当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 连词成句型 > 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文意思通顺、完整。请将答案写在短文后相应题号的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。...
need  remember  never  like  water  do  another  mistake  often  friendship  good  rich
Graduation is coming! Many students are leaving school. What are they taking with them? A lot of things for sure, but the most important thing is ___小题1:___.
We asked some teachers to give us the last lesson. The lesson is proverbs about friends. Older people _ 小题2:____ teach proverbs to younger people. Every culture has proverbs. They are short and easy to ___小题3: __.
There is a German proverb which says, “Friendship is a plant we must __小题4:___.” It means that we need to take care of friends ___小题5:___ taking care of a garden. “Only your real friends will tell you when your face is dirty.” is _ 小题6:___ proverb from Japan. It means that only __小题7:___ friends tell you when you are making a __小题8:_____.
My grandfather told me, “Nobody is so _ 小题9:____ that he can throw away a friend.” Everyone __小题10:____ friends. Be good to them.
Goodbye, friends! Don’t forget us!


小题4:water 作动词,表示“浇水”。根据句意,“我们必须给植物浇水”。
小题5:like doing sth.。根据句意“我们对待朋友要像对待花园一样”。
小题7:good ,形容词,“好的”。只有好朋友才会在你犯错的时候告诉你。
A: Hello! Lin Tao.
B: Hello! Everyone! You are all here. 小题1:_________________?
A: We are planning for a good-bye party, for the 3-year middle school life will be over.
B: That sounds good. 小题2:________________?
A: Of course. Everyone in our class is welcome.
B: Great! 小题3:_________________________?
A: Let me see. Oh, do you have a camera?
B: Yes, I do. I have a digital camera.
A: We want to take some photos. They may remind us of time we had in middle school in the future. 小题4:_   ______________________?
B: Not at all. I’m sure to bring it to the party. Anything else?
A: Well, would you like to get fruit and snacks for the party with me?
B: 小题5:____________________________. Let’s go.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A: Good morning. Can I help you?
B: __1___. I’d like some apples.
A: Oh, we have very nice apples here.
B: _2___
A: Ten Yuan a kilo.
B: Three kilos, please.
A: What else do you want? ___3___. They are only six yuan a kilo.
B: Good idea.
A: __4___
B: Two kilos please.
A: __ 5____ Forty-two Yuan, please.
B: Thanks.  Here is the money.
A: Here you are.
B: How about some bananas?
C: Yes, please.
D: How   many bananas do you want?
E: How much are they?
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

A. Tim gave her a cup of tea
B. He thought for a while and smiled
C. It was a worried young lady
D. She found the money in her handbag
E. I could go to get it after her death
Tim was reading a book at office. Someone knocked on the door. He opened the door.  1 .
"My name is Rebecca," said the lady. "You’ve got to help me!"
"Take it easy."   2 "What happened?"
"My grandma died last month. She left all her money, about $1,000,000 to me. She told me she had saved the money in a bank.  3  . "
"But yesterday when I went to the bank, I only got an envelope with nothing in it. he money is gone!"
Rebecca took the envelope out of her handbag and gave it to Tim.
Tim looked at it carefully under the light. It was just an envelope with two old stamps on it. 4
“Don’t worry, Rebecca," he said. "Your money is still here.”
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容, 完成下面各题。
   how,  click,  milk,  strawberry,  not eat,  potato, health,  help,  thank,  decorate,  present,  Europe,
小题1:A(n)____________wolf________________ grass.
小题2:一_______________ do I save the document?
一You______________________ “save”.
小题3:一Is there any fruit and drink in the fridge?
—Let me see. There are some_______________ in the fridge, but there isn’t any____________.
小题4:_________________are____________________ food.
小题5:To celebrate Christmas, people in the USA____________________ their homes and Christmas trees and buy_______________________ for their family and friends.
小题6:I’d like_____________ you for________________ me with my study.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

How are you?
What color are your shoes?
Is your cap on the desk?
Does your friend have long black hair?  
What’s wrong with you?
A. Yes, it is.
B. I can’t find my keys.
C. Yes, she does.
D. No, I am not.
E. They are black.
F. How are you?
G. Fine, thank you

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