当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > Directions: Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the ...
Directions: Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
In a society such as the United States or Canada, which has many national, religious and cultural differences, people highly value individualism—the differences among people. Teachers place a lot of importance on the qualities that make each student special. The educational systems in these countries show these values. Students do not memorize information. Instead, they work on their own and find answers themselves. There is often a discussion in the classroom. At an early age, students learn to form their own ideas and opinions.
In most Asian societies, by contrast, people have the same language, history and culture. Perhaps for this reason, the educational system in these Asian countries reflects society’s belief in group goals and purposes rather than individualism. Children in China, Japan and Korea often work together and help one another on assignments.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both of these systems of education. For example, one advantage of the system in Japan is that students there learn much more maths and science than American students learn by the end of high school. They also study more hours each day and more days each year than North Americans do. The system is difficult, but it prepares students for a society that values discipline and self-control. There is, however, a disadvantage. Memorization is an important learning method in Japanese schools, but many students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information they have memorized.
The advantage of educational system in North America, on the other hand, is that students learn to think for themselves. The system prepares them for a society that values creative ideas. There is, however, a disadvantage. When students graduate from high school, they haven’t memorized as much basic rules as students in other countries have.
Title: A comparison of two different educational systems
Features of education
72 __________
The United States
and Canada
● 73__________
●emphasizing qualit-
-ies making each student special
●learning to 74 ________
●preparing them for a society valuing creative ideas
75 ________
Asian countries
such as China, 76__________
● 77__________
in group goals and purposes
●learning much more 78______ than American  students do
●studying more hours each day and more days each year
●preparing students for a society valuing 79________
forgetting much of


小题3:think for themselves
小题4:not memorizing information/memorizing fewer rules
小题5:Japan and Korea 
小题6:reflecting society’s belief
小题7:maths and science
小题8:discipline and self-control
小题9:the memorized information

小题1: countries   根据表格下方的内容可以判断出
小题2: Advantages 根据表格下方内容和右方内容可以判断
小题3:highly valuing individualism 根据第一段 people highly value individualism—the differences among people可知,
小题4:think for themselves    根据最后一段The advantage of educational system in North America, on the other hand, is that students learn to think for themselves可知
小题5: not memorizing information/memorizing fewer rules  根据第三段they haven’t memorized as much basic rules as students in other countries have可知
小题6:Japan and Korea 根据第二段Children in China, Japan and Korea often work together and help one another on assignments可知。
小题7:reflecting society’s belief 根据第二段 the educational system in these Asian countries reflects society’s belief in group goals and purposes可知
小题8:maths and science 根据第三段For example, one advantage of the system in Japan is that students there learn much more maths and science than American students learn by the end of high school可知
小题9:discipline and self-control  根据第三段The system is difficult, but it prepares students for a society that values discipline and self-control可知
80. the memorized information 根据第三段but many students say that after an exam, they forget much of the information they have memorized可孩子
试题【Directions: Read the following passage.Fill in the numbered blanks by using the 】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
Directions: Read the following passage.Answer the questions according to the information
given in the passage.
Why should you keep exercising even when cold temperatures make you want to hide under the covers? With the temperatures dropping at this time of year, many of us tend to hibernate (冬眠) inside our homes. But, hibernating is for bears. As humans it’s important to stay active through all four seasons. Yet, a poll of 5,000 people found that 30 percent get no exercise at all during the winter months.
Just because it is cold outside it is no excuse not to exercise. There are many exercise choices one can choose to take part in regardless of the cold weather. Depending on your location and likes, you can choose to exercise inside or outside.
All that is required for winter-time exercise is some planning and the following of some safety tips. If you prefer to exercise outside, keep the following tips in mind.
Get warm first. A proper warm-up is critical. Cold temperatures can make your muscles tight and therefore they are easier to be injured. So, it’s important to get them warm-up before intense (激烈的) physical activity.
No sweat. Don’t assume that you have to sweat in order to get a good workout. You should avoid sweating that causes the clothing layer closest to your skin to get wet and cause you to be cold.
Don’t undress when you get inside. While you may want to immediately remove your layers when returning inside, you should give your body time to adjust.
