. As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of ______ energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel.
A.primary | B.alternative | C.instant | D.Unique |
试题【. As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of m】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
. “Why didn’t you write?” “My ink has _______.”
A.used up | B.run out of | C.given away | D.given out |
. I think your health will soon ______ if you have a holiday on the seaside.
A.give up | B.pick up | C.take up | D.get up |
. All the girls swam in the lake except two, who _____ halfway.
A.gave off | B.gave up | C.gave away | D.gave out |
. If the new arrangement doesn’t _____, we’ll go back to the old one.
A.work over | B.work out | C.work up | D.work in |
. “Have great changes taken place in your village?” “Yes, A new school was ______ in the village last year.”
A.held up | B.set up | C.sent up | D.brought up |
- 1亚硝酸盐对人体健康的危害,正越来越受到科学界的重视.亚硝酸钠具有咸味,外观与食盐非常相似,但亚硝酸钠的水溶液显碱性,食盐
- 2下列事实与胶体性质无关的是( )A.在豆浆里加入盐卤做豆腐 B.江河流入大海处易形成沙洲C.一支钢笔使用两种不同牌子
- 3If women are mercilessly exploited(剥削) year after year,they
- 4某山区的溪流中经常发现不变态的巨型蝌蚪.由此可以推测,与其他地区相比,当地人患病机会增多是( )A.巨人症B.大脖子病
- 5小泽同学某日的午餐有红烧带鱼、米饭等.其中富含蛋白质的是 _________ ,她还需要补充的营养素是 ________
- 6阅读下面说明文(14分)最佳饮料——白开水①随着生活水平的提高,各种各样的饮料走进了人们的生活。喝矿泉水、纯净水已是普遍
- 7在同一市场中,液晶电视机这类高档商品的售价比阴极射线电视机这类普通商品的售价要高,这是因为 [ ]A.高档商品包
- 8如图为刻蚀在玻璃上的精美的花纹图案,则该蚀过程中所发生的主要化学反应为( )A.CaCO3+2HCl═CaCl2+H2
- 9下列观点对上图认识正确的是 [ ]A.图1表明市场处于买方市场,物价上涨 B.图2表明市场处于卖方市场,物价下跌
- 10为了保护环境,某造纸厂决定购买20台污水处理设备,现有A,B两种型号的设备,其中每台的价格、日处理污水量如下表:A型B型
- 11. After the match all the players became (relax). 2.
- 2读所给四幅图,回答问题。小题1:该图中,坡度最陡的一幅是( ) A.A图B.B图C.C图D.D图小题2:表示实地范围最
- 3________ he is ,he seldom shows his precious coins to others
- 4用与球心距离为1的平面去截面面积为π,则球的体积为[ ]A.B.C.D.
- 5不属配子的基因型的是[ ]A.BB.ABCC.ABD.BB
- 6将宏观、微观及化学符号联系在一起是化学学科的特点.(1)写出相应的符号①的微粒符号 ____ ②氧化铝中铝元素显+3价_
- 7试完成下列设计性实验报告目的测定一小块矿石的密度器材矿石、天平(砝码盒)、盛满水的溢水杯、细线步骤(填在横线上)(1)用
- 8(1)如图所示是一列横波在某一时刻的波形图,波沿x轴正向传播,经过T2,质点A通过的路程是______,此时质点B的位移
- 9I was invited to attend a presentation at the Kentucky Schoo
- 10第二次世界大战后,欧洲资本主义国家和日本经济迅速恢复和发展的共同原因有①美国的经济援助②战后军费开支较少③本国良好的经济