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阅读理解。     There is a handsome boy. He has golden hair and a pair of big blue eyes. But he looks very sad. He is thin and weak because he suffers from AIDS.
     In healthy human bodies, the immune system(免疫系统) protects them from diseases. But when one gets the AIDS virus(病毒) in his/her body it attacks and destroys the immune system, and the body then is helpless against diseases. And the patient will die of this or that disease.
     But you don"t have to worry too much about being with the boy. The AIDS virus can"t live outside his body, and it can"t travel through the air. You don"t need to be afraid to touch him, either.
     Children with AIDS need help from other children. They need to have friends to play with. Let"s try our best to do something for them.
根据短文内容,判断下面各句正(T)、误(F) 。
(     )1. In our bodies, the immune system protects us from diseases.
(     )2. One can get AIDS just by being around a person with the disease.
(     )3. The AIDS virus can live outside a human body.
(     )4. We don"t need to be afraid to shake hands with a person with AIDS.
(     )5. Children with AIDS don"t need help or care from other people.
1-5 T F F T F
试题【阅读理解。     There is a handsome boy. He has golden hair and a pair of big blue eye】;主要考察你对教育文化类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     During the day we work and play and at night we sleep. Our bodies rest while we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. It is while we are asleep that our bodies grow most. When children feel tired and angry, they usually need more sleep. We can get our lessons better, and we feel better, too, when we have had plenty of rest. Boys and girls, eight or nine years old, need ten hours of sleep every night. Our bodies need plenty of air when we sleep. If we do not get enough fresh air, we wake up feeling tired. While in bed we must not cover our heads. If we do, our lungs(肺) will not get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night, we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air. Boys and girls must get plenty of sleep if they want to grow and be strong.1. Our bodies grow most while we are ________.A. eating
B. playing
C. sleeping
D. exercising2. Which is the best air for us? ________ air. A. Hot  
B. Cool  
C. Warm  
D. Dry3. What often makes us feel tired in the morning?  A. Too much air.          
B. Not enough fresh air.
C. Too much cold air.      
D. Too much sleep.4. How can you get plenty of fresh air at night? You can ________.   A. open your windows      
B. not sleep in bed
C. sleep ten hours          
D. go to bed late5. The writer is trying to tell boys and girls________.  A. to get their lessons better  
B. not to cover their heads
C. how to go to bed          
D. to get plenty of sleep
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

      Some day you may go to the moon. A tall rocket will take you into space. The rocket flies a long
way to a space station. You will stop there for a short time. Then a big spaceship will take you to the
      About three days later,the ship slowly goes down and gets to the moon. You are now on the moon,
but you can not leave your spaceship. You must put on a space suit for the moon.It is very hot in the day
and very cold at night.If you don"t wear a space suit,you can"t live there. You jump out of the spaceship
and begin to walk.The moon is much smaller than the earth. The things on the moon are lighter than those
on the earth. You jump high in the air