A.many | B.plenty of |
C.a great many | D.a great number of |
试题【There is _____ rain in summer in the south this year.A.many B.plenty ofC.a grea】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
A.as much as I can | B.as possible as I can |
C.as many as possible | D.as many as I can |
A.put it up | B.put up it | C.put it on | D.put on it |
A.set aside | B.carry out | C.take in | D.get through |
A.agree to | B.agree with | C.agree on | D.agree |
A.was set up | B.was put up | C.was found | D.was made |
- 1下列说法正确的是 [ ]A.电磁波不能在真空中传播 B.对人体的安全电压不高于36VC.我市即将建设核电站,核能
- 2阅读《铁树最美的时候》,完成1~5题。 铁树最美的时候 沈
- 3(6分)A~M分别是初中化学常见物质,其中C的固体俗称“干冰”,只有B、E、G是单质,①~⑤为上述物质的相互转化关系(反
- 4一个平行板电容器的带电量由1.8×10-8库仑增大到3.6×10-8库仑,两极板的电压增大了60伏,这个电容器的电容C=
- 5在生物的细胞结构中,与呼吸作用有关,能够为生物的生命活动提供能量的是( )A.细胞质B.细胞核C.线粒体D.叶绿体
- 6在等差数列{an}中,已知a1-a4-a8-a12+a15=2,那么S15的值为______.
- 7When first entered, Vanak Restaurant does not look like much
- 8【题文】已知集合A={x|2≤x≤8},B={x|1<x<6},C={x|x>a},U=R.(1)求A
- 9The classroom can ________ 50 students.A.sitB.satC.seatD.sea
- 10【题文】地球上同经度的各地( ) A.地方时相同 B.自转线速度相同 C.正午太阳高
- 1阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料一:“在朝鲜战争中,美国声称自己不仅是为抵制共产党对朝鲜半岛的侵略而战,而且还是为保护没有武
- 2***曾有诗:“中华儿女多奇志,不爱红装爱武装。”下列符合“文革”时期人们服饰特点的是[ ]A.名牌服装争奇斗艳
- 3阅读理解。 Social networking websites are causing alarming ch
- 4“”是“函数为偶函数”的
- 5关于四大盆地的叙述,不正确的是( )A.柴达木盆地有“聚宝盆”之称B.四川盆地被称为“紫色盆地”C.塔里木盆地是我国最
- 6A strong earthquake _____ the eastern part of Taiwan in Sept
- 7The traffic rule says young children under the age of four a
- 8These machines can help recycle the waste which would ______
- 9He doesn"t like _____, but he enjoys _____. [
- 10甲、乙两人共同解方程组ax+5y=154x-by=-2,由于甲看错了方程中的a,得到方程组的解为x=-3y=-1,乙看错