. It _____ to be a fine day the day before yesterday.
A.turned up | B.turned out | C.turned in | D.turned off |
试题【. It _____ to be a fine day the day before yesterday.A.turned upB.turned outC.tu】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
Though the road covered with snow was very smooth, the old man smilingly ____ to be helped by others across the road.
A.refused | B.declined | C.accepted | D.promised |
After the long march through the wild forest, they found themselves ____as well as their clothes.
A.given out | B.worn out | C.run out | D.turned out |
On the Eve of the Spring Festival, we Chinese people like to play with fireworks, and the noise doesn’t ____ until after midnight.
A.die away | B.die off | C.die out | D.die down |
Whatever he explained, he couldn’t ____ the policeman that he was innocent.
A.confirm | B.present | C.convince | D.admit |
Zhao Benshan, whose overwork ____ his health failure last year, is reported to have performed less successfully in the 2010 Spring Festival Gala on CCTV.
A.submitted to | B.admitted to | C.devoted to | D.contributed to |
- 1肺泡总数约有3亿个,其意义是( )A.增加肺内贮存的气体量B.使肺内的气体流通加快C.增大了肺泡进行气***换的面积D.
- 2下列物质的化学式,错误的是A.重晶石 BaCO3B.明矾 KAl(SO4)2·12H2OC.石膏 CaSO4·2H2OD
- 3______ the number of cars, only _____small number of people
- 4【题文】我国古代某一时期,国家统一、民族融合,青瓷与白瓷闻名世界,火药用于军事,其京都为当时东西文明的交汇中心。这一时期
- 5在实际工作中,我们应满腔热情地支持新事物的成长壮大,最根本的原因是新事物[ ] ①始终得到广大人民群众的拥护和
- 6Read the following posters carefully and answer the question
- 7下列对美国“三权分立”理解不正确的是()A.国会、总统、最高法院分别行使立法、行政和司法权,形成三权分立B.各部门都通过
- 8下列历史事件发生的先后顺序,排列正确的是①斯大林格勒战役 ②百团大战 ③西安事变 ④希特勒上台 ⑤诺曼底登陆 ⑥长征结束
- 9已知△ABC的三个内角A、B、C满足A+C=2B.,求cos的值.
- 10水族馆里水生动物多种多样,请运用你的“火眼金睛”,指出下列哪一组是真正的鱼类①娃娃鱼 ②鲍鱼 ③海马 ④章鱼 ⑤河豚 ⑥
- 1人们常说:“物以稀为贵”。这一观点①看到了供求关系对价值的影响 ②忽视了价格是由价值决定的③意味着商品的价格是经常变
- 2若实数x,y满足(x-2)2+y2=3,设k=yx,则实数k的取值范围是______.
- 3下图曲线显示一个处于安静状态的人在不同气温中,流经皮肤血管的血液相对流量。据此判断,下列叙述错误的是[ ]A.在
- 4读下面两幅经纬网示意图,回答下列问题。小题1:有关地球仪上经纬线的说法,正确的是
- 5已知展开式中各项系数和为625,则展开式中含项的系数为A.216B.224C.240D.250
- 6已知xx2-1+1=13,求x2x2+x+1的值.
- 7DNA作为遗传信息的载体,除了能指导和控制细胞中物质和能量的变化外,它至少还应具有什么功能?[ ]A.控制物质进
- 8已知:关于x的多项式[ ]A. m=-5,n=-1 B. m=5,n=1C. m=-5,n=1 D. m=5,n
- 9阅读材料:忆昔开元全盛日,小邑犹藏万家室。稻米流脂粟米白,公私仓廪俱丰实。九州道路无豺狼,远行不劳吉日出。请同学们思考回
- 10已知点P在抛物线x2=4y上运动,F为抛物线的焦点,点A的坐标为(2,3),求PA+PF的最小值______.