2. people, bargain, don"t, America, in
3. told, me, that, he, he, would, pay, one, hundred, yuan
4. said, that, he, he, would, go, to, see, his, grandfather
5. said, that, he, he, would, buy, a, new, bike
2. People in America don"t bargain.
3. He told me he would pay me one hundred yuan.
4. He said that he would go to see his grandfather.
5. He said that he would buy a new bike.
2. meet, to, too, nice, you (!)
3. Miller, her, is, name, last (.)
4. English, in, this, what"s (?)
5. number, is, his, telephone, what(?)
2. in, English, what, this, is
3.you, spell, can, it, please
4. what, your, is, name
5. too, I, fine, am
2. my, it, is, pencil .
3. that, is, pen, your ?
4. you, how, spell, do, it ?
5. telephone, what, is, number, her ?
1. a cold, have, a fever, I, and
2. should, down, rest, lie, and, you
3. feeling, I, not, am, well
___________________________________. 4. a, dentist, see, should, maybe, you
___________________________________. 5. have, do, a, you, cold?
___________________________________ 6. for, shouldn"t, anything, he, eat, 24 hours
___________________________________. 7. important, eat, to, a balanced diet, it"s
___________________________________. 8. he, toothache, a, does, have?
2. are, you, how, going, that, do, to (?) (连词成句)
3. I"m going to be a professional soccer player when I grow up. (对划线部分提问)
_________ are you going to _________ when you grow up?
4. They are going to practice running to keep fit. (对划线部分提问)
_________ are they going to _________ to keep fit?
5. We are going to take guitar lessons next year. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)
_________ you going to take guitar lessons next year? No, we _________.
6. I want to be a teacher when I grow up. (改为同义句)
I ________ to be a teacher when I grow up
7. The students of Class Two have a class meeting every week ( 用next week改写)
The students of Class Two _________ a class meeting next week.
- 1下面关于《包身工》的描述,错误的一项是[ ]A. 夏衍把包身工的生活写得有点有面,详略得当。B. 《包身工》一文
- 2下列图形中,能确定∠1 大于∠2 的是[ ]A.B.C.D.
- 3下列关于生物进化趋势的表述中,不合理的是 [ ]A.体形小→体形大 B.水生→陆生 C.简单→复杂 D.低等→
- 4下列四幅图分别表示世界洋流模式图、三圈环流模式图、海陆间水循环示意图和地球公转 运动示意图,正确的是
- 5读大洲大洋轮廓图,完成下列各题(8分)(1)图中①大洋南边的大洲是 。(填洲名)(2)印度洋是 (填序号
- 6下列现象中通过热传递的方式改变物体内能的是A.陨石进入大气层后燃烧发光B.天冷时人们通常会搓手取暖C.锯木头时锯片发热D
- 72007年12月15日,在印度尼西亚巴厘岛举行的联合国气候变化大会上,通过了世人关注的应对气候变化的“巴厘岛路线图”。2
- 8维护国家统一和民族团结是 ( )①我国顺利进行社会主义现代化建设的根本保证②实现公民的政治权利和其他权利的重要
- 9罗素在《中国问题》一书中写道:“白人则怀着三种动机到中国:作战,赚钱,使中国人皈依我们的宗教。”近代史上,“白人”依照“
- 10假如你是比亚特广告公司王总的秘书小余,请你根据下面这段王总办公室的电话录音替王总整理出一份电话留言。你整理给王总看的这份
- 1某校八年级学生小明经常听有的同学谈论网上的世界多精彩,便尝试去了一次。这一去便一发不可收拾,上起网来什么都能忘掉。家长、
- 2某班一次英语测试中得100分的有4人,90分的有11人,80分的有11人,70分的有8人,60分的有5人,剩下8人一共得
- 3Parents usually _______ a role in _______ their kids.A.play,
- 4___the clouds, you would find the airplane in the sky easily
- 5阅读下列材料,回答问题:材料一:君者舟也,庶人者水也。水则载舟,水则覆舟。——《荀子》材料二:汉高祖和他的继任者实行了重
- 6右图是绿色开花植物的传粉和受精示意图。下列有关其受精过程的叙述正确的是( )A.②和④结合的过程B.①和③结合的过程C.
- 7某市准备从7名报名者(其中男4人,女3人)中选3人参加三个副局长职务竞选.(1)求男甲和女乙同时被选中的概率;(2)设所
- 8【题文】下图表示的天气系统是A.北半球气旋 B.南半球气旋C.北半球反气旋D.南半球反气旋
- 9下列语句正确的是( )A.1+a不是一个代数式B.0是代数式C.S=πr2是一个代数式D.单独一个字母a不是代数式
- 10点:一般情况下,CO2本身不可______,也不支持______.但能与水反应,反应方程式为______,CO2水溶液能