用玻璃棒各蘸一
- 1“盛极而衰”一词可以用来形容苏联 [ ]A.赫鲁晓夫时期B.勃列日涅夫时期C.戈尔巴乔夫时期D.斯大林时期
- 2下列关于辛亥革命历史功绩表述有误的是 [ ]A.推翻了两千多年的封建制度 B.推翻了满清统治 C.建立了资产阶级
- 32005年5月,昆明安宁地区因沉降浓缩槽中的泥沙泥磷(含黄磷)泄漏引起火灾,据报道,消防人员采取了下列措施:注水冷却、沙
- 4下列说法正确的是( )A.凉开水中几乎不含氧元素,所以不能用凉开水养鱼B.在验证空气中氧气含量实验中,不可用木炭代替红
- 5被称为万能还原剂的NaBH4溶于水并和水反应:NaBH4+2H2O=NaBO2+4H2↑,下列说法中正确的是(NaBH4
- 6下列关于重力势能的说法中正确的是A.重力势能的大小与参考平面的选择无关B.重力势能有负值,重力势能是矢量C.重力不做功,
- 7【题文】我国嫦娥三号月球探测器于北京时间2013年12月2日1时30分,在四川西昌卫星发射中心成功发射。据此回答以下问题
- 8请你为下面加线字注音。缄默( ) 狩猎( ) 沼泽( ) 蹼鹬( )( ) 水洼( ) 顾忌( ) 迁徙(
- 9---- Are you ready to leave? ---- Almost. I’ll be ready to
- 10阅读下文,完成文后各题。“信使”号匆匆—瞥揭示水星新貌冥王星已经因为个头太小被开除出行星行列了。难道水星也要步其后尘?水