2. her happy the made news very (.)
3. he when is always drives careful he (.)
4. carelessly not litter do drop (.)
5. snowstorm is what terrible it a (!)
2. The news made her very happy.
3. He is always careful when he drives.
4. Do not drop little carelessly.
5. What a terrible snowstorm it is!
2. later she eight was not small months more any
3. 100 grams just was when weighed about Xi Wang born she
4. pandas very it giant to in the survive difficult for is wild
5. baby people alone find will away if take pandas they them
there, be, under
enjoy, climb
play, now
make, tomorrow
brush, twice
2. you usually take to do work every day the bus (?)
3. is their clean school big but not (.)
4. good something a shop find sports we in can (.)
5. your school what you do think of new (?)
2. morning, want, about, do, to, you, know, my
3. have, school, your, what, you, events, did, at
4. too, cold, doesn"t, snowy, like, because, weather, it"s, he
5. the, know, old, with, do, man, sunglasses, you
2. last, do, her, she, didn"t, homework, night (.)
3. new, learn, Sam, of, has, a, things, to, lot (.)
4. you, the, me, can, way, show (?)
5. an, this, story, interesting, is (.)
- 1某工厂生产甲、乙两种产品,其产量分别为45个与55个,所用原料分别为A、B两种规格的金属板,每张面积分别为2m2与3m2
- 2下列物质中不能与溴水发生化学反应的是 A.苯酚B.苯乙烯C.丙炔D.乙烷
- 3一个人做了好事,可以给集体带来荣誉;相反,如果做了坏事,就会给集体抹黑。这告诉我们[ ]①建立良好的班集体,离不
- 4下列有关文学作品及文学常识的陈述,不正确的一项是(3分)A.《左传》《战国策》《史记》分别是编年体史书、国别体史书和纪传
- 5用毛皮摩擦橡胶棒时,橡胶棒带____电荷,毛皮带____电荷。当橡胶棒带有2.7×10-9库仑的电量时,电荷量为1.6
- 6下列各句中,没有语病的一句是[ ]A.李毅中指出,工信部将尽快出台政府采购等财税配套政策,颁布并修订中小企业划型
- 7一个球,先后在盛有不同液体的容器A、B、C和D中保持静止,情况如图所示。四个容器中的液面到容器底面的距离相同,容器底面受
- 8(本小题满分12分)已知向量,向量,,求向量、的夹角以及的值.
- 9植物体内的导管是连通的。( )
- 10宇航员从月球上采集一块矿石,带回地球后,这块矿石一定不变的是[ ]A.位置B.重力 C.温度 D.质量
- 1读下图和材料完成下列问题。材料: 图中阴影部分表示的是珠江三角洲。过去,珠江三角洲农业生产以“基塘”特色闻名于世,
- 2牛郎织女依照下面问题复述课文故事梗概。 (1)牛郎是个怎样的孩子?他的童年生活是怎样度过的?_____________
- 3函数f(x)=lnx+x22在区间[1,e]上的最大值是______.
- 4—You haven"t been to the West Lake, have you?—_____. But I w
- 5太阳能是一种清洁、绿色能源。在上海举办的2010年世博会上,大量使用了太阳能电池。太阳能电池在有光照时,可以将光能转化为
- 6如图,将一个正方体的表面沿某些棱剪开,展成一个平面图形,你能得到哪些平面图形?
- 7若右框图所给的程序运行结果为S=90,那么判断框中可以填入的关于的条件是( )A.?B.?C.D.?
- 8在旅游淡季,用打折的方法吸引乘客,主要利用了A.供求影响价格B.价格影响需求C.价格调节生产D.需求决定价格
- 9______叫做无理数,______统称实数.
- 10下列食物中含有丰富粗纤维素的是( )A.鱼、虾B.鸡蛋、猪肉C.菠菜、芹菜D.牛奶、牛肉