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Nuli told us what he wanted to be a scientist when he                                    1.       
was in his childhood.He worked hard at all his lesson                                          2.       
and tried to enter into a famous university in China,                                     3.       
but he failed because the Cultural Revolution,which                                     4.       
forced him to make a living at the age of 16.He serves                                  5.       
as a farmer then a worker,but he spent his spare                                           6.       
time studied and was finally admitted into a local college.                              7.       
He often says,“Young guys,do not lose the heart                                                 8.       
when you are in trouble.Believe in yourself forever,                                     9.       
so you will surely make great progress sooner or later.”                                 10.       

1.what改为that he wanted to be a scientist是宾语从句,句子成分完整,所以前面的这个连接词应该是that。what引导名词性从句时,需要在从句中作主语、宾语、表语或定语。此题也可把what去掉。因为that引导宾语从句时,可省略。
2.lesson改为lessons 根据前面的定语all his可知此处要用复数形式。
3.去掉into enter是及物动词,后面不需要介词也可跟宾语。
4.because后面加of 这个原因状语是一个名词词组,所以要用短语介词because of。
5.serves改为served 这是叙述过去的事情。
6.but改为and 这一句话的前后是并列关系,并非转折关系。
7.studied改为studying 构成spend time doing...句式。
8.去掉the lose heart是习惯用语,heart是抽象名词。
9.yourself改为yourselves 此句中的这个反身代词指“young guys”。
10.so改为and 这是一个“祈使句+and+结果分句”句式。
试题【Nuli told us what he wanted to be a scientist when he                          】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]

“Practice makes perfect” was an old saying.It tells us that it                   1.       
does not any matter if we are slow at doing something.As                             2.       
long as we keep on trying and practice,well do a good job                        3.       
in the end.The saying is especial useful in English study.                              4.       
Since a student is poor at speaking,he should grasp every                            5.       
chance to open mouth and speak English.His oral English                           6.       
may be excellent one day due to his hard works.Not only is                         7.       
the saying useful in English study,it is also helpful in our                                    8.       
daily life.To an extent,it is no short cut in doing everything                         9.       
since key to success lies in “Practice makes perfect”.                                    10.       
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The day before the speech contest(比赛)English teacher                         1.       
talked to me.She said that she and my schoolmate all                                 2.       
wished me success,but it didn’t matter that I would                                    3.       
win or not.When I was on the stage the next day,I felt so                             4.       
nervous as I shook like a leaf.There were so many people                            5.       
present.Suddenly,I caught a sight of my English teacher in                            6.       
the crowd.She was smiling but nodding at me.I remembered                              7.       
her words and calmdown.I did a good job and won the first                          8.       
prize.Now my picture and theprize is hanging in the library.                          9.       
Whenever I see them I will often think ofmy English teacher.                       10.       
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“CATS”,the greatest musical in the world,went to Beijing at last!          1.       
As a big fan of the show,I bought a ticket quite early and looking forward      2.       
to it for weeks.It was going to be the happiest day of my life,and there           3.       
was other performance I had not expected.My mum and I arrived at the                4.       
Great Hall of the People ahead of the time,and found our seats on the            5.       
second floor.The good designed stage,a huge rubbish dump for cats,               6.       
caught the attention the moment I sat down.The show was about to begin       7.       
and I was expecting a brilliant musical.So it was said that all the tickets had     8.       
sold out long ago,to my surprise nearly a third of the seats were still empty      .      9.       
But as soon as the music began,its magical power brought my eyes back          10.       
to the stage.
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Anne lives in a small town.She is fond of
surfing the Internet.In general speaking,she                                                   1.       
spent about an hour a day on line.To her,it is                                                        2.       
a wonderful place because you never know that                                            3.       
it may have in store for you.Last Friday,she                                                         4.       
found an e-pal,that called himself “Future”.                                                         5.       
They promised to keep touch with each other.                                               6.       
And she was warned against him by her parents.                                                  7.       
“What will it lead to?” she asked.“A happy ending,”                                      8.       
Anne answered and continued typing,paid no                                                9.       
attention to them.One month past,and a man                                                        10.       
called “Future” was arrested by the police!
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Dear Mr Smith,
     Thank you very much for invite me to go and stay with                           1.       
you in Nanjing.It’s the most beautiful city,and I have been                              2.       
eager to see you again.So I’m very sorry to tell you that I can’t                      3.       
go this summer vacation,since I’ve already been promised                              4.       
to stay with my grandmother in the countryside.She has                                 5.       
already 65 years old and miss me so much that I have no choice                      6.       
but do it.I’m busy preparing for my college entrance exams                                   7.       
all these days and I feel quite sure of myself.I wish I can go,                          8.       
and see you and Tom at the end this year.                                                     9.       
Best wishes to both you and Tom!                                                               10.       
Yours sincerely,
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