68. When the boy playing by the river fell into the river, I was out of the room _______.
A.in flash | B.in a flash | C.as a flash | D.for a flash |
试题【68. When the boy playing by the river fell into the river, I was out of the room】;主要考察你对介词和介词短语等知识点的理解。[详细]
69. With the guide leading the way, the visitors were able to travel through the forest not by air but _____ foot.
A.by | B.on | C.in | D.with |
70. I know it is difficult __________ him to talk like the lecturer, but I think he should grasp every chance .
A.of | B.for | C.with | D.Over |
71. People eat a lot of sugar __________ cakes, soft drinks, sweets and so on every day.
A.in form of | B.in the shape of | C.shaped by | D.at form of |
72. We couldn’t read the notice on the board because several people were standing _______ it.
A.in front of | B.in the front of | C.at the back of | D.in back of |
73. It is not right _____ a person who is _____ trouble.
A.to make fun of; at | B.to make fun of; in |
C.to be made fun of; in | D.to be made fun of; with |
- 1“微尘”起初是青岛一位数次捐款不留姓名的普通市民,后来,扩大为一个爱心群体,再后来,发展成一个关心他人的爱心符号。无独有
- 2若a>b>0,则下列不等式一定不成立的是( )A.1a<1bB.log2a>log2bC.a2+b2≤2a+2b-2D
- 3如图,要测一个小湖上相对两点A、B的距离,要求在AB所在直线同一侧岸上测。小明采取了以下三种方法,如图1,2,3。(1)
- 4用人工合成的脊髓灰质炎病毒初次感染小鼠后[ ]A.使小鼠产生过敏反应B.产生的抗体不能与该病毒结合C.小鼠体内产
- 5生物体内能控制细胞分裂的物质是细胞中的( )A.叶绿体B.线粒体C.遗传物质D.液泡
- 6由于万有引力定律和库仑定律都满足“平方反比定律”,因此引力场和电场之间有许多相似的特性,在处理有关问题时可以将他们进行类
- 7下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是( )A.桀獒颓圮酣眠秋毫不犯B.沉淀绵密困窘囫囵吞枣C.罪愆谄媚酒馔字正腔园D.征戍
- 8阅读理解。 The afternoon sun was warm on the men who were wor
- 9在搪瓷和陶瓷具表面的釉质中含有极微量的Pb、Cd、Sb有毒金属氧化物,为防止中毒,最不适宜长期盛放下列物质的是( )A
- 10下图所示的实验操作中,正确的是[ ]A.燃烧B.过滤C.稀释D.蒸发
- 1某有机物分子由、-CH=CH-两种结构单元组成,且它们自身不能相连,该烃分子中C、H两原子物质的量之比是A 2︰1
- 2The policeman warned the drive ________ so carelessly.[
- 3如图所示,质量为m的小球系于轻质弹簧的一端,且套在光滑竖立的圆环上,弹簧的上端固定于环的最高点A,小球静止时处于圆环的B
- 4广东丹霞山自然保护区位于广东省仁化县境内。地质时期,丹霞山区是一个大型内陆盆地,沉积了巨厚的红色地层。由于地壳运动和流水
- 5由于甲型H1N1流感(起初叫猪流感)的影响,在一个月内猪肉价格两次大幅下降,由原来每斤16元下调到每斤9元,求平均每次下
- 6如图所示,质量为m的小球以某一水平速度v0(未知)从斜面底端的正上方O点抛出后,恰好垂直击中已知倾角为θ的斜面上的A点,
- 7下列各项中加点词的意义相同的一项是( )A.卒廷见相如,毕礼而归之年六十二,永和四年卒B.见犯乃死,重负国得夜见汉使
- 8下列有关安全用药的叙述正确的是( )A.处方药简称OTCB.为预防感冒每天服用抗生素C.增加用药剂量能缩短治疗时
- 9下列词语中无错别字的一项是[ ]A.任劳任怨 缄默 胸有成竹 B.自不量力 雾蔼 鼠目寸光 C.苍海桑田 迁徒
- 10若向含少量水蒸气的容器中通入SO2与H2S共1.00 mol,且知H2S过量,充分反应后,所得的氧化产物比还原产物多8.