-- I am strongly against the plan.
-- No matter what you think of, I’m_______it.
A.in face of | B.in search of | C.in honour of | D.in favour of |
试题【-- I am strongly against the plan. -- No matter what you think of, I’m_______it.】;主要考察你对介词和介词短语等知识点的理解。[详细]
---We are afraid we can’t finish the work____________a month.
---Just take your time.
A.among | B.after | C.within | D.by |
Hurriedly, they packed their belonging and set off ______the direction of the river.
A.for | B.to | C.at | D.in |
. Our residential district is a newly-built one, so there isn’t much around here _____ entertainment.
A. in the matter of B in the event of
C. on behalf of D. on account of
The majority of the local people got benefit from the medical reform which they are in ___ of.
A.honor | B.danger | C.favor | D.memory |
._________the fact that doctors have warned that smoking causes cancer, people still keep on smoking.
A.Due t o | B.Thanks to | C.In case of | D.In spite of |
- 1样本数据3,2,5,a,4的平均数是3,则a=______.
- 2阅读材料,回答下列问题。材料一:十一届全国人大四次会议通过的“十二五”规划纲要指出:“推动文化产业成为国民经济的支柱性产
- 3阅读下面文章,回答下列小题。李峤传李峤,赵州赞皇人,早孤,事母以孝闻。为儿童时,梦有神人遗之双笔,自是渐有学业。弱冠举进
- 4【题文】假如黄赤交角变为20°,则( )A.热带范围扩大 B.温带范围不变C.北极圈
- 5The bedroom is so dirty. Would you please help me to _____ i
- 6《明史》太祖本纪记载,“十三年春正月戊戌,左丞相胡惟庸谋反,及其党御史大夫陈宁、中丞涂节等伏诛。”事后明太祖所采取的措施
- 7阅读下面的文字,完下面题目。 (9分)(雨说:四月已在大地上等待久了……)等待久了的田圃跟牧场等待久了的鱼塘和小溪当田
- 8该图是“某区域等高线图(单位:米)”,据图回答17~18题。小题1:河流上游段(②处以上)的剖面图可能是( )小题2:
- 9下列三个不等式中,恒成立的个数有( )①x+1x≥2(x≠0);②ca<cb(a>b>c>0);③a+mb+m>ab(
- 10下列不是地球公转产生的地理现象是A.一天中的昼夜交替B.正午太阳高度的变化C.四季的更替D.昼夜长短的变化
- 1听短文,请选择适当的选项填入空缺处。 A. Cousin B. Jack Smith C. King
- 2为了提高实验探究能力,老师为同学们提供了一包白色粉末,它可能是碳酸钙、氢氧化钙或两种物质的混合物.(1)为确定白色粉末的
- 3国际奥委会于2009年10月2日在丹麦首都哥本哈根投票选出2016年第31届夏季奥运会的举办城市。9月初国际奥委会公布四
- 4浙江大学的科研小组成功研制出能在“数分钟之内”将电量充满的锂电池,其成本只有传统锂电池的一半。他们把锂锰氧化物(LMO)
- 5在平面直角坐标系中,不等式组表示的平面区域面积是( ).
- 6过氧化氢(H2O2)不稳定会自然分解,久置的过氧化氢溶液,其溶质质量分数会变小.某兴趣小组为测定实验室中一瓶久置的过氧化
- 7母亲的事与儿子的事(阿青) “三九四九,冻破石头”的季节,是一个星期六的下午,老家县城一位老朋友邀请我下个双
- 8— Don"t forget to give my best wishes to your mother. — ____
- 9Jack likes playing basketball very much and he _____ about t
- 10—Dad,I’ve finished my assignment.—Good,and__________you pla