当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 第二节:完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41—50各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡...

In 1962, a Russian woman told her doctor that she could __41_  through her fingers. Certainly the doctor didn’t believe it   42   he saw with his own eyes. The doctor 43  her eyes with a large handkerchief and then put coloured papers and newspapers under her hands. She was able to   44 one colour from another and read the newspaper by   45  and feeling them. The doctor   46  her many times and was   47  with the examination, so he sent her to Moscow, in which she was further examined by   48   . Her unusual powers, in the end, were   49  .
The early research into these unusual powers has shown that  50  man trusts only his eyes, he will not be able to see outside the limits of time and into the space.
41         A. write                    B. draw                    C. sing                     D. see
42         A . after                 B. when          C. until                     D. since
43         A .opened          B. hid                      C .closed                  D. covered
44         A. see            B .guess                   C. tell                      D. think
45         A. seeing          B. singing                 C. touching               D .checking
46         A. saw            B .examined              C. helped                  D. watched
47         A .satisfied                B. strict                  C. busy             D .very careful
48         A. nurses          B. scientists               C .blind people         D. good teachers
49         A. examined           B. believed             C .known                 D. true
50     A. if                    B. whether              C. because              D. after

41—45 DCDCC    46—50 BABBA


Here are some of the most common reasons why kids hate school—and strategies(对策) to put them back on the road to success.
One fear that keeps children from enjoying school is separation    36    . It most frequently occurs during times of family stress or    37    a child is about to enter a new school.   38   , parents can feed a child’s anxieties by the way they    39  . With younger kids, watch how you say    40    those first few days of school. A firm “Have a great day, and I’ll    41    you up at 2:30!” is more confidence-inspiring than “Don’t worry, I can be there in ten    42    if you need me.”
You can help your child    43    fearful situations—from speaking up in class to taking tests—by rehearsing(预演)at home. Teach your child to    44    thoughts such as “I’m going to give up” with “I can handle this.”
Without any    45   , some kids dislike school .This may be the    46    if your child is always alone, pretends    47    to avoid class outings or give away treasured possessions in an attempt to be    48   .
Often loneliness problems can be solved. A child may need to learn how to    49    others in the eye when he speaks, or how to talk    50    a whisper—or below a yell. You might teach a young child a few “friendship    51   ”, such as “My name’s Tom. What’s yours? Do you want to play games?”
“A lot of kids who are very lonely have never been told anything    52    about themselves,” says Miami    53   Matty Rodriguez-Walling. “If a lonely kid is   54    some area—computers, for example—I’ll often have other students work with him. That does    55   for self-respect and helps the lonely child make friends.”
36. A. anxiety                      B. excitement                C. anger                       D. relief
37. A. while                         B. since                   C. when                       D. as
38. A. Unfortunately             B. Happily                    C. Luckily                    D. Simply
39. A. teach                         B. smile                       C. learn                       D. respond
40. A. hello                         B. sorry                        C. good-bye                  D. thanks
41. A. call                           B. pick                         C. bring                       D. put
42. A. hours                         B. days                         C. minutes                    D. seconds
43. A. watch                        B. control                            C. express                    D. handle
44. A. connect                      B. fill                          C. supply                     D. replace
45. A. friends                       B. classmates                C. teachers                   D. parents
46. A. condition                   B. case                         C. example                   D. matter
47. A. violence                     B. sadness                     C. illness                      D. independence
48. A. taught                        B. refused                     C. hated                       D. liked
49. A. watch                        B. look                C. examine                   D. observe
50. A. at                                B. above                       C. to                           D. over
51. A. openers                 B. conclusions               C. thoughts               D. opinions
52. A. good                         B. interesting                C. strange                  D. magic
53. A. doctor                       B. scientist                    C. researcher                D. teacher
54. A. poor at                      B. anxious about           C. skilled in                  D. proud of 
55. A. less                  B. a lot                 C. more             D. a little
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

