当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 第二卷(共35分)第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写...

Dear Mary,
I’ve received your E-mail.Don’t worried about me.I’m getting on well with my research work in the lab.But in my surprise, you say you will give up learn English.The reason is because you have not done well in it recently and you have lose interest.I’m afraid that I can’t agree with you.I know it is not easy to learn English, and English is widely used in the world today and it will be important tool in our future work.Beside, it is becoming more and more important in our daily life.If you study hardly, you will succeed.Do remember that where there is a will there is a way.I’m looking forward to hearing a good news from you!
Li Hua

Dear Mary,
I’ve received your E-mail.Don’t ∧worried about me.I’m getting on well with my
be或 worry
research work in the lab.But in my surprise, you say you will give up learn English.The
to                                 learning
reason is because you have not done well in it recently and you have lose interest.I’m afraid
that                                               lost
that I can’t agree with you.I know it is not easy to learn English, and English is widely used
in the world today and it will be∧ important tool in our future work.Beside, it is becoming
an                               Besides
more and more important in our daily life.If you study hardly, you will succeed.Do
remember that where there is a will there is a way.I’m looking forward to hearing a good
news from you!
Li Hua


I still remember special experience when I was a pupil.
One day, as I does something wrong, my teacher was very
angry and decided to have a talk with my father and me. When I
got home, I dared not to tell the truth. I told my father that there
would be a parents meeting in the evening and the students
should take part in, too. My father believed what I said. So
in the evening, he was good dressed and took me to school.
At the school gate, father was puzzling seeing no other
parents. I had to say him the truth. At that time, I realized that
tell a lie couldn’t solve any problem.

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At 7:30 on the morning, we gathered at the school gate and set off on a large bus.An hour later, we arrive at the Forest Park.Getting off, we started our journey at once.
First, we climbed the green hills and on the way tried their luck to hunt for hidden treasure.Next, we toured around the lake in the comfortable boat.The beautiful scenery was really a feast for the eye.Then at noon time, we landed and settled at an open area, which we enjoyed a wonderful picnic.After eating, we sang and danced happy and played some interesting games.The day passed quickly.Finally it was time for us to return back.So at 3:00 pm, we cleaned the ground, made our way to the parking lot, getting on the bus and left.
It was really an exciting trip since we had long busy with our school work.
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注意:    1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。
The students of Class 3 have a discussion about if it is necessary learn English from childhood. Some think it necessary. As a little boys and girls have a very good memory, they can learn many English words by hearts, what will help them lay a solid foundation for their future English learning. But others do not agree. Children have to learn Chinese Pinyin. If they study Chinese Pinyin or English at the same time, it will be very easily for them to mix them up. This would do a lot of harm with their learning. In short, the students have not reached any agreement still.
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Sudha Chandran, a classical dancer from India, was cut off in the prime of her career--quite literally --when her right leg had to be removed after a car 36____
Though it brought her bright career to a stop,she didn"t 37____
In the painful months that 38_____,she met a doctor who developed an artificial leg (假肢)made from rubber 39____with sponge (海绵)。
So 40____was her desire that she decided to go back to  41____after she had been fitted with an artificial leg .
Sudan knew that she 42____in herself and could fulfill her 43_____ ,she began her courageous journey back to the 44_____of dancing --leaning to balance , bend , stretch,walk, turn, twist, twril and 45____dance.
After every public show , she would ask her dad about her 46____."You will have a long way to go "was the answer she used to get in 47____.
In January 1984, Sudhan made a historic comeback 48____giving a public show in Bombay.She performanced in such a marvelous 49____that it moved everyone to tears while putting her in the number one 50____again.
That evening when she asked the 51____question ,her dad didn"t say anything .He 52____touched her feet as a tribute to a great artist .
Sudan"s comeback was so heart-warming that a film producer was 53____to capture the incident into a celluloid box office hit ,"Mayuri."
When someone asked Sudan how she had 54____to dance again , she said quite simply ,"you don"t need 55____to dance."
Nothing is impossible in this world .If you have the will to win ,you can achive anything.
36.A event B movement C accident D incident
37.A put up      B hold up     C take up      D give up
38.A followed    B searched    C appeared      D remained
39.A covered     B filled       C crowed       D occupied
40.A worried     B excited     C satisfied       D eager
41.A running     B swimming   C dancing       D singing
42.A achieved   B believed    C trust          D considered
43.A dream      B duty      C job           D task
44.A place       B stage      C world         D secret
45.A suddenly   B finally     C instantly       D immediately
46.A appearance   B competition C decision       D performance
47.A return       B turn       C need          D request
48.A for         B with       C at             D by
49.A method     B means      C type          D manner
50.A position     B solution     C direction      D situation
51.A usual      B common     C special       D ordinary
52.A even       B ever        C just           D still
53.A respected    B inspired    C inspected       D supposed
54.A managed    B succeed   C imagined      D tried
55.A heart      B feet        C brain          D hand
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Persistence is the inner strenth for stick             76_________
it out when you would rather quit.Most true          77_________
successful people endure a lot  failure             78_________
before they achieve success.J.K.Rowling           
was snubbed(怠慢)by dozens of publishers after    79_________
she hit it big with the Harry Potter series             80_________
Oprah Winfrey was fired because of somebody       81_________
decided she "wasn"t fit for TV."It is okay
to fail as long as you see the lesson  in every        82_________
mistake you make and use them to become
even strong. Persistence means changing            83_________
"I can"t" into "I will"--and continue to                 84_________
believe yourself no matter what.                     85_________
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