当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 教育文化类 > Reading comprehension.     Each year, many Chinese people go abroad because of a...
Reading comprehension.     Each year, many Chinese people go abroad because of all kinds of reasons. They are becoming younger
and younger year by year. Even some Chinese parents send their children to foreign countries when they are
only in a middle school. They think their children can get a wider view, less academic (学业) competition or
family honor. But life can be bad for young people there. At first, they have to face the culture differences
and language problems. However, these are not always the most difficult things to overcome (克服). To best
children, controlling (管理) themselves well is a big challenge when studying alone in strange country.
     Yu Yang, a 15-year-old student from Guangdong Province studies in a high school in Toronto, Canada.
To his surprise, his teachers there seldom push students to study abroad. And usually there isn"t too much
homework. Students have lots of free time to do the activities. Some of his friends spend their whole year"s
money in the first two months of the new term. So they have to ask their parents for some more money.
     On the one hand, studying abroad can help students learn foreign languages quickly and en up their eyes,
but on the other hand, some children may feel lonely, become bad, lose themselves, etc. Many problems may
happen to them. These are different from their original thoughts. So parents should think them over before
their children go abroad. Answer the questions according to the passage.
1. Why do Chinese parents send their children abroad?
2. What do the students have to face in foreign countries at first? 
3. Controlling themselves well is a big challenge, isn"t it? 
4. Do students in Canada have more free time than those in China? 
5. What"s the article mainly about? 
1. Because they think their children can get a wider view,less academic competition or family honor.
    /Because they want their children to get a wider view, less academic competition or family honor.
2. The culture differences and language problems./They have to face the culture differences and
    language problems.
3. Yes.it is./Yes.
4. Yes,they do./Yes.
5. The advantages and disadvantages of studying in foreign countries./The problems of young students
     studying in foreign countries./The good or bad points of studying in foreign countries(abroad).
    /The life and studying problems in foreign countries.
试题【Reading comprehension.     Each year, many Chinese people go abroad because of a】;主要考察你对教育文化类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     There are over 800 boarding (寄宿) schools in the United Kingdom with students from home and
foreign countries. Boarding schools started hundreds of years ago in the country. But the earliest boarding
schools were set up for white, rich boys only. Now, both boys and girls can go to boarding schools from
the age of 7 to 18.
     What to do
      In the United Kingdom, boarding schools have three terms in a school year, and there are about 13
weeks each term. Students study and live with one another. They need permission to go outside. In some
schools, each student has his or her own schedule. Besides the usual classrooms and laboratories, the
boarding schools have lots of other equipment for their students, including music rooms, boats, swimming
pools, cinemas and theaters. Most boarding schools have a"lights out" time. So when it"s time to go to bed,
all the lights in the dormitories are turned off. Some senior teaching staff work as housemasters (舍监).
Each of them takes care of 50 students all the time, and especially after school hours.
     Nearly all students at boarding schools in the United Kingdom wear a school uniform. Boys usually wear
a shirt and a tie, and girls wear a white blouse (罩衫), sometimes also a tie and a skirt. As students get older,
the rules become less strict.
     What to eat
     In the United Kingdom, boarding schools provide students with delicious food. They can choose to have
a full English breakfast or simply bread with marmalade (柑橘酱). They can also choose between a vegetarian
meal and another meal at lunch and dinner. And there is always a salad buffet (自助餐), other side-dishes and
a dessert. Many boarding dormitories also have a kitchen so students can make themselves something to eat
at any time, or drink tea or have a snack between meals. 1. Jimmy is five years old now. Can he go to a boarding school in, the United Kingdom?
2. Tony is a student at a boarding school in the United Kingdom. How long does he need to
    stay at school every year?
3. "They can"t go out without permission." 请在第二段中找出此句的同义句。
4. What is the best title (题目) for the third paragraph (段落)? 
5. 请将文中画线句子译成汉语。 
题型:山东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。                                                 WHY IS THE SUN IMPORTANT?   
     The sun is a huge, hot, bright star. It is important because without it there would be no life on Earth. The
sun gives us light and heat.
     All living things need light and heat from the sun to live. Plants need light and heat to grow. They use the
light from the sun to make food. We cannot make our own food, but plants can. All the food we eat comes
from plants in a food chain (链) which starts with the sun. For example, 
     Animals need sunlight, too. Just like us, their food comes from a food chain which begins with the sun
and the plants.   
     sun→ leaf→ caterpillar (毛虫)→bird   
     sun→ seaweed (海藻)→small fish→ whale (鲸)   
     Sunlight means we can see during the day. If there was no sun, it would be dark all the time. Even when
the sky is cloudy, the sunlight is very strong and it shines through the clouds. 1. Which words tell us what the sun is like?    A. Huge. (大的)
B. Hot.
C. Bright.
D. All above.   2. What are the two main things the sun gives us?    A. Light and heat.
B. Heat and eggs.  
C. Corn and light.
D. Wheat and bread.   3. Why can we still see during the day when the sky is cloudy?    A. Because we can see all day and all night.   
B. Because the sun can"t give us light all day long.   
C. Because the sunlight can shine through the clouds.   
D. Because we can"t see at night.   4. All the food we eat comes from _____. And it starts with the _____.    A. plants; earth
B. a food chain; sun   
C. food; sun
D. plants; star    5. In what way do you think the sun cannot be harmful (有害的)?    A. The sun can do harm to your eyes and skin.   
