______large number of people are out of work now and______ number of people out of work is still growing up.
A.The; a | B.A; a | C.The; the | D.A; the |
试题【______large number of people are out of work now and______ number of people out 】;主要考察你对冠词等知识点的理解。[详细]
________celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China
was ________complete success.
A.The; the | B.A; a | C.The; a | D.A; the |
After a hard ---fought campaign, Barack Obama won the US presidential election, and became
President of the United States---the first African –American in
country’s history to do so.
A.the; the | B./; / | C./; the | D.the; / |
Monday saw_______grand opening ceremony, with fireworks and 6,000 gusts, for______ world’s tallest tower, the Burj Dubai.
A.a; the | B.the; a | C.a; a | D.the; the |
China is planning for more space work after the successful launch of Shenzhou VII spaceship,including building of space station around 2020.
A.an;/ | B.an:the | C.the;a | D.the;the |
A.the;the | B.a;/ | C./;a | D.the;a |
- 1I am in _____ health. I eat _____every day. [ ]A. g
- 2将函数y=lgx的图象向左平移一个单位长度,可得函数f(x)的图象;将函数y=cos(2x-π6)的图象向左平移π12个
- 3在一个由电源、开关、导线和两个相同的小灯泡组成的电路中,用电压表测量时发现,两灯泡两端电压相等,则两灯泡的连接[
- 4在强碱性的无色溶液中,一定可以大量共存的离子组是( )A.NH4+、Na+、NO3-、Cl-B.K+、Ba2+、Cl-
- 5将电视机遥控器对准墙壁按一下开关,有时也可以将关闭的电视机打开.原因是( )A.可见光不遵从光的反射定律B.不可见光的
- 6从分子动理论讲,“沙枣花开,香飘十里”,属于______现象,这个现象说明了______.
- 7下列关于生物与环境关系的叙述,错误的是[ ]A.在深海火山口附近存在的复杂生态系统,其生产者是一些进行化能合成作
- 8【题文】下文选自《江南的冬景》,横线上依次选填诗句恰当的一组是(
- 9下列各组词语中加粗的字的读音,完全相同的一组是[ ]A.嫣然 殷红 湮没 腌制 万马齐喑 B.信笺 间距 兼差
- 10已知偶函数f(x)=xm2-2m-3(m∈Z)在(0,+∞)上单调递减.(1)求函数f(x)的解析式;(2)若f(2a+
- 1任务型阅读: 阅读下面的短文,完成表格。 In the past, man did not have to th
- 2在数轴上距-2有3个单位长度且在-2右侧的点所表示的数是( )A.-5B.-1C.1D.-5或1
- 3下图是细胞直接与内环境进行物质交换示意图,⑤处的箭头表示血液流动的方向。下列说法正确的是[ ]A.若③为胰岛B细
- 4如图1-5-12所示,用轻绳AO和OB将重为G的重物悬挂在水平天花板和竖直墙壁之间处于静止状态,AO绳水平,OB绳与竖直
- 5下列现象与相应的生殖方式连接起来并填在右边括号内。
- 6阅读下面的文字,选择一个角度,写一篇文章,文体自选,题目自拟。 有学者在评价金庸时认为,一部射雕,表面上是写武侠,骨子
- 7等腰三角形的周长为10,若底边长为x,腰长为y,则y与x之间的函数关系式是______.
- 8下面对“雷区”的理解正确的一项是( )A.父母不要我们去河中游泳,所以小河也是我们的“雷区”。B.书是人类的朋友,所
- 9阅读下面两段文字,完成问题。 (甲)《水经》云:“彭蠡之口,有石钟山。”郦元以为下临深潭,微风鼓浪,水石相搏
- 10下列现象中的物态变化属于升华的是( )A.B.C.D.