Drink up. It’s just as important to stay hydrated (含水的) when exercising in winter as it is in summer, even though you might not feel as thirsty.
Be seen. If possible, it’s best to exercise outdoors during daylight areas. If you exercise outdoors when it is dark, wear reflective (反光的) materials to ensure that you can be seen.
By staying fit during winter, you’ll be able to avoid gaining weight and losing strength caused from inactivity.
小题1: Why is it important to get your muscles warmed-up before intense physical activity? (no more than 16 words)
小题2:What are needed for exercising in winter? (no more than 6 words)
小题3:What are the advantages of staying fit during winter? (no more than 9 words)
小题4:What’s the main idea of the text? (no more than 4 words)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Why play games? Because they are fun, and a lot more besides. Following the rules... planning your next move...acting as a team member...these are all "game" ideas that you will come across throughout your life.
Think about some of the games you played as a young child, such as rope-jumping and hide-and-seek. Such game s are entertaining and fun. But perhaps more importantly, they translate life into exciting dreams that teach children some of the basic rules they will be expected to follow the rest of their lives, such an talking turns and cooperating (合作).
Many children"s games have a practical side. Children around the world play games that prepare them for work they will do as grown-ups. For instance, some Saudi Arabian children play a game called bones, which sharpens the hand-eye coordination(协调)needed in hunting.
Many sports encourage national or local pride. The most famous games of all, the Olympic Games, bring athletes from around the world together to take part in friendly competition. People who watch the event wave flags, knowing that a gold medal is a win for an entire country, not just the athlete who carried it. For countries experiencing natural disasters or war, an Olympic win can mean so much.
Sports are also an event that unites people. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world. People on all continents play it—some for fun and some for a living. Nicolette Iribarne, a Californian soccer player, has discovered a way to spread hope through soccer. He created a foundation to provide poor children with not only soccer balls but also a promising future.
Next time you play your favorite game or sport, think about why you enjoy it,______, and whether these skills will help you in other aspects of your life. 
小题1:what’s the main idea of the passage?(no more than 8 words)
小题2:complete the following statement with proper words.(no more than 3 words)
小题3:fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words. (no more than 6 words)
小题4:according to the passage, why is winning Olympic medals so encouraging? (no more than 12 words)
小题5:what is they referred to? (no more than 3 words)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Garlic (大蒜) is one of the most common spices of the kitchen, and the good news is that growing garlic indoors is simple. Garlic can be easily grown at home from individual cloves (瓣), which is the most commonly used form of cultivating garlic than growing garlic from seeds. Here are some useful tips on growing garlic indoors.
Autumn is the best time to plant garlic. Garlic requires enough time to develop strong roots. In warmer climate, it can be delayed to late winter or early spring.
Ensure the container used to grow garlic is large enough for the roots to have enough space to grow. The larger the size of the container, the healthier and bigger the garlic bulbs (鳞茎) will be. The container should also have holes at the bottom so that the water can drain (流走) out easily.
Sow each clove vertically into the soil at a depth of one inch. Ensure that the bluntend (平端) is facing downward. In case of container gardening, the number of cloves to be sowed in each container depends on the size of the container. In case you are planning to sow more than one clove in each container, make sure that each clove is at least 5 inches apart from others.
For the best growth of the garlic plant, choose a sunny spot where there is enough air circulation (流通). This will aid evaporation (蒸发) of too much amount of water and prevent the soil from becoming too damp in case too much watering does occur. Window sill (窗台) is a good place to put your container of garlic plant.
Once the clove has been sowed, cover the soil with a layer of mulch (覆盖物) to protect the roots from extreme cold. Provide fertilizer at the correct time in right amounts, and proper watering. Once the garlic tips start appearing in the spring season, pull back the layer of mulch. Feed the plants once or twice every month with fertilizer.
(1)      on growing garlic indoors.
● It’s best to plant garlic in (2)         
● In warmer climate, it’s also suitable to plant garlic in late winter or early spring.
● Be large enough to (3)           with enough space to grow.
● Have holes at the bottom to (4)            the water to drain out easily.
