当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 单词拼写(共5小题,每空一词,每小题0.5分,满分2.5分) 小题1:Which country is going to h___________ the ne...
小题1:Which country is going to h___________ the next Olympics?
小题2:Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation a__________ .
小题3:A bomb e____________ suddenly by the roadside and destroyed the road and lots of cars.
小题4:A young boy was _____________ (攻击) by a dog while he was walking in the park.
小题5:The company ___________ (雇用) thirty people last month.

小题2: appeared    
小题3: explored   
小题5: employed 

小题1: host    动词举办host,句意:哪个国家将举办下一届奥运会?
小题2:appeared   动词出现appear。
小题3: explored   动词爆炸explode,本句使用一般过去时的时态。
小题4:attacked   动词攻击attack,本句使用的是被动语态的形式。
小题5:employed   动词雇佣emply,本句后面有时间状语last month,故使用一般过去时。
试题【单词拼写(共5小题,每空一词,每小题0.5分,满分2.5分) 小题1:Which country is going to h___________ the ne】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:_________ (hear) their teacher"s voice, the pupils stopped talking at once.
小题2:He _________ (bring) up in North Yorkshire by his grandmother .
小题3:It may be _________ (believe), but it"s the truth.
小题4:She was so tired that she didn"t even have the _________ (strong) to stand up.
小题5:She had her hair cut last night, now it is _________ (thin) and shorter.
小题6:Thousands of patients have benefited _________ the new medicine.
小题7:I find _________ strange that she doesn’t want to go.
小题8:Great changes _________ (take) place in China over the past few years.
小题9:Those _________ keep working hard will soon be successful.
小题10:We tried to save the building, _________ it was a hopeless task.
小题11:Please call me on your _________ (arrive) at the hotel.
小题12:She did not know _________ had happened.
小题13:With time _________ (go) by, my memory seemed to get worse.
小题14:I have borrowed _________ useful book from the library to prepare for my coming exam.
小题15:People began looking across to see_________ the noise was coming from.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:They have been married ________ ten years.
小题2:England is ________ European country.
小题3:Lily is not a good girl ________ we forgive her because she is still so young.
小题4:This plan ________(change) but no body told me about that.
小题5:_______(know) that Joey is a selfish girl, we decided not to play with her again.
小题6:Betty is ________(beautiful) than Jenny.
小题7:I think _______ stupid that we will wait for her until 9 p.m..
小题8:It is a pleasure _______ (help) others.
小题9:This is the latest book _______(write) by Mo Yan.
小题10:He broke the window _______ the stone.
小题11:This is the factory ______ we worked last year.
小题12:All of us know _____ has happened.
小题13:Tom’s ________ (absent) made his father very angry.
小题14:There are three boys making _______(annoy) noise around me.
小题15:With their __________(encourage), I kept on working hard.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:You must tell us ______ (确切地) how much money you will need besides that sum.
小题2:Chairman Mao compared ______ (青少年) to the rising sun in the morning.
小题3:Although she is Chinese, she can speak English, French and German ______ (流利地).
小题4:The boy is afraid of the dark, so he likes sleeping with ______ (窗帘) pulled and the light turned on.
小题5:Go ______ (径直地) ahead until you come to a bank. You won’t miss it.
小题6:I said Hello to her, but she i______ me completely.
小题7:He still didn’t r______ from the death of his mother.
小题8:Police are trying to discover the i______ of a baby found outside their offices.
小题9:She is no longer u______, because her problem has been solved.
小题10:Jane and Mary are good friends; the former is a teacher, and the l______ is a nurse.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Dealing with such a ____________(复杂的) problem calls for patience and skill.
小题2:This is a technical problem. You ’d better seek __________(专业的) advice .
小题3:She bought an ever-green plant as a _________________(装饰) in her new house .
小题4:Would you make me an overcoat out of this heavy __________(羊毛制的) cloth .
小题5:Some Mexicans were arrested for entering America __________(非法地)
小题6:He has __________(积累) great wealth by hard work and wise investment .
小题7:The clothes he designed were always fancy and _________________(令人耳目一新的) 。
小题8:After a 5-hour talk , the company and the workers finally reached a ___________(一致意见、共识) on the proposed pay rise .
小题9:We are advised to eat more vegetables rich in ______________(纤维质) and less meat .
小题10:How could you have ____________(忽视) such important  information .
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:The minister was ____________________(陪伴)by his secretary to the US
小题2:My mother was _______________(担心的,害怕的) when I fell over.
小题3:They get ______________(离婚)two years ago.
小题4:The only __________ (通道)to their house is along that narrow road.
小题5:I’m glad to see his _____________(行为) at school improved.
小题6:The newly-built cinema is convenient for the __________ (伤残的)to get in.
小题7:Though he was made fun of, he was not ______________(生气的)
小题8:To everybody’s surprise, they got _________(离婚) last month, though they had been married for only two months.
小题9:To sleep late in the morning, I usually turn off my _________(警报) clock on Sunday mornings.
小题10:We all ______________ (祝贺)our classmate on his becoming one of the Olympic torch holders.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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