当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 数词 > 用下列单词或短语的适当形式填空(每小题1分,满分10分)。sympathetic  temperament     intense     prolific  ...
sympathetic  temperament     intense     prolific     channelgo too far  
blunt       delete        specific     intricately
小题1:If you make a mistake, use the __________ button to erase backwards.
小题2:I think you guys _______ by saying he is selfish before other guys.
小题3:These early works evidence van Gogh"s _________ desire to express the misery and poverty of humanity as he saw it among the miners in Belgium.
小题4:This report offered the most_______ and accurate description of the problems.
小题5:The__________ writer wrote a large number of novels.
小题6:Water is________ through a series of irrigation canals.
小题7:Under the care of a __________ doctor, whose portrait he painted (Dr Gachet,1890), van Gogh spent three months at Auvers.
小题8:A whole lot of_______ carved sculptures are displayed in the British Museum.
小题9:Julian"s_______ words hurt me.
小题10:Born in 1853, van Gogh was the son of a Dutch Protestant minister. Early in life he displayed a moody _______ that was to thwart his every pursuit.

小题2:go too far

小题1:delete 名词删除,当你犯错的时候,使用删除键来擦掉痕迹。
小题2:go too far 固定搭配做得过分,走得太远。
小题3:intense 形容词热情的intense,在本句中修饰名词desire。
小题4:specific 形容词明确的,具体的specific,这个报告里给出了最明确,具体的对问题的描述。
小题5:prolific 形容词  prolific 多产的,众多的.指这位产品众多的作家。
小题6:channel(l)ed 动词channel引导,开到,形成河道。通过一系列的灌溉运河水被引导过来。
小题7: sympathetic 形容词sympathetic富有同情心的,在这位富有同情心的医生的照顾之下。
小题8: intricately 形容词复杂的intricately,本题用了修饰后面的名词carved sculptures。
小题9:blunt 形容词直率的,直言不讳的blunt,Julian直言不讳的话伤害了我。
小题10: temperament 名词性格,气质temperament。本句中的moody temperament指喜怒无常的性格。
试题【用下列单词或短语的适当形式填空(每小题1分,满分10分)。sympathetic  temperament     intense     prolific  】;主要考察你对数词等知识点的理解。[详细]
Last week I went to visit to my former neighbor, Mr. Yang. He and I used to living next to each other for many years. About half a year ago, the old building , that we were living in , were going to be pulled down to make room for a main street. So I had to move apart. Mr. Yang now lives in the suburbs near a beautiful park. His new apartment is much big than before. The only problem is that it took quite a long time to get to the downtown area. Therefore, Mr. Yang doesn’t seem to worry about the long distance. He says that new subway line is to be built in a few year and he is sure life will be better in the future.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
My wife and me spent two weeks in London last year. We went here in autumn. We stayed in a small hotel in the West End. It was convenient as we do most of our sightseeing on foot. Taxis was quite too expensive. We couldn’t understand the bus routes, but my wife didn’t like traveling by the underground. She said it made her to feel sick. We went to look at the places which all tourists see. We saw the Buckingham Palace. We came shopping in Oxford Street and spent too many money. What we liked most, though, was going to theatre.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
根据汉语提示完成句子(共5小题; 每空1分,满分10分)
When you _____a house, you pay a _____fee.
_____is a very important factor in deciding what kind of home you will be able to_____.
There is not only a _____ price tag but also a _____one.
Eating the right foods each day helps your body __________ functions.
Your clothing tells others about your _____and your_____.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
单句改错(共5小题,每小题1分,共 5分。每句只能改一处,在原句中直接改正)
小题1:Air hostesses all smile when they serve for the passengers.
小题2:No one matches him when it comes to swim.
小题3:A poor nourished body needs more energy to combat disease.
小题4:Foreigners always associate China to the Great Wall.
小题5:Not until then he realize the importance of the problem.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A good relationship with teachers today may help you in the future. You will need teachers’ written recommendations (推荐信) to apply to a college or for a job after high school. Teachers are another group of adults in your life who can look out for you, guide you, and provide you with advice. They are willing to answer questions and help you with your personal problems.
We all have our favorite teachers—those who seem truly interested in us and treat us as smart people. You can do lots of things to develop a good relationship with you teachers. Show up for class on time, finishing all homework. Be respectful and ask questions. Show an interest in the subject. Show the teacher that you care.
If you’re having problems with the teacher, try to figure out why. If you don’t like the subject being taught, it can affect your relationship with the teacher. If you find a subject hard, talk to your teacher or a parent about extra tutoring. If you find it boring, talk to your teacher about some other ways of learning.
What if you just don’t like the teacher?When it comes to working with teachers, personality (个性) can come into play just as it can in any relationship. Learning to work with people you don’t connect with easily is a good skill no matter what your goals are.
Before you try to get out of a class to escape a teacher you don’t like, here are a few things you can do to make a difficult relationship work.
●Meet with the teacher and try to communicate what you’re feeling. Tell him or her what’s in your mind.
●Turn to the school counselor (指导老师), who can offer some suggestions for getting out of a
difficult relationship. Sometimes a counselor can act as a mediator between you and the teacher.
●If your relationship problems can’t be solved in school, then it’s time to tell your parents. Let them meet with your teacher and try to work them out.
Teachers are there for more than just homework and they know about more than just their subject matter. They can help you learn how to function as an adult and a lifelong learner. Undoubtedly, there will be a few teachers along the way who you’ll always remember and who might change your life forever.
Getting along well with your teachers
The 小题1:______     for a good relationship with teachers
●A good relationship with teachers may be 小题2:     to your future.
●You will need teachers’ written recommendations to go to a college or find a job after high school.
●Teachers pay attention to what is happening around you, give you guidance and offer 小题3:     about how to deal with your personal problems.
小题4:    to develop a good relationship with teachers
● 小题5:     school on time.
●Show 小题6:     for your teachers.
●Ask questions.
●Be interested in the subject.
●Show your teachers that you care.
About common teacher-student
●If the subject is hard to learn, ask for extra tutoring.
●If you are 小题8:     with the subject, talk to your teacher.
●It’s a good skill to learn to work with people you don’t connect with easily.
小题9:     with the teacher.
●Ask the school counselor for help.
●Tell your parents to help 小题10:      the problem.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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