当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 根据短文内容,从下框的A----E选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。  1. May 19,1991 was a red lette...


May 19,1991 was a red letter day for the people of Nanxi Town,Jinzhai County,in the Dabie
Mountain area of Anhui Province.On that day the townpeople cut the ribbon at the inauguration(落成典礼)of a primary school,the first in China set up with money raised in a national campaign for educational development.They were happy to see their children,who had been deprived(剥夺)of an education because of poverty,entering school.


The Dabie Mountain range lies at the juncture of Hubei,Henan and Anhui provinces.Jinzhai
County,located in the highest section of the mountain range,has within its boundaries more than 100 peaks each exceeding1,000 meters in height.Due to the unfavorable natural conditions,some people in the county are unable to feed and clothe themselves adequately no matter how hard they work throughout the year.About 1,500 children have dropped out of school because their parents are unable to pay the fees for them.


Huangpin,a povert-stricken village situated in the a cold area 750 metres above sea level,is
tipical of the county.Among the village’s 224 children between the ages of 7 and 15,there are 80 who are unable to go to school because of economic problems.Some pupils have to cut firewood after school to support themselves.Some leave school to look after cattle and pigs because they cannot afford the 20 yuan necessary for buying books.


The county’s leaders have long realized that it is very difficult for county in which 36%of the
people are illiterate(文盲)to free itself of poverty.In order to change this situation,they have spent 1/3 of the county’s tax income on education for several years’ running.In order to enrol(招收)more children,teachers from some schools have climbed hills to encourage people to send their children to school.Some teachers have even paid their students’ fees from their own pockets,although their salaries are very low.


According to statistics(统计数据)in China,more than one million school-age children are
unable to go to school because of economic problems.In October 1989,the China Foundation for the Development of Children and Youth appealed to the country and  the world to raise money for the education of children in poverty-stricken areas.Since children are the future of the country,this project is called “The Hope Project”.


试题【根据短文内容,从下框的A----E选项中选出能概括每一段主题的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。  1. May 19,1991 was a red lette】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;   2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
Nowadays more and more people are concerning about their health, but how to keep health? First,it is necessary to take any exercise every day.Research shows that get plenty of exercise makesthe heart beat fast and the lungs work harder.Second, eat more fruits, vegetable and less meat.Third, getting rid of bad habits as smoking and drinking is also important way to keep healthy.Smoking and alcohol drinking injures one’s health a great deal, and therefore should be given up.
If people follow these three ways of keeping fit, they’ll great improve their health.
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By the end of last month, we had sold ____________ as we did last year.
A.as twice many cupsB.twice cups as many
C.twice as many cupsD.as many cups twice

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I would____________ ___________ if you would tell me his address.
2. 直到20世纪20 年代,阿富汗人和他们的骆驼还在做着这样的工作。
The Afghans and their camels did this _______ ______ _______.
That was the second time that I ________   _______such a serious mistake
4 在离开化学实验室之前,确保所有的灯都关上了。
Before leaving the chemistry lab, _______ _______all the lights are turned off.
5. 那些地震中幸存下来的人们将永远也忘不了他们那可怕的经历。
Those_______  ________ an earthquake would never forget their terrible experience.
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根据短文内容,从下框A-F选项中选出能概括每段主题的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。(E="AB; " F=AC)
    A.Why exercise?
B.Healthy eating
C.A picture of being healthy
D.Exercise tips
E.The importance of being healthy
F.A healthy combination
You use energy for everything you do.That energy comes from the food you eat.Too much food or too little exercise causes your body to store the extra energy in fat cells.Lighten up on the food or increase your exercise and you might drop a few pounds.But if you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, you"ll feel more healthy and strong as well as look great.
You probably have an image in your mind of what the "perfect" or "ideal" body looks like.Try not to press yourself to look that way.Each person is born with genes that control the shape of his /her body.Everyone is different.It is important to be comfortable with the body you have."Healthy" and "ideal" are not always the same.Healthy eating habits and regular exercise are the best ways to look and feel your personal best.
Exercise does more than just burn calories.For instance, regular exercise makes your muscles strong and flexible, and increases the amount of muscle you have; makes your heart stronger and lowers your blood pressure; makes you feels more energetic, even when you"re not exercising and improves your mood and makes you feel better about yourself.
Always warm up and stretch for 5--10 minutes before you do strength or endurance exercises.Afterward, take 10 minutes to cool down slowly.Your heart should beat  normally when you stop.Do strength and endurance exercises on alternate days, so you will not overwork your body.Exercising as part of a group may help you to exercise regularly.
Your body runs best on foods high in complex carbohydrates and low in fat and sugar.You also need a certain amount of protein and plenty of vitamins and minerals.Eating a healthy diet wil1 provide your body with everything it needs to run smoothly.Your body breaks down proteins into amino acids(氨基酸), so you don’t need to buy the amino acids separately.
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How we look and how we appear to others probably worries us more when we are in our teens or early twenties than at any other time in our life. Few of us are content to accept ourselves as we are, and few are brave enough to ignore the trends of fashion.
Most fashion magazines or TV advertisements try to persuade us that we should dress in a certain way or behave in a certain manner. If we do, they tell us, we will be able to meet new people with confidence and deal with every situation confidently and without embarrassment. Changing fashion, of course, does not apply just to dress. A barber today does not cut a boy’s hair in the same way as he used to, and girls do not make up in the same way as their mothers and grandmothers did. The advertisers show us the latest fashionable styles and we are constantly under pressure to follow the fashion in case our friends think we are odd or dull.
What causes fashions to change? Sometimes convenience or practical necessity or just the fancy of an influential person can establish a fashion. Take hats for example. In cold climates, early buildings were cold inside, so people wore hats indoors as well as outside. In recent times, the late President Kennedy caused a depression in the American hat industry by not wearing hats, and more American men followed his example.
There is also a cyclical(周期性的) pattern in fashion. In the 1920s in Europe and America, short skirts became fashionable. After World War II, they dropped to ankle length. Then they got shorter and shorter until the miniskirt was in fashion. After a few more years, skirts became longer again.
Today, society is much freer and easier than it used to be. It is no longer necessary to dress like everyone else. Within reason, you can dress as you like or do your hair the way you like instead of the way you should because it is the fashion. The popularity of jeans and the “untidy” look seems to be a reaction against the increasingly expensive fashion of the top fashion houses.
At the same time, appearance is still important in certain circumstances and then we must choose our clothes carefully. It would be foolish to go to an interview for a job in a law firm wearing jeans and a sweater, and it would be discourteous(失礼的) to visit some distinguished scholar looking as if we were going to the beach or a night club. However, you need never feel depressed if you don’t look like the latest fashion photo. Look around you and you’ll see that no one else does either!
Fashion Change
People’s (1) towards fashion
Ordinary people just (2) the trends of fashion passively.
Influences of fashion
People are able to feel more confident or less (3) if they dress themselves fashionably.
Fashion or dressing (4) may have to rush constantly to keep up with the fashion.
(5) of fashion changing
Sometimes a fashion comes into existence (6) to convenience or practical necessity, or just because people (7) an influential person.
Cyclical pattern in fashion
Some old fashion may come back to (8) after a certain period of time.
Fashion today
People tend to dress freely to show their personal (9) instead of going after popularity.
Writer’s attitude
We do need to dress ourselves properly on some (10) but we don’t have to be in fashion all the way.

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