当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 根据句子结构或括号中所给的词在空格处填上合适的词或所给词的正确形式,并把答案填写在答题卷相应的位置上。小题1: No one can live _______ ...
小题1: No one can live _______ water and food for longer than seven days.
小题2:I was about to switch off the computer _______ the lights went out.
小题3:Since he graduated from university last year, he _______  (explore) the South Pole with his teammates.
小题4:The thieves ran away immediately when they heard the alarm went _______.
小题5:The classroom was decorated by the pupils for the _______ (celebrate).
小题6:_______ is believed that Martin Luther King was murdered.
小题7:Christopher Reeve tried to collect money to help the _______ (able) people.
小题8:She refused her father"s help and she got the job on _______ own.
小题9:If you are traveling in the country, _______ customs are not familiar to you, please do as the Romans do.
小题10:China, _______ (found) in 1949, is now a developing country.

小题1:has explored/has been exploring

试题【根据句子结构或括号中所给的词在空格处填上合适的词或所给词的正确形式,并把答案填写在答题卷相应的位置上。小题1: No one can live _______ 】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:The officials examined the food to make sure it ______________ (没有) poison. (free)
小题2:I’m sure Jack ______________ (将取得很大的进步)in his studies in high school with Susan’s help. (progress)
小题3:The boss ______________  (对……留下印象) John’s hard work so he was promoted to a manager. (impress)
小题4:A large sum of money ______________ (捐献) charity by the chairman up till now. (contribute)
小题5:His father was encouraged to ______________ (戒烟) for the health of his family. (quit)
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Fruit also makes up a flowering plant. It carries the seeds . The purpose of fruit is to protect a plant’s seeds and help them get spread about. Wind and water spread seeds .So do animals when they eat fruit and drop the seeds .
There are two main types of fruit: fleshy and dry. Fleshy fruits are soft and juicy , the way we usually think of fruits . Peaches ,plums ,and apples are all fleshy fruits . Dry fruits are thin and hard . Grains like wheat and rice , or nuts are dry fruits.
You’ve eaten seedless oranges and grapes . How can they be fruits? It’s because people have changed the way they grow fruit. They can now grow seedless fruit . Seedless fruit comes from special plants called hybrids(杂交生物体) . A hybrid is made by combining two varieties of a fruit to form a new variety . This hybrid grows and produces seeds . But the plants grown from these seeds are seedless . These plants cannot reproduce themselves.
A tomato is a vegetable , right? No , it’s actually a fruit . Other food we think of as vegetables—such as squash , peppers ,and eggplant—also are fruit . They’re fruit because they carry seeds and develop from flowers . Here’s another surprise . Scientists classify the tomato as a berry(浆果) . In addition , they don’t consider some fruits we call berries to be true berries because a berry is normally a type of fruit with a lot of seeds inside it . Technically , a strawberry , isn’t a berry , because it has its seeds on the outside . The red part is just the tip of the strawberry stem that’s enlarged.
Fruits are a source of nourishing(滋养) substances that keep us alive and healthy . For example , they contain many vitamins , especially vitamins A and C, and many minerals . They also provide fibre for a healthy digestive system and carbohydrates that the body needs to make energy.
Basic knowledge
Being小题2:      of a flowering plant and carrying seeds.
Protecting a plant’s seeds and helping spread them about.
Mainly小题3:     on wind , water and animals to spread.
Fleshy fruit :Juicy and小题4:       , like peaches , plums ,apples ,etc .
Dry fruit : Thin and hard , like wheat ,rice , nuts ,etc .
Coming from a 小题6:     ,which is made by combining two kinds of fruit to form a new kind.
Some surprises
Tomato , squash ,peppers and eggplant are fruits because they carry seeds and develop from 小题7:    .
Some fruits like strawberry aren’t technically berries because they have seeds on the 小题8:      .
Being 小题9:   
to humans
Keeping people alive and小题10:      .
Providing vitamins , fiber and carbohydrates.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
M:Now we have five-day (1) c___________ every week, so we have more spare time than before.
W:Yeah. How do you spend your spare time, Timmy?
M:I have an (2) i___________ in playing the violin and I’ll continue to (3) p ___________ playing it.
W:Do you often go to a concert?
M:Yes , I like (4) l___________ to music. At present my major objective is to learn from others.
W:Do you like classical (5) m___________ or pop?
M:I like both. How do you spend your spare time then, Lily?
W:(6) P___________ the piano is my favorite activity.
M:Our hobbies are (7) s___________ to each other. I hope we can often (8) e___________ experience together.
W:So do I, but I’m weak in the theory of music.
M:Me, too. Would you like to go with me to my uncle’s ? He’s a (9) p___________ at the Institute of Music.
W:I’d be glad to go with you. I will ask him for his (10) a___________.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Dear Mom and Dad,
I’m afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty(调皮的) and the school principal(校长) is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must come and take me away from here.   小题1: 
The trouble started last night when I was smoking in bed. This is against the rules, of course. 小题2: 
As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away.
There was a curtain(窗帘) near the waste-paper basket which caught fire too. Soon the whole room was burning.
 小题4: The school is a long way from the town and by the time the fire department arrived, the whole school was in flames. Many of the girls are in the hospital.
The principal said that the fire was all my fault and you must pay for the damage. 小题5:  
The principal phoned the fire department.
She doesn’t want me to smoke here.
We are not allowed to smoke at all.
She will send you a bill for about a million dollars.
She does not want me in her school any longer.
Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste-paper basket, which caught fire.
G. The fire spread to another room
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
---Can I help you, madam?
---I’d like to buy ____eggs.
A.scores ofB.two scores ofC.two dozens ofD.three scores of

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