begged something to eat.
B. for; turned down
C. with; turned up
D. of; turned away
试题【It is very merciless _____ you to have _______ the homeless tramp in a worn-out 】;主要考察你对介词和介词短语等知识点的理解。[详细]
doctors were not convinced _______ it immediately.
B. of; doing
C. on; to do
D. of; to perform
-Oh, terribly sorry. I had the least idea of what ________. I would have made a complete fool
ofmyself if I had said anything.
B. of; had discussed
C. to; was being discussed
D. with; had been discussed
B. in an order; made a mess of them
C. in the order; messed them up
D. in an order; made a mess of it
for you to ______ at the beginning of a year, budgeting for daily expenditure, budgeting for education
and the like.
B. in a tight budge; budget
C. for a tight budget; have a budget
D. by a budget; plan a budget
Now I"d like to tell you something about my part-time job this
summer vacation, of which I worked like a guide in a travel agency.
The work was interesting but tired. I think it was helpful to work this
holiday. It was the first time that I have earned money on my own.
I"ve come to understand how hard my parents work to support
for the family. I used to keep on ask them for money, but now I"ll never
waste money and learn to share worry with my parent. I"ve learnt how
to get along well with others. What"s worse, I"ve gained some working
and social experience and I have learnt something can" t be learnt from
textbooks. All these will be good for my future. In the word, I had the
wonderful and valuable summer vacation.
- 1下列对生产生活中的现象,用分子的观点解释正确的是( )A.25m3的石油气加压可装入容积为0.025m3的钢瓶中,是因
- 2有一种原子的原子结构示意图如图.请回答:(1)该原子的原子核内有______个质子,该元素属于______元素(填金属或
- 3在11到18号元素中,除稀有气体元素外(填符号或化学式)①原子半径最小的元素是 ,原子半径最大的元素是
- 46月5日是世界环境日,今年我国的世界环境日主题是“共建生态文明、共享绿色未来”。草原是绿色生态环境的组部分。某草原生态系
- 5(本小题满分13分)已知均为等差数列,且,求数列的前100项之和。
- 6设全集,则 ( )A.B.C.D.
- 7函数y=f(x﹣1)与函数y=f(x+1) [ ]A.是同一个函数B.定义域相同C.图象重合D.值域相同
- 8---- If you want to have a hot bath, you should pay ________
- 9资金对于企业自主创新十分重要,但是如何安排使用资金更重要。企业要把有限的资金集中使用,放在自己比较优势的项目上,可能更容
- 10On hearing the words “Just do it!”,you will know there is a
- 1小刚为了探究电磁铁的磁性强弱与哪些因素有关,做了以下几次实验,实验现象如图所示。根据图示现象回答下列问题:(1 )实验a
- 2“物质的量”是国际单位制中的一个基本物理量,有关说法正确的是A.28gCO含有3mol原子B.1molH2O中约含6.0
- 3已知双曲线的左右焦点F1,F2的坐标为(-4,0)与(4,0),离心率e=2.(1)求双曲线的方程;(2)已知椭圆x23
- 4彻底废除了中国两千多年封建剥削制度的事件是A.开国大典B.土地改革C.抗美援朝D.三大改造
- 5“复兴”的原意为“再生”、“复活”,而“文艺复兴”的实质是:[ ]A.古希腊罗马文化的再生 B.古希腊罗马文化的
- 6回答下面的(1)—(2)题。(1)下表是豌豆杂交组合的实验统计数据。据上表回答:①.上述两对相对性状中,显性性状为___
- 7下列运算正确的是( )A.5B.C.(-a-b)2=a2-2ab+b2D.
- 8在下列运动过程中,机械能一定不守恒的是:( )A.物体沿光滑的曲面自由下滑B.物体作竖直上抛运动(不计空气阻力)C.
- 92008年3月5日,朱雪芹、胡小燕和康厚明,这三名分别来自上海、广东和重庆的新任农民工全国人大代表出席十一届全国人大一次
- 10若扇形的弧长为,圆心角为,则该扇形的半径为 .