III. 完形填空:
Many people believe everything or almost everything they read in newspapers or hear on radio. A few years ago I __36__ a story about a husband and wife who made a __37__ mistake. They had gone shopping and had taken their small baby ­­__38__ with them. After they had finished their shopping, they returned to their car to go home. __39__they reached their car, they put the baby in the plastic baby carrier that __40__ rode in for safety. The couple then __41__ in their car towards home. After they had driven a few miles, they __42__the back seat to see how the baby was. To their surprise, the baby was not there. According to the __43__, the couple had put the plastic seat and the baby on the top of the car but had __44__ to put him inside the car. They had driven away with the baby on the top of the car.
The couple drove back__45__the store but did not find the baby. They called the police, and the police said that they __46__ the baby and that the baby was __47__. The baby had fallen from the top of the car but had been __48__ by his plastic seat. The __49__couple took their baby home and were always careful after that.
There was one thing __50__with the story. It was not true. Stories such as this one are often __51__ in newspapers and on radio and television. Because they are read and heard __52__that usually report the truth, many people believe them. People also believe them because, like the story__53__, they have something unusual or frightening about them. What is __54__is that newspaper and radio reporters __55__ believe them.
36. A. wrote         B. read           C. told          D. imagined
37. A. puzzling      B. terrible         C. interesting      D. harmful
38. A. alone         B. along           C. away          D. around 
39. A. Since         B. Before           C. While          D. After
40. A. they          B. she              C. we            D. he
41. A. went away     B. drove off         C. moved on       D. left out
42. A. searched       B. glanced at        C. examined       D. thought of
43. A. newspaper     B. radio             C. story          D. report
44. A. left           B. planned           C. forgotten       D. expected
45. A. around        B. towards           C. near           D. for
46. A. saved         B. saw              C. helped        D. had
47. A. dangerous      B. dead             C. comfortable     D. fine
48. A. protected      B. saved             C. covered         D. caught
49. A. satisfied       B. puzzled           C. grateful         D. frightened
50. A. wrong         B. right             C. important       D. necessary
51. A. reported       B. told              C. made           D. written
52. A. at ease        B. in places          C. for sure         D. with joy
53. A. told           B. mentioned        C. printed         D. recorded
54. A. surprising      B. believable         C. unlucky        D. strange
55. A. never         B. almost            C. also            D. always
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In autumn of 1985, when I was a young man, I was traveling in the north of India. An evening, after hunting in the forest all day, I was returning to the place which I had put up my tent. It was getting dark, but I was walking along a road. Suddenly I saw two eye glaring at me from among the trees. What can I do? Should I jump into the river save my life? Then I looked at the right. In the river there had a big crocodile(鳄鱼) waiting to welcome me with its mouth was wide open.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

