当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 词法 > 根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。小题1:The villagers insisted th...
小题1:The villagers insisted the______(化学的)works be closed down right away.          
小题2:We will make an ________(道歉) for the delay to your flight..      
小题3:“Please don’t _______(打断)me when I am talking,”said the teacher.
小题4:Pollution is strictly______(禁止)by law in our hometown.              
小题5:On _____(进入)the classroom, the students began to study carefully.          
小题6:The group is made up of local______(音乐家)who have been performing for several years.
小题7:Recently, I have had an______(采访)with university students about their opinions on job choosing.
小题8:In North China, the weather in ______(十一月)could be very cold.                    
小题9:It is useful to take proper and______(定期的)exercise in order to keep fit.    
小题10: ______(判断)from his accent, he is an American.


小题2:apology道歉。考查固定短语make an apology道歉。
小题10:Judging判断。Judging from / by根据……判断,固定用法。
试题【根据下列各句句意和空白之后的汉语提示词,在答题卡指定区域的横线上写出对应单词的正确形式,每空只写一词。小题1:The villagers insisted th】;主要考察你对词法等知识点的理解。[详细]

小题1:The government is              (呼吁)to everyone to save water.
小题2:The house is in the               (拥有) of my parents.
小题3:The car accident has caused               (永久的) damage to her eyesight.
小题4:             (具体地说), this meant that he had failed.
小题5:A lot of Tang              (诗) has been translated into English.
小题6:The race organizers are trying to attract              (赞助者).
小题7:It is              (违法的) to sell tobacco to children under 16.
小题8:All the children have been physically and emotionally              (虐待).
小题9:We must              (加强) our unity in the face of powerful enemies.
小题10:She won a              (奖学金) to attend Howard University.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
单词拼写 (共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)根据下列句子所给汉语注释或英语单词,用单词的适当形式填空,并写在在相应的横线上。(每空只写一词)
小题1:The price will not _____________( 超过) $100.
小题2:He read a poem _________( entitle) “Salt”.
小题3:He ________( 投资 ) his life savings in his daughter’s business.
小题4:She looked _________( inquiring ) at Mark.
小题5:Students took to the streets to ________( 反对 ) against the decision.
小题6:Since we haven’t got enough money, we should stay in a relatively ______( expensive) hotel.
小题7:The accident could have been _______( 避免 ).
小题8:Spending the holidays in Thailand was very _________( appeal).
小题9:He doesn’t feel _______( fulfill) in his present job.
小题10:Please_______( ensure) that all lights are switched off.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:Milk, water and oil are all l_____ while wood, iron and glass are solids.
小题2:You can easily find the site by entering the k_______ “Quark”.
小题3:Water is recognized as the s_____ of all life. Without it, there would be no life.
小题4:She was born in a         (富裕的) family.
小题5:The old man had no a________ to education when he was young.
小题6:Helen is____________ (担心的) about traveling on her own.
小题7:I think it’s only an o_________ camera and I needn’t pay such a high price for it.
小题8:Living in the business d_______ of a city provides a great convenience for shopping.
小题9:As students, we must c____________ our attention on our lessons.
小题10:People are concerned about the quality of the air they___________ (呼吸).
小题11:Children should be encouraged to be __________(独立的)thinkers. 
小题12:Helen is the most diligent shop____________ (助手) that I have ever seen.
小题13:She lost the d_______ necklace that she borrowed from one of her friends.
小题14:She has read many of the major works of _________ (文学).
小题15:The _________ (百分率) of overweight people around the world has been increasing these years.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:The b________(入室盗窃)in the area have risen by 5%.
小题2:It is ________(违法的)to drive without a license.
小题3:Would p________(参赛者)in the next race come forward?
小题4:We should help the boy ________(沉迷)to computer games.
小题5:The best ________(疗法)for a cold is to rest and drink more water.
小题6:She came home so thin and weak that even her own children hardly r________ her.
小题7:I was for the plan,but he d________ to it.
小题8:Smoking is b________ in some public places,such as on the bus and at the cinema.
小题9:The old soldier used all he had to buy a pack of c________(烟).
小题10:They’ve r________ the prices in the shop,so it’s a good time to buy.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:She__________ (比…..活的长) her husband by ten years.
小题2:The patient had to have one of his legs____________(去掉,消除).
小题3:_________ (被录取) to college, he felt very happy.
小题4:The bad weather is ___________ (对….负责)for the small attendance.
小题5:They come from __________(完全地) different families.
小题6:The teacher is trying to __________ (运用) the theory to his teaching.
小题7:Flowers in our garden are well __________(保护) against the weather.
小题8:Over the past decades, sea ice has been________ (减少) in the Arctic as a result of global warming.
小题9:No matter how frequently ______(表演), the works of Shakespeare always attract large audience.
小题10:The Great Wall is _____(吸引人的) to all the visitors from home and abroad.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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