当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 连词成句型 > 根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。Do you love animals? Would you like to keep animal...

Do you love animals? Would you like to keep animals as a pet? Nowadays, many people like to keep pets at home. The most popular _____小题1:____ are cats and dogs. They are friendly to people, and they are also ___小题2:_____ to take care of. Some people like parrots as pets. Pets lovers will ____小题3:__lots of things for their pets, such as beds, clothes and even toothbrushes. Pets are very useful, too. The people who can’t hear need the dogs’ help to answer the door. And the people who live _____小题4:____ should keep a pet if he wants to be healthier and ___小题5:_____. If you have pets, don’t forget to spend more time with them. They need love, too.

小题1:句意:最受欢迎的宠物是猫和狗。根据cats and dogs.可知猫和狗是宠物,根据are可知此处是复数形式,故用名词 pets。
小题2:句意:他们也容易照顾。be easy to do sth. 容易做某事。
小题3:句意:宠物爱好者给他们的宠物买很多东西。buy sth. for sb.给……买……。
小题5:句意:如果他想保持更健康和更快乐。与healthier并列,意思相近,因此用形容词的比较级 happier。
试题【根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。Do you love animals? Would you like to keep animal】;主要考察你对连词成句型等知识点的理解。[详细]
小题1:She always makes me happier when I’m unhappy. (同义句)
She always _____me ______when I’m unhappy.
小题2:Can you sing this English song?(变为被动语态)
Can this English song __________ __________ by you?
小题3: I’d like to trek through the jungle because I like exciting vacations. (提问)
_______ _______ you like to trek through the jungle?
I ________   _________ my bicycle to charity last year.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1: 干嘛不给你的朋友买一张新的CD作为生日礼物呢?
____________buy a new CD for your friend as a birthday present?
小题2: 下雪了。明天去滑雪怎么样?
It’s snowing.____________ going skiing tomorrow?
小题3: 如果我们重复做同样的事情,学到的东西就会很少。
If we ___________the same things we’ll learn very little.
小题4: 这双鞋太小了,没法穿。能给我买双新的吗?
This pair of shoes ____________. Can you buy a new pair for me?
小题5:  赢得学生们的心对老师们来说是很重要的。
____________ the hearts of students.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

About three years ago, I felt very lonely. I didn’t like my classmates, my parents or anyone else. My classmates didn’t want to talk __小题1:___ me and my parents were always saying that other kids were better than me. I thought I was the most ____小题2:___ people in the world.
One day I had a big fight with one of my classmates. I was __小题3:____ angry that I hit him in the face. Just at that moment, a boy stood up and ____小题4:____ the fight. He was the monitor(班长) of our class.
After that, he often helped me and we became good __小题5:_____. Whenever I got angry or sad, he would help ___小题6:___ to calm down. My life began to change because of the boy, my best friend. We spent a lot of interesting days together. As time goes ___小题7:____ , I have become happier with people and things. And it _小题8:_____ that people around me have changed,too. My parents don’t shout at me ____小题9:___ more and my classmates become friendly to me.
But now I can’t often see my best friend because he is seriously ___小题10:____ and is staying in hospital. How I miss the days when we were together! I hope he will be all right and come back to school soon.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
小题1:My grandfather has (去世) for three years.
小题2:The movie that has monsters always(使……感兴趣)children a lot.
小题3:The Party is considering (提供) the farmers with more care.
小题4:I’ve (实现) only half of what I hoped to do.
小题5:Not only they (带来) snack and drink, but also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.
小题6:You are supposed to be (polite) than before when you become a student of No. 1 Middle School.
小题7:Mr. Smith told us that there _______(be) 29 days in February every four years.
小题8:More and more trees _________(plant) around our city every year so we can enjoy much fresher air now. 
小题9:Most students of ClassTwo are doing morning exercises while the rest (clean) the classroom now. 
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong?
B: 小题1: _____________________________.
A: Sorry to hear that. 小题2: _____________________?
B: Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel weak.
A: 小题3: _____________________________?
B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days.
A: Why don’t you stay at home today?
B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind.
A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. I can help you with your lessons.
B: Thank you.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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