—Hey, did you enjoy the vacation in London?
—No.Our vacation was totally ruined; not only was the food terrible but the weather was awful .
A.in the meanwhile | B.as well |
C.as a matter of fact | D.in addition |
试题【—Hey, did you enjoy the vacation in London? —No.Our vacation was totally ruined;】;主要考察你对副词等知识点的理解。[详细]
As is known to all language learners, the newly learnt words will soon be forgotten unless they are _______ used in everyday communication.
A.gradually | B.sincerely | C.hopefully | D.frequently |
The book is not popular with the youth, but ______ I think it is very good.
A.exactly | B.personally | C.possibly | D.generally |
I lost my wallet last week, but ____ it didn’t contain much money at that time.
A.luckily | B.hopefully | C.gladly | D.normally |
Most of the fans felt rather disappointed at the concert. They said it could have been _______ organized.
A.badly | B.worse | C.well | D.better |
Although she doesn’t like to live in the country, _______ , she goes there for a picnic.
A.once in a while | B.for a while | C.at the moment | D.from now on |
- 1对获得“诺贝尔和平奖”的戈尔巴乔夫我们应该正确的认识是①戈氏“新思维”改革断送了苏联和东欧社会主义,迎合了西方资本主义的
- 2阅读理解。 Billy had a nice shop in the main street of a smal
- 3—Do you mind me smoking here? —______. Look at the sign. It
- 4下图为某制糖厂废水的末端处理示意图,回答1~2题。 1、判断该制糖厂的厂址可能位于[ ]A、北京B、黑龙江 C、
- 5下列各组词语的书写全部正确的是[ ]A 、瘐毙 桌围 提词 无礼谩骂B 、溽暑
- 6已知(x-12x)n的展开式中,前三项系数的绝对值依次成等差数列,(1)求n(2)设(2x-1)n=a0+a1x+a2x
- 7读我国石油进口部分通道示意图1 和甲、乙两地气候资料图2 ,完成下列问题。(1)“新月沃土”是指两河流域及附近一连串的肥
- 8利用人体细胞克隆组织或器官,不仅可能消除人体器官移植中的______反应,而且可以解决可供移植的人体器官______的难
- 9已知tanαtanα-1=-1,则sinα-3cosαsinα+cosα=______,sin2α+sin αcos α
- 10读下列汽车标志图案,其代表的汽车产于长春的是[ ]A、B、C、D、
- 1下列少数民族与其民族节日对应正确的是( )A.傣族--泼水节B.苗族--那达慕大会C.蒙古族--赛龙舟D.壮族--端午
- 2读下图,回答下列问题。(1)若按大于20℃的月均温为高温,三城市同为高温期是_________月份。(2)若按月降水量1
- 3直线把圆的面积平分则它被这个圆截得的弦长为( )
- 4下图为局部地区经纬网示意图,此时太阳直射点为北半球Q点,同心圆为等太阳高度线。读图回答下列问题。小题1:图中P经线的经度
- 5回顾历史,著名的牛顿第一运动定律是[ ]A、根据日常生活经验归纳出的规律B、直接通过实验得出的实验结果C、经过公
- 6下列说法错误的是( )A.阳离子一定带正电荷B.原子是化学变化中的最小粒子C.氯原子和氯离子的核内质子数相同D.分子在
- 7依次填入下列横线处的语句,最恰当的一组是( )(2分)李清照的悲剧就在于她是生在封建时代的一个有文化的女人。作为女
- 8不等式≥-1的解集在数轴上表示正确的是[ ]A、B、C、D、
- 9主持制定美国1787年宪法的麦迪逊谈到民主政治时认为,“美国革命最重要特征,不仅是顺应人性,还在于对人性黑暗的承认”。“
- 10雷尼镍(Raney-Ni)是一种历史悠久、应用广泛的催化剂,由镍-铝合金为原料制得。(1)元素第一电离能:Al_____