当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 第二节:完成句子(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后...

31.Water,which seems so simple and common,is what__________________ .(使得生命成为可能) (make)
32.All the students__________________ (渴望) admission to a key university. (desperate)
33.We haven"t heard from him for a long time!__________________(他发生什么事)him? (become)
34.By the time the firemen arrived at the building, the fire __________________(已经扑灭了)by the nearby citizens.(put)
35.Not__________________ (录用)by that well-known company,he was greatly depressed.(employ)
36.The coach, as well as his team members,__________________ (认为训练重要). (attach)
37.He made the suggestion__________________ (感谢他们所做的工作). (acknowledge)
38.The two things in__________________ (他们引以为豪) were Jim"s watch and Della"s hair. (pride)
39._________________ (还有待观察) whether they will support us. (see)
40.They sometimes__________________(发现注意力集中困难) when reading. (find)

31. makes life possible          32. are desperate for
33.What has become of         34. had already been put out
35. having been employed           36.attaches importance to training
37. their work (should) be acknowledged         38.which they took pride
39. It remains to be seen                     40. find it hard to concentrate


(注意:此题答案涂在答题卡上。1、如果所选择的答案为A、B、C或D,直接涂该题所对应的位置;2、如果所选择的答案为E,请在该题所对应的答题卡上涂两个字母A和B; 3、如果所选择的答案为F,请在该题所对应的答题卡上涂两个字母B和C; 4、如果所选择的答案为G,请在该题所对应的答题卡上涂两个字母C和D。)
Mother: Are you going shopping with me today?
Father: No,   61 
Mother: Are you OK?
Father:   62  I am just thinking of painting the door.
Mother:   63 
Father: No, I am going to paint them white. That will match the wall.
Mother: You are right. But that’s a lot of work.   64 
Father: Yes, I think so. I can hardly do it by myself.
Mother:   65 
Father: It is very kind of you.
A. Yes, I am quite all right.
B. Are you sure of that?
C. I don’t feel like going out today.
D. That will be fine.
E. Do you need a hand?
F. Are you going to paint them green?
G. I’d be glad to be of help.
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76 He is often described as the man who has saved more lives than any other person in history. Norman Borlaug is considered the father of what has been called the Green Revolution. His ideas about agriculture in creased crop production and ended hunger are welcomed in many nations.77
Norman Borlaug was born ninety-four years ago on a farm in the American state of IowA.In the middle of the twentieth century, world population was expanding faster than food production.78
Norman Borlaug was an agricultural researcher at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center In Mexico. 79 Those methods increased the amount harvested by three times. He later repeated this success in India, Pakistan and Africa.
His methods of farming saved millions of people who would have starved to death. Norman Borlaug was given the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts in 1970.
Mr. Borlaug is still urging experts think about the needs of people around the world .80 He says it has the power to destroy most of the wheat being grown around the world.
A. Experts said many people in developing countries would face starvation.
B. The person who is making a difference is known around the world.
C. His efforts make it impossible for people all over the world to starve any more.
D. He developed methods of growing wheat.
E. His latest concern is a disease in wheat called UG99.
F. Mr. Borlaug continues to be a leader among agricultural researchers.
G. The world’s population growth is faster than crop increase.
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A married couple were in a car while the wife turned to       76.__________
her husband and asked, “Would you like to stop for coffee?” “No,         77.__________
thanks.” he answered truthfully.But they didn’t stop.However,    78.__________
the wife, who has indeed wanted to stop, became angry, because          79._________
she felt her preference had not considered.The husband, seeing that  80._________
his wife was angry, became frustrated.Why didn’t she just say that        81._________
she wanted? Unfortunately, he failed in to see that his wife was      82._________
asking the question, in order not to get an immediately decision,       83._________
but rather to begin discussion.And the women didn’t realize that    84._________
when her husband said no, he was just express his preference, not     85._________
giving an order.
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第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Last Sunday, my friends and I went outing.                           76. ________
We started out earlier in the morning. It didn’t take                         77. ________
long to get to the South Lake, where is 10 kilometers                       78. ________
away the city. After we arrived there, we divided                           79. ________
ourselves into two team. We had a wonderful time                          80. ________
playing football. When it is time for lunch,                                81. ________
we made a fire to cook a meal. We shared that                             82. ________
we brought in with us. After that, we rowed boats                          83. ________
in the lake and took a lot of pictures. We went                             84. ________
back home late in the afternoon, tiring and happy.                          85. ________
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Canadian singer and song writer, Alanis Morissette,                
is used to b________  in the public eye. Her album                   1. ______________
Jagged Little Pill made her world f_____________. Last Thursday         2._______________
night, hundreds of fans went to England to see her p_______________      3. ______________
in concert. Although it was _____________(极其) cold, there was not      4. ______________
an empty seat. The first part of the song “Utopia” was f__________ with    5. ______________
anger, ______ the last part was joyful. The audience enjoyed the concert   6. ______________
very much. They ________ along to nearly every song.                 7. ______________
_________(整个) the concert, the atmosphere was exciting. Everyone agreed 8. ______________
that they were greatly ______(打动) by her brilliant music and singing.     9. ______________
She _________the evening with a new song about the life of a superstar.   10. ______________
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