当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在文后的空格里填上适当的单词或短语。注意:每空不超过三个单词。My name is Jane. My job is to write ...
My name is Jane. My job is to write stories and newsletters for a magazine. My hobby is traveling and I hope to visit Great Britain one day. I’d like a pen-pal from London, who is interested in discussing the differences between Europe and Asia. I love listening to pop music and playing football.
I’m Manuel. I’m a businessman and have a large  company with many workers and clerks. I’d like to find a pen-pal who is also a businessman and lives in North America. I like using the Internet.
I am working in a university. I speak English, French and Russian. My family name is Jackson but my students usually call me Sarah. I’d like a pen-pal who is fond of language learning working in Oxford University. I don’t like using computers for learning and I believe that true language can only happen in a classroom.
I’m Peter and interested in the differences bet ween East Europe and North America. I love riding my horse and listening to jazz. I usually get up at 7 o’clock and go to school around 7:30 in the morning. I want to find a pen-pal living in Sydney who has the same interest as me.
Cindy is my first name. I’m working in a travel agency. Sometimes I am called Mr. Guide as I am working. I’d like to find a pen-pal who comes from Europe. I like playing the piano and listening to jazz. I’m interested in history, but I don’t like to discuss languages.
Name    Vocation(职业) 小题1:___________    Pen-pal from
Jane   小题2:_____________  Traveling;
listening to pop music and 小题3:____________   
小题4: _____________ Businessman Using 小题5:_________    North America
Jackson 小题6: _____________ Teaching    Oxford University
Peter   Student 小题7:____________ and listening to jazz 小题8: _____________
Cindy  小题9: _____________ Playing the piano; listening to jazz; history  小题10:_____________

小题1: Hobbies/Hobby  
小题1: playing football 
小题1:the Internet 
小题1:Riding a/his horse  
小题1: Sydney    
小题1: Europe

小题1:从文章第一段的句子:My job is to write stories and newsletters for a magazine. 可知是作家;Writer/Author 
小题1:从文章第一段的句子:My hobby is traveling 可知填Hobbies/Hobby 
小题1:从第一段的最后一句:I love listening to pop music and playing football.
可知填playing football 
小题1:从第二段的第一句:I’m Manuel. I’m a businessman and have a large  company with many workers and clerks.可知填Manuel 
小题1:从第二段的句子:I like using the Internet.可知填 the Internet 
小题1:从第三段的句子:I am working in a university. 说明是Teacher/Professor 
小题1:从倒数第二段的句子:I love riding my horse and listening to jazz.可知填Riding a/his horse  
小题1:从倒数第二段的句子: I want to find a pen-pal living in Sydney who has the same interest as me.可知是 Sydney    
小题1:从最后一段的句子:I am called Mr. Guide as I am working.可知是Guide  
小题1:从最后一段的句子:I’d like to find a pen-pal who comes from Europe. 可知是Europe
试题【阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在文后的空格里填上适当的单词或短语。注意:每空不超过三个单词。My name is Jane. My job is to write 】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
I’m glad to hear ___1___you. I know you’re dying to h___2___ about my life here. I’m still trying to adapt ___3____ the conditions here. The other days I visited a ___4____(偏远的)village with another teacher. We walked for two and a half h____5___ to get there. We s___6___a day in the home of Tombe, one of my students。The hut was d___7___ inside so it took time for my eyes to adjust. We also had a meal there. I don’t speak much of the __8___(当地的)English dialect yet, so I could not _____9______(参加) in their conversation. Luckily, Tombe could act as our interpreter. We left the village the next morning. It was  s__10__ a privilege to have spent a day with Tombe’s family.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

adjust to,    set aside,    in need,    all in all,    test out, 
be dying to,    in other words

小题1: I ___________ know what happened.
小题2:Our monitor is easy-going, hard-working and clever. ______________,I can’t speak too highly of him.
小题3:Rita’s parents ___________ two hours every Sunday afternoon to spend with her.
小题4: My best friend was obviously ___________, but I didn’t know how I could help him out.
小题5:It is hard for him to _____________the new climate.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
So far, we have l_______________ five Units in Module 7.Now let’s 
1. ____________ 
make a brief  _____________(介绍) to each unit. Unit One is about     2._____________
Marty’s story. Though he is _________(残疾), he never gives up     3._____________
and becomes more i____________(独立). Unit Two is about “Robots”.  4.______________
Robots can do many things ___________of humans. “Under the sea”    5.______________
is the topic of Unit Three. It"s an ______________(轶事) of a killer   6.______________
whale. The story of Unit Four is about “Sharing”. Jo is a v______. She  7.______________
offered to teach in the r________area. In Unit Five ,we know Xie Lei  8.______________
went ________ to study business. She learned a lot there.            9______________
In addition, we’ve also learned another two units in
Module 8--”California”  and “________”   (克隆).     
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
阅读下列短文,根据以下提示: 1)汉语提示 ;2)首字母提示 3)语境提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的英语单词,并将该词完整地写在相对应的横线上。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。
Women are playing a much more important part in society today.
Now women are working ___teachers, scientists and even leaders.     小题1:____
We have to admit the fact that almost all jobs ____ used to be done by 小题2:____
men are done perfectly well today by women. Women are no longer l__小题3:____
Down upon in society. With these __(改变) in their social role, women’s小题4:___
position in the family has been __(改善) as well. It is hard to find the 小题5:___
wife is busy while the husband is sitting in an armchair, w__ TV.            小题6:___
In spite of all these changes, a great n___ of men still guard their            小题7:___
rights. They t___ of women as incapable creatures. Sometimes few    小题8:___
women are allowed to ___(出席) important meetings. This is the            小题9:___
problem we should try to __(解决) now                                                   小题10:___
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Dear editor,
I’m a college student and I’ll graduating in half a year. I’m very worried about my future, because find a good job is so much difficult. At the moment, my parents want me to be a teacher, and I don’t like that idea. During my holiday break, I work part-time as a tour guide in my hometown. I liked job very much. But my parents didn’t agree with me. They thought the work was difficulty, even though one could make a lot of money. That is the most important to me is that being a tour guide won’t take me far from home. I always consider what my parents say, but it’s hard for me to take a decision. Could you give me some suggestion?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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