287. The thief drove as fast as he could in an effort to the pursuing police car.
A.shake off | B.shake with | C.show off | D.show up |
试题【287. The thief drove as fast as he could in an effort to the pursuing police】;主要考察你对动词及动词短语辨析等知识点的理解。[详细]
289. Her experience __________ how easily young women can ________ trouble abroad.
A.show…get into | B.shows…get in | C.show…get in | D.shows…get into |
290. The little girl ________ of her own face in one of the shop windows and she felt countrified(土里土气) by herself.
A.caught sight | B.caught sigh | C.looked | D.looked into. |
291. I have no bench to ________, so I have to stand there ___________ TV for a while.
A.sit on… watch | B.sit on …watching | C.sit… watching | D.sit… Watch |
293. Yesterday it was too late to get back, so I at my aunt’s.
A.slept out | B.slept over | C.slept back | D.slept on |
294. Charlie thinks money will _____ all his problem, but as a matter of fact he is mistaken.
A.work out | B.solve | C.provide | D.Supply |
- 1阅读理解。 Have you ever heard of the saying," If you want a
- 2看图回答下列问题:(1)上图反映的建筑名称是什么?___________________________________
- 32009年9月15日至18日在北京举行的中国共产党十七届四次全会,审议通过了《中共中央关于加强和改进新形势下______
- 4中央集权制是地方政府服从中央政府的政策法令,地方官吏由中央政府任免的行政制度。下列说法正确的是( )A.西周分封制下的
- 5填空题:(共20个空,每题1分,计20分)小题1:_______________和_______________是等高线
- 6阅读下面的文言文,完成下面的题。岑文本传 岑文本字景仁,南阳棘阳人。性沉敏,有姿仪,博考经史,多所贯综,美谈论,善属文
- 7如图所示是自来水厂净水过程示意图,根据此图回答下列问题:(1)取水口处的水是浑浊状,是因为水中含有许多________。
- 8如图,在Rt△ABC中,AB=10,sinA=45,则AC的长为______.
- 9a、b为两束不同频率的单色光,以相同的人射角分别从A、B两点射人到玻璃砖,折射光线相交于P点,过P点作玻璃砖上表面的垂线
- 10Most of the soldiers who _____ World War Two have now died.A
- 1孟子“民贵君轻”的思想主张A.否定了君主专制B.具有民主政治的性质C.反映了重民思想D.代表了人民的利益
- 2以下关于“追星”现象的认识,正确的有[ ]A.明星的一切都值得我们学习,追星就是学习的表现B.明星的形象都很完美
- 3中国历史上第一条由中国人自行设计和主持建造的铁路是[ ]A、京同铁路B、京张铁路C、京九铁路D、京蒲铁路
- 4阅读下面一首宋词,然后回答问题。(8分)采桑子晏殊时光只解催人老,不信多情,长恨离亭,泪滴春衫酒易醒。梧桐昨夜西风急,淡
- 5When Julia Rhodes is asked what she does for a living,she sa
- 6目前,人类面临的主要问题是[ ]A.粮食短缺、灾害频繁、能源紧张B.人口爆炸、资源危机、环境恶化C.战争频繁、宗
- 7某人大腿受伤出血,血色鲜红,血流呈喷射状.你认为损伤的血管是( )A.小静脉B.大静脉C.小动脉D.大动脉
- 8We"ll carry on the work ______ we can get the machines we ne
- 9计算:(1)12-(-18)+(-7)-15;(2)(-16+34-512)×(-12);(3)42÷[(-2)2-(-
- 10将下列大洲与它所在的板块配对组合①配______;②配______;③配______;④配______.