A.begin | B.appreciate | C.basement | D.enemy |
A.nurses | B.horses | C.pulses | D.causes |
A.wood | B.stood | C.food | D.blood |
A.concert | B.musician | C.success | D.physical |
After school, Linda and James are talking on their way home.
Linda: I feel a bit tired after a whole day’s work.
James: So do I. 小题1:
Linda: I enjoy chatting online with my friends, going to the movies and doing many other things.
James: 小题2:
Linda: I collect stamps. I try my best to get stamps from other countries. What about you?
James: 小题3: It is a fun way to exercise, though cycling is a bit dangerous. I like playing tennis, too.
Linda: No wonder you are always so energetic.
James: Yes. If we do exercise every day, we can keep our heart and lungs in good shape.
Linda: 小题4: Can you give me some tips on how to keep fit?
James: The best way to keep fit is to do some sports. I’m going cycling now.
Linda: Sounds wonderful! Let’s go to the countryside together.
A.What’s your favorite sport? |
B.Now I’m putting on weight. |
C.I enjoy riding my bike and looking at the scenery along the road. |
D.What do you do to relax yourself? |
F.What’s your favorite hobby?
G.You really should do some sports to lose weight.
A.every second days | B.every other days |
C.every other day | D.every two day |
- 1已知点G是△ABO的重心,M是AB边的中点.(1)求++;(2)若PQ过△ABO的重心G,且=a,=b,=ma,=nb,
- 2What she said made all of us ________ .[ ]A. to confuseB
- 32008年5月12日我国汶川大地震,在这场特大自然灾害面前,灾区群众与全国人民一起,众志成城,抗震救灾。请联系所学知识,
- 4Although he was disabled, he tried to lead ________ as possi
- 5利用下面中给出的1950年以来我国的人口增长表,并回答问题。(1)2000年我国人口达_________亿,与1950年
- 6如图,在△ABC中,AB=AC,∠A=120°,BC=2,⊙A与BC相切于点D,且交AB、AC于M、N两点,则图中阴影部
- 7实验室常用98%(密度为1.84 g·mL-1)的浓硫酸配制1∶4的稀硫酸,此稀硫酸的密度为1.23 g·mL-1,则其
- 8对下图建筑解读错误的一项是( )A.该建筑是古埃及国王的陵墓B.该建筑是古埃及国王权力的象征C.该建筑是古埃及的军事防
- 92012年初,广东某镇发生了由丙型肝炎病毒引起的“丙肝”感染事件。据调查,感染丙肝的居民都曾到未采用一次性注射器的镇卫生
- 10— The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.—
- 1如图是转化汽车尾气中有害气体的微观示意图.(1)反应前的图示中含有______种分子;(2)图中所示的化学方程式____
- 2图示山体主峰的西北坡地形特征是A.上、下部均陡峭B.上缓下陡C.上、下部均平缓D.上陡下缓
- 3The most important thing about ancient civilizations is ____
- 4下列有关匀速圆周运动的公式中正确的是( )A.a=mv2rB.v=ωrC.T=2πvD.F= v2r
- 5在一定温度下,在恒定容积的密闭容器中进行的可逆反应A2(g)+B2(g) 2AB(g)达到化学平衡的标志是A.容器内的总
- 6下列语句中加粗的成语,使用不恰当的一项是[ ]A.王老汉是一个短小精悍的人,别看他已经六十岁开外,依然精神矍铄,
- 7We welcome rain, but a(an)_______ large amount of rainfall w
- 8游泳时手和脚向后划水的力与水向前推手和脚的力,它们大小相等,方向相反,在一条直线上,因此( )A.它们是一对平衡力B.
- 9在天然存在的物质中,硬度最大的是( )A.石灰石B.石墨C.金刚石D.铁矿石
- 10写出一对和为6的两个无理数:(6-3)与3(6-3)与3.