39. A ______ person or animal is very aggressive or angry.
A.fierce | B.frightened | C.hot-temper | D.Tender |
试题【39. A ______ person or animal is very aggressive or angry.A.fierceB.frightenedC.】;主要考察你对形容词等知识点的理解。[详细]
40. If you ask how____ away a place is, you are asking how great a distance away it is.
A.wide | B.far | C.remote | D.Long |
41. Mr. Smith is very kind-hearted and capable. You are really _______ in having such a good teacher.
A.sorry | B.sad | C.poor | D.Fortunate |
42. When Peter was at collage, he paid a __________ visit to the library.
A.often | B.frequently | C.recent | D.Frequent |
43. To begin with, the gypsy girl was ______ at the sight of a snake and now she plays with snakes in a circus.
A.frightened to die | B.frightened to dead |
C.frightened at death | D.frightened to death |
44. I"ve got a idea of how we should help the students with their English study.
A.general | B.generally | C.whole | D.Roughly |
- 1不等式12x+1<3的正整数解有( )A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个
- 2中共“八大”为我国全民进行社会主义建设和党的建设指明了方向。“八大”做出正确决策的基础是A.全国人民建设社会主义的热情很
- 3已知函数f(x)=lnx-ax+a(a∈R),g(x)=x2+2x+m(x<0).(1)讨论f(x)的单调性;(2)若a
- 4材料一:2012年3月14日,第十一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议在京胜利闭幕。会议表决通过了《关于政府工作报告》的决议,
- 5听材料,回答问题。1. Why does Jim look unhappy? A. Because his school
- 6All of ______ sudden an idea flashed in her mind: she decide
- 7生物具有哪些生命现象?
- 8已知在函数f(x)=mx3﹣x的图象上以N(1,n)为切点的切线的倾斜角为.(1)求m、n的值;(2)是否存在最小的正整
- 9有两种盐A和B,A是白色固体,B是黑色固体,它们都跟稀H2SO4反应,其中物质A与稀H2SO4反应生成气体C,物质B与稀
- 102012年3月5日—14日,十一届全国人大五次会议在北京召开。2924名全国人大代表出席大会。会前,代表们就网民最关注的
- 1辛弃疾在《木兰花漫》中言到:“是别有人间,那边才见,光景东头?”大意是:当这边月儿西落时,那边的人们是不是正看见明月东升
- 2在长征初期,博古等人执意要去湘西做什么[ ]A.与红一方面军会合B.与红二、六军团会合C.与红二方面军会合D.与
- 320世纪30年代蒋廷黻的《中国近代史大纲》称:近百年的中华民族根本只有一个问题,即追求近代化。如果这一观点成立,是基于它
- 4如图所示,甲、乙两电路中电源完全相同,电阻R1>R2,在两电路中分别通过相同的电荷量q的过程中,下列判断正确的是(
- 5I have offered to point the house _____a week’s accommodatio
- 62010年12月22日,中央农村工作会议闭幕。会议明确表示“财政支出重点向农业农村倾斜,确保用于农业农村的总量、增量均有
- 7下列比例尺中,最小的是( )A.1:1500000B.1:750000C.1:3000000D.100万分之一
- 81.______you were late for school, for you got up late.A.No h
- 9A king in Africa had a close friend that helped him grow up.
- 10下列少数民族中主要生活在我国四大牧区的是( )A.维吾尔族、壮族、侗族B.蒙古族、土家族、苗族C.哈萨克族、蒙古族、藏