She remained ______ for a while after the movie ended, which made others ______.
A.sitting; puzzling | B.sat; puzzled |
C.seated; puzzled | D.seated; puzzling |
试题【She remained ______ for a while after the movie ended, which made others ______.】;主要考察你对现在分词等知识点的理解。[详细]
I have to turn to my teacher for help, because this math problem is rather difficult______.
A.worked out | B.to be worked out | C.working out | D.to work out |
His daughter has ___________ the young politician for five years.
A.been married to | B.been married with | C.got married with | D.got married to |
.Is this the computer you want to _____?
A.repair it | B.have it repaired | C.be repaired | D.have repaired |
A.English is difficult to be learnt | B.the English is difficult to learn |
C.the English language is difficult to learn | D.English language is difficult to learn |
A.understand… breaking | B.understand..broken | C.understood…breaking | D.understood..broken |
- 1下表是部分食物中主要营养成分的含量情况.请据该表回答有关问题.食物名称重量(克)蛋白质(克)脂肪(克)糖类(克)稻米10
- 2阅读陈均《九江闻雁》诗,回答问题。烟波渺渺梦悠悠,家在江南海尽头。音信稀疏兄弟隔,一声新雁九江秋。“一声新雁”和“九江秋
- 3如果sinα•cosα>0,且sinα•tanα>0,化简:cosα2•1-sina21+sina2+cosα2•1+s
- 4如图,反映了王某家的消费模式,他家每月在衣履上花费432元。(1)他家每月租房花费多少元?(2)他家每月的总费用需要多少
- 5“你所站立的地方,就是你的中国;你怎么样,中国就怎么样”,如果你曾以140个字理性表达诉求,或者参加过政府决策的听证会,
- 6Skiing is ________ than running.A. dangerous B. dangerouser
- 7辛亥革命后,袁世凯复辟帝制迅速失败。其主要原因是[ ]A.护国军势力大大超过北洋军B.民主共和观念已经深入人心C
- 8把二次函数y=(x-1)2+2的图象绕原点旋转180°后得到的图象的解析式为________.
- 9直线的斜率为( )A.B.C.D.
- 10科学地补充碘可防止碘缺乏病。(1)上图为海带制碘的流程图。步骤③的实验操作中用到的玻璃仪器除了烧杯、玻璃棒之外还有
- 1—I ‘m dying _________ a cup of hot tea, it’s so cold.—OK, co
- 2下列说法哪一项不正确 [ ]A.蝗虫的幼虫不需要蜕皮 B.蝗虫没有蛹期 C.最佳“灭蝗”的时期是幼虫期 D.家蚕
- 3He managed to make himself ______ with his _______ English.
- 4读图,回答下列问题。(1)20世纪80年代以来全球气温变化的特点是___________,这种现象被称为二氧化碳的___
- 5根据常见元素的化合价判断,下列物质的化学式(括号内)书写正确的是[ ]A.氯化铝(AlCl2)B.氧化镁(MgO
- 6No one knows for sure when such a custom first _____.A.came
- 72008年5月17日,百载难逢的奥运圣火,走进了千年古城绍兴,并以大禹陵为起点,经历了名副其实的文化之旅。大禹A.建立了
- 8广东省人力资源和社会保障厅向社会宣布,从2010年2月1日起上调最低工资标准。这一举措说明政府 [ ]①建立了按
- 9在△ABC中,AB=AC,E是AB的中点,以点E为圆心,EB为半径画弧,交BC于点D,连接ED并延长到点F,使DF=DE
- 10填入下面两处横线的句子,与上下文衔接最恰当的一组是( )______________。他要在这个混乱的世界中寻出事物的