● Sow each clove vertically into the soil one inch (5)          .
● Ensure that the blunt end is facing (6)          .
● Ensure that each clove is at least 5 inches apart from others in a container.
●Choose a sunny spot like window sill having enough(7)                                  to aid evaporation of too much amount of water.
●Cover the soil with a layer of mulch to(8)                                        from extreme cold after sowing the clove.
● Provide right amounts of fertilizer at the correct time.
● Water the clove (9)             .
● (10)                the layer of mulch once the garlic tips start appearing.
● Use fertilizer to feed the plants once or twice a month.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963. In 1984 he joined the NBA’s Chicago Bull. His wonderful performance with leaping ability earned him the nickname “Air Jordan”. In 1991, he won his first NBA championship with the Bulls, and followed that achievement with titles in 1992 and1993.
Because of some personal reasons, he left the team in 1993, he returned to the Bulls in 1995. Then, he got three additional championships in the following three years. Jordan retired for a second time in 1999, but he returned for two more NBA seasons in 2001.
In Jordan’s career, he was awarded with different titles and reputations, which included 5 MVP awards, ten All-NBA First Team designations, nine All-defensive First Team honors, fourteen NBA All-Star appearances and so on.
Jordan played on two Olympic gold medal-winning American basketball teams. As a college player he participated, and won the gold, in the 1984 Summer Olympics. Jordan led the team in scoring averaging 17.1 points per game for the tournament. In the 1992 Summer Olympics he was a member of the star-studded team that included Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, and David Robinson and was known as "Dream Team". Playing limited minutes due to the frequent blowouts, Jordan averaged 12.7 points per game, finishing fourth on the team in scoring. The team won the gold medal, restoring the United States to the top of the basketball world.
Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. He has gained tremendous popularity throughout the world. People of all ages and from all nationalities have gathered to watch him play. He is a hero among basketball spectators.
小题1:What earned Michael Jordan the nickname "Air Jordan"?
(no more than 6 words)
小题2:How many times was he awarded with the title of Most Valuable Player?
(no more than 2 words)
小题3:What was the Olympic gold medal-winning American basketball team called in 1992?
(no more than 3 words)
小题4:How does the writer comment on Michael Jordan? ( no more than 10 words)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
[1]Global difference in intelligence is a sensitive topic, long filled with a large number of different opinions. But recent data has indeed shown cognitive (认知的) ability to be higher in some countries than in others. What"s more, IQ scores have risen as nations develop --- a phenomenon known as the "Flynn effect". Many causes have been put forward for both the intelligence difference and the Flynn effect, including education, income, and even non-agricultural labor. Now, a new study from researchers at the University of New Mexico offers another interesting theory:intelligence may be linked to infectious-disease rates.
[2]The brain, say author Christopher Eppig and his colleagues, is the "most costly organ in the human body". Brainpower consumes almost up to 90 percent of a newborn"s energy. It"s clear that if something affects energy intake while the brain is growing, the impact could be long and serious. And for vast parts of the globe, the biggest threat to a child"s body -- and therefore brain ---is parasitic (由寄生虫引起的) infection. These illnesses threaten brain development __________. They can directly attack live tissue, which the body must then try every means to replace. They can invade the digestive pipe and block nutritional intake. They can rob the body"s cells for their own reproduction. And then there"s the energy channeled (输送) to the immune system to fight the infection.
[3] Using data on national "disease burdens" (life years lost due to infectious diseases) and average intelligence scores, the authors found they are closely associated. The countries with the lowest average IQ scores have the highest disease burdens without exception. On the contrary, nations with low disease burdens top the IQ list.
[4]If the study holds water, it could be revolutionary for our understanding of the still-confusing variation in national intelligence scores.
小题1:What is the main idea of the text? (no more than 10 words)
小题2:Complete the following statement with proper words. (no more than 4 words)
Those countries that have the___________ are always at the bottom of the IQ list.
小题3:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (no more than 5 words)
小题4:What can cause intelligence difference? (no more than 8 words)
小题5:What does the word "they" (Line 3, Paragraph 3) probably refer to? (no more
than 8 words)
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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