Despite a population of only 60,000 people in the area, ________ remains a split between three diverse racial groups.
A.what | B.it | C.that | D.there |
试题【Despite a population of only 60,000 people in the area, ________ remains a split】;主要考察你对名词等知识点的理解。[详细]
I had just enough energy for a bit of wine in the Irish Bar, where the sweet Irish music relaxed me to the point ________ I had to take myself up to bed.
A.which | B.that | C.where | D.as |
But more than a month passed, real winter had come, and everything was still clear in his memory as though he ________ with Anna only the day before.
A.was parted | B.has parted | C.had parted | D.had been parting |
In recent months, behind closed doors the chairman and vice chairman ________ heated disagreements over whether to make public the findings or the documents.
A.had had | B.have | C.have been had | D.have had |
Applying make-up on crowded buses is worse than ________, which ranks as number 9 bad manners.
A.being drunken | B.drunken | C.having drunken | D.to be drunken |
. I feel the thing that’s exciting to me about this work is finding ways to do something in the space of an evening ________ people can sit through to deal with large concerns.
A.when | B.that | C.while | D.how |
- 1人体的动脉、静脉血管往往相伴而行,请仔细观察图,下列说法正确的是( )A.①是动脉B.②是静脉C.①和②的血液流动方向
- 2如果5x﹣3=2,那么x=( ).
- 3 甲图是某个国家二战后经济发展时期人口出生率、死亡率和自然增长率的变化示意图,乙图是人口年龄构成示意图,回答1—2
- 4“嫦娥Ⅰ号”探月卫星沿半径为R的圆周轨道绕月球运动了一周,其位移大小是 __________,路程是________;若
- 5方程的根,∈Z,则= ▲ .
- 6—Can I go to have a look at your new house? —Yes, _____! [
- 7材料一:三民主义就是针对着当时中国所面临急需要解决的三个问题提出了革命主张。……在三民主义这一革命纲领的指导下,孙中山和
- 8小红家正在装修房子,她设计了如图所示的搬运方案,帮助工人师傅将沙子、水泥等材料运到四楼阳台,四楼阳台到 地面的
- 9等比数列{an}的前n项和为Sn,已知S3=a2+10a1,a5=9,则a1=________.
- 10酸雨是天空降水呈酸性(pH小于5.6)的统称,个别地方酸雨的pH竟低于2.1(食醋的pH=3),可见其严重程度.形成酸雨
- 1给出下列命题:①若平面α内的直线l垂直于平面β内的任意直线,则α⊥β;②若平面α内的任一直线都平行于平面β,则α∥β;③
- 2在纪念辛亥革命 100周年之际,以“孙中山与中国民主革命”为主题的翠亨论坛于2011年9月7日在孙中山先生故乡举行。有学
- 3(26分)中国看世界,世界看中国。阅读下列材料,结合所学知识回答问题。材料一:在面对西方文明时,中国大体上都是坚持克拉克
- 4— Can you lend me 55 dollars until pay day. — _____ Do you t
- 5在“验证力的平行四边形定则”的实验中某同学的实验情况如下图甲所示,其中A为固定橡皮筋的图钉,O为橡皮筋与细绳的结点,OB
- 6已知M,N是线段AB的垂直平分线上任意两点,则∠MAN和∠MBN之间的关系是∠MAN______∠MBN.
- 7一理想变压器原、副线圈匝数比n1∶n2=11∶5,原线圈与正弦交变电源连接,输入电压u随时间t的变化规律如图所示,副线圈
- 8已知f(x)=alnx-bx2图象上一点P(2,f(2))处的切线方程为y=-3x+2ln2+2.(1)求f(x)的单调
- 9漫画《手下留情》告诉我们的道理是 [ ]A.森林资源属于可再生资源,我们可以随意砍伐B.我国自然资源总量丰富
- 10马的染色体数目是64条,它产生的精子或卵细胞中染色体数是( )A.32个B.23个C.64个D.46个