In order to continue to learn by ourselves when we leave school someday, we must ______ learn how to study in the school now.
A.in all | B.after all | C.above all | D.at all |
试题【In order to continue to learn by ourselves when we leave school someday, we must】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
You won’t take me ______ easily. I know your tricks.
A.out | B.down | C.in | D.up |
.After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _____ cars in 2002 as the year before.
A.as many twice | B.as twice many | C.twice many as | D.twice as many |
There is ________ information stored in the computer which is likely to break down at any moment.
A. a large number of | B. a great deal of |
C. a plenty of | D. a great amounts of |
I was ______ 5 yuan for parking my car for 2 hours.
A.asked | B.charged | C.offered | D.paid |
This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can ____my father.
A.find out | B.pick out | C.look out | D.speak out |
- 1可能发展成台风的天气系统是[ ]A、甲 B、乙 C、丙 D、丁
- 2I"ve got two invitation tickets for the _______ of the Ameri
- 3读“日本工业分布略图”,完成下列各题.小题1:日本工业集中分布在( )A.太平洋沿岸B.日本海沿岸C.濑户内海沿
- 4右图是美国军费开支曲线图,根据该图获取的历史信息不正确的是A.导致阶段A军费上升的主要原因是“冷战”下出现了“热战”——
- 5如图,可以用字母表示出来的不同射线和线段( )A.3条线段,3条射线B.6条线段,6条射线C.6条线段,3条射线D.3
- 6The computer system ______ suddenly while he was searching f
- 7小明读七年级,他很想一个人郊外秋游,但妈妈不放心,让他将一天的时间安排做一个详细计划,于是小明绘制了下图交给妈妈,你能根
- 8儿童患佝偻病,中老年人患骨质疏松症的原因可能是缺 或 。
- 9We are going _____ vacation tomorrow. [ ]A. on B. toC. f
- 10在盛有饱和Ca(OH)2溶液的烧怀中,加入少量CaO粉末,充分作用后,恢复到原温度,下列说法正确的是( )①有晶体析出
- 1甲、乙两个同学沿同一路径同时登一座山,他们登山的速度分别为3.5km/h和1m/s,则最先登上山顶的是( )A.甲B.
- 2下图为沿某岛屿20°纬线地形剖面及两地气候统计图,据图完成下列各题。小题1:该岛位于A.南半球、东半球B.北半球、东半球
- 3下列运算中,正确的是[ ]A.x6÷x2=x3B.(-3x)2=6x2C.3x3-2x2=x D.(x3)2·x
- 4计算:= ▲ ,= ▲ .
- 5下列说法正确的是( )A.直布罗陀海峡是ri本工业的海上生命线B.酷寒、烈风、多雨是南极地区的主要气候特征C.欧洲西部
- 6下列天气符号所代表的天气对人类活动最为有利的组合是( )A.──晾晒衣服B.──体育锻炼C.──播种小麦D.──高空作
- 7补写出下列名句名篇中的空缺部分。1._____________,内无应门五尺之僮,____________,形影相吊。(
- 8一个物体在共点的三个恒力作用下保持静止状态,则下列说法中错误的是( )A.这三个力的合力必为零B.其中任何一个力
- 9长方形的长是(3a+2b),宽比长少(a-b),则这个长方形的周长是( )。
- 10为进一步规范村民委员会换届选举工作,保障村民依法行使民主权利。2013年初,吉林省伊通满族自治县根据《中华人民共和国村民