The Making of a Surgeon
  How does a doctor recognize the point in time when he is finally a “surgeon”? As my year as chief resident(进修医生) drew to a close, I asked myself this question    36   more than one occasion.
  The answer, I concluded, was   37   . When you can say to yourself,  “There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just   38   or better than any other surgeon” — then, and not until then, you are   39   a surgeon. I was   40    that point.
41  , for example, the emergency situations that we met almost every night. The first few months of the year I had   42    the ringing of the telephone. I knew it meant another critical decision to be   43   . Often, after I had told Walt or Larry what to do in a particular       44  , I’d have trouble getting back to sleep. I’d   45   all the facts of the case and, often, wonder   46    I had made a poor decision. More than once at two or three in the   47  , after lying awake for an hour, I’d get out of   48  , dress and drive to the hospital to see the patient myself. It was the only   49   I could find the   50    of mind I needed to relax.
  Now, in the last month of my residency,   51    was no longer a problem. Sometimes I still couldn’t be sure of my decision, but I had learned to   52    this as a constant problem for a surgeon. I knew that with my knowledge and experience, any decision I’d made was bound to be a   53    one. It was a nice feeling.
This all sounds conceited(自负的) and I guess it is —   54     a surgeon needs conceit. He needs it to encourage him in trying moments when he’s bothered by the   55    and uncertainties that are part of the practice of medicine. He has to feel that he’s as good as and probably better than any other surgeon in the world. Call it conceit — call it self-confidence; whatever it was, I had it.
36. A. at                 B. in               C. on                  D. for
37. A. self-service         B. self-centered      C. self-reliant                D. self-confidence
38. A. as good as      B. as well as        C. as far as                    D. as long as
39. A. indeed                  B. maybe           C. perhaps              D. even
40. A. waiting          B. standing          C. lying                    D. nearing
41. A. Let                 B. Take             C. Have                 D. Get
42. A. valued             B. avoided          C. feared               D. enjoyed
43. A. made              B. applied         C. included             D. developed
44. A. condition         B. state              C. occasion               D. situation
45. A. retell               B. review           C. revise               D. remind
46. A. if                 B. why             C. how                 D. when
47. A. evening            B. day                C. morning             D. afternoon
48. A. flat                B. bed              C. house                  D. apartment
49. A. means            B. approach       C. method             D. way
50. A. peace           B. trouble         C. sorrow                     D. excitement
51. A. driving              B. reviewing       C. sleeping                    D. lying
52. A. expect                  B. accept              C. respect                D. inspect
53. A. critical             B. poor             C. sound                D. difficult
54. A. but                B. or             C. so                  D. and
55. A. confidence      B. conceit           C. solutions            D. doubts
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

It was almost Christmas. We wrote to my father, asking him to  36  an artificial tree for us and   _37  it to us in several smaller boxes. Two days before Christmas we were in a  38  . All of the boxes that my father had sent us arrived except for the one with the tree  39 . We decided to wait one more day.
Meanwhile, in Bremerhaven, a young mail clerk  40  a box under a counter. He  41  that someone would be without a tree for Christmas. Although he was closing up and there was no  42_   on Christmas, he processed the mail and got it to Mannheim.
After putting the  43  on the proper shelf, he headed to the snack bar. The place was  44   and he ended up sharing a table. Two men were speaking and the clerk discovered that one of his  45  at the table was working in Mannheim. He said to the man, "You could  46  play Santa for someone in Mannheim tonight if you"d like to." The man  47  to deliver it and the two walked to the mail room to  48  the package.
At home in Mannheim, we were busily  49  to think up some way to put our tree together, but couldn"t  50  a workable solution. We were ready to give up  51  the door bell rang. There stood a stranger holding a long  52  carton, our tree trunk. We invited him in,  53  it was Christmas Eve and he was  54  to get home to his own family.
The next day as we watched our little boy"s eyes light up at the  55  of our beautiful tree, I whispered a little prayer: "Bless the stranger who brightened up our Christmas with his kindness."
36. A. sell              B. buy             C. deliver                 D. bring
37. A. send            B. pass                 C. carry                D. take
38. A. surprise          B. hunger             C. pleasure                     D. panic
39. A. leaf            B. trunk                C. stand                D. branch
40. A. watched        B. caught               C. spotted                D. broke
41. A. directed         B. whispered           C. realized                 D. confirmed
42. A. delivery         B. customer             C. money                 D. letter
43. A. present         B. tree             C. mail                           D. package
44. A. crowded         B. small             C. noisy                  D. normal
45. A. friends          B. colleagues           C. relatives               D. companions
46. A. really           B. confidently       C. kindly                 D. patiently
47. A. overcame       B. agreed              C. astonished            D. struggled
48. A. fetch              B. transform           C. post                       D. consult
49. A. solving          B. explaining          C. trying                 D. worrying
50. A. come across      B. come back to        C. come upon             D. come up with
51. A. while             B. when              C. as                        D. since
52. A. slim            B. beautiful           C. thick                 D. heavy
53. A. but               B. so                  C. because                D. or
54. A. in surprise       B. it, the, way         C. in a hurt7                    D. in lime
55. A. sight            B. back            C. corner                  D. scene
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