2. Beth a respiratory problem which made it difficult for her to breathe.
3. She grew up in and out of hospitals where she devices to help control her illness.
4. But she was determined, and when her eleventh birthday , Beth was there to her candles.
5. She proved the doctors wrong but, even though she lived past the , she still wasn"t .
6. Beth went through several more years of nurses and doctors poking her like but she never
7. With all she had to deal with, you would think she would be too busy to listen to her
friends" -nevertheless she always found time
2. was born with
3. was attached to
4. rolled away, blow out
5. expected age, out of the woods
6. a pin cushion
7. trivial dilemmas
2. Little Tony felt the box, curious to know what it _________(容纳).
3. The boy is now having his hair cut at the _________ (理发店).
4. As is clearly seen, your coat _________ (不同) from mine in colour.
5. That Ding hasn"t accepted our invitation is __________ (令人失望).
6. It is known to all that ________ (俄国) is the largest in area in the world.
7. Do you mind __________ (划分) the apples into three parts for us to share?
8. It is easy to find out the _________ (大概的) idea of the passage.
9. My _________ (爱好) cover swimming and gardening.
10. _________ (面对) with difficulties, we should not turn around.
2. The last thirty years have seen the greatest number of laws stopping our ______ _____ _____,
until today we have reached _____ ______ ______ we have almost no rights at all.
3. At 3:42 am everything began to shake. It seemed as if the world was ___ ___ ____.
4. Thousands of families were killed and many children were left _______ _____.
5.The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to____ ___ ____.
1. The post office will issue a__________( 一系列的) of new stamps.
2. I came back to school for the _______( 目的 , 意图) of
being admitted to a better university.
3. The teacher was _______( 完全地) satisfied with what the students had done.
4. The boy hid himself behind the ______( 窗帘) arid looked out through the window.
5. Because he didn"t finish the work on time and was fired by the boss,he was very u______
( 不安的) about it.
6. They come from Germany. They"re G_______( 德国人).
1. We"re going to visit the flower show tomorrow. Will you __________us?
2.How many countries_________ the last Olympic Games?
3. He didn"t _______-school yesterday because of his illness.
4. All the league members_______the meeting,at which ten students _______ the league.
5.Will you_______us_______playing basketball?
(1)I have my bike_______(mend).
(2)I have him_______(find)a job for me.
- 1已知函数f(x)(x∈R)是偶函数,则下列各点中必在函数y=f(x)图象上的是( )A.(-a,f(a))B.(-a,
- 2一工地计划租用甲、乙两辆车清理淤泥,从运输量来估算:若租两辆车合运,10天可以完成任务;若单独租用乙车完成任务则比单独租
- 3读“人口与资源漫画图”和“我国部分省区人口承载状况(实际人口密度与理论人口承载密度之比)及20世纪80年代下半期人口流动
- 4常温时,以下4种溶液pH最小的是 [ ]A.0.01mol ·L-1盐酸溶液 B.0.02mol ·L-1盐酸与
- 5图(一)为呼吸系统的组成示意图。图(二)为肺泡与血管之间的气体交换示意图,请据图回答下列问题:(1)人体进行呼吸的主要器
- 6找出下列句子中的通假字,并加以解释。(1)乡为身死而不受______通______释义:________________
- 7如图示,平行板电容器经开关S与电池连接,a处有一电荷量非常小的点电荷,S是闭合的,φa表示a点的电势,F表示点电荷受到的
- 8用噬菌体去感染体内含32P的细菌,在细菌解体后,含32P的应该是[ ]A.子代所有噬菌体DNAB.子代噬菌体蛋白
- 9有机反应中,加氧或去氢的反应称之为氧化反应,反之则称为还原反应,下列反应中属于还原反应的是( )A.CH3CHO△CH
- 10设数列{an}的前n项和为Sn=2n2,{bn}为等比数列,且a1=b1,b2(a2-a1)=b1, (Ⅰ)求数列{an
- 1如图所示,一个杂技演员骑着一辆独轮车先沿粗糙水平面以v1的速度做匀速直线运动,后运动到一光滑水平冰面上,仍沿原方向做匀速
- 2 I’d like _____ Tom _____ the new chairperson of the Student
- 3不定项选择同步卫星是指相对于地面不动的人造地球卫星。关于同步卫星,下列说法正确的是( )A.它可以在地面上任一点的正
- 4四月份要发行的一期校刊确定以“绿化”为主题,如果你来主编,请回答下列问题。(1)请你拟出几个栏目的名称。(至少写两个)_
- 5下列各句中,没有语病的一句是:(3分)A.从刘兰枝和焦仲卿凄美的爱情故事中,使我深刻地认识到了封建家长制吃人的本质。B.
- 6读某地区等高线地形图,回答下列问题。小题1:断崖处相交的等高线条数是( )A.3条B.4条C.5条D.7条小题2:图
- 7在其他条件适宜的情况下,埋在肥沃土壤中的种子与埋在贫瘠土壤中的种子,萌发情况是( )A.同时萌发B.前者先萌发C.后者
- 8已知△ABC的周长为10,点D、E、F分别是△ABC的三边的中点,则△DEF的周长为______.
- 9(现有部分短周期元素的性质或原子结构如表:元素编号元素性质或原子结构A该元素的一种原子,原子核中没有中子B有三个电子层,
- 10对学习过的知识进行归纳总结,从而加深对知识的理解,是一种重要的学习方法。以下是小洋学习了关于“平面镜成像”和“凸透镜成像