B. It can make rivers too dry.   
C. Without it there would be no life on Earth.   
D. Hot sun on dry land can cause fires.
题型:0117 中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     "How can I learn English well?" This is a question many students ask. In my opinion, the most effective
way is to learn lessons by heart. If you can recite the text and write it out, you"ve learned it fairly well. And
if you can tell, in your own words, what the lesson says you"re a very successful learner indeed. Your English
will be quite perfect.
     This is a difficult task. However, if you try to learn by heart only part of each lesson, you"ll find it not half
so hard as you might have thought. Learning this way, you will make rapid progress. Of course, writing is also
necessary. It helps you a lot on our way to success in English.
     Equally important is to feel the language. You should be able to laugh at jokes and be shocked at bad news.
When using English, try to forget your mother tongue, instead of helping you, your own language gets in your
way. So, never try to see English through translation. 1. In the writer"s opinion, the most effective way in learning English is _____. A. to practise speaking, writing and feeling it
B. to forget your own native language
C. to translate everything into his own language
D. to memorize the English words and grammatical rules 2. "Instead of helping you, your own language gets in your way." This sentence means that memorizing your
    own language can _____. A. help you to study English well
B. stop you learning English well
C. make English easy to learn
D. help you notice mistakes 3. Equally important is to feel the language "to feel the language" here means _____. A. to get a knowledge of English by touching
B. to be able to read and write English
C. to translate English into your own by imagining
D. to be able to understand and enjoy the language
题型:0117 中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     It is said that all dreams serve a purpose (目的). While there is no agreement among scientists about
why we dream, there are many ideas about the different kinds of dreams we have.
    One common kind of dream is the repeating dream, in which the same story is repeated again and again,
often for many months or even years. Some believe these are a sign people have a problem in their life and
once that problem is gone then the dream will stop. Others think they are a way to help people remember
something very important.
    Another well-known kind of dream is the nightmare. The pictures and stories in such dreams make
people very afraid and dreamers usually remember them far more clearly than normal dreams. The cause
of such dreams may be seeing something terrifying such as a car accident or some deadly snakes. Others
think such dreams may be trying to make a person pay attention to something that is dangerous in their life.
    Daydreams happen during wake-time when we forget where we are or what we are doing and find
ourselves in a made-up story or unreal world." We often daydream when we are doing something that is
not interesting or exciting. They help us think about our future.
    Lucid dreams are the most fun. These happen when dreamers suddenly understand that they are dreaming.
Instead of waking up, they stay in the dream and are able to control what happens in the dream as if they are
making a movie. 1. The underlined word "they" (in paragraph 2) refers to "______". A. dreams
B. problems
C. dreamers
D. scientists 2. The underlined word "terrifying" (in paragraph 3) is closest in meaning to ______.A. frightening
B. interesting
C. disappointing
D. amazing 3. When might a person daydream? A. During a very interesting movie.
B. While playing at a fun park.
C. While listening to an uninteresting talk.
D. When making a movie. 4. How do we know if We are lucid dreaming? A. We can remember the dream very clearly.
B. We can control what happens in the dream.
C. We think that the dream is like a movie.
D. We feel very nervous after we wake up. 5. What is the best title of the passage? A. Daydreaming of You
B. Enjoy Your Dream
C. What Dreams Mean
D. Where Dreams Go
题型:广东省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Are you carrying too much on your back at school? You"re not alone. Back experts (专家) in the USA are
worried about that young students are having back and neck problems because they are carrying too much in
their backpacks.
     "It hurts my back when I run," said Ebelin Reyes, a student in Virginia. "It"s hard to get up the stairs with
my backpack because it"s too heavy." Students have to carry heavy backpacks on their backs for a whole
week"s study. Ebelin is one of them. They have regular (固定的) backpacks with two straps (带子) to carry
them, but a number of students with heavy loads (负担) have switched to rolling backpacks. The backpacks
have wheels and can roll on the ground. Shirley Park"s backpack weighs 10 kilos, and she said, "I"ll change
to a rolling backpack because I am starting to have back pain."
     How much is too much? Experts say that students should carry no more than 10% to 15% of their own
body weight. A few students have had a good idea to lighten (减轻) the load: less homework.
     Doctor"s suggestions:
     (1) Lighten the load. Take home only the books the students need that day.
     (2) Wide straps are better. They can send out weight over your shoulders (肩) and be sure to wear
backpacks with two straps.
     (3) The heaviest things should be packed closest to the back.
     (4) Bend (弯曲) both knees when you pick up the pack, don"t just bend over the waist (腰).  1. The main idea of the passage is about _____. A. the problems made by rolling backpacks
B. the advantage of backpacks
C. the best backpacks for students
D. how to lighten students" backpacks 2. From what Ebelin Reyes and Shirley Park said, we know _____. A. students like to carry heavy backpacks
B. students have to do a lot of homework
C. backpacks with wheels are bad for students
D. students have no time to play because of heavy backpacks 3. The underlined word "switch to" means _____. A. use for
B. turn to
C. catch up
D. begin to use 4. According to the experts, it"s better for a student of 40 kilos to carry a backpack of _____ at most. A. 10 kilos
B. 8 kilos
C. 6 kilos
D. 7 kilos 5. If students follow the doctor"s suggestions, they _____. A. may do less homework
B. may feel their backpacks are lighter
C. can learn how to enjoy themselves
D. will know why to wear heavy backpacks
题型:湖北省中考真题难度:| 查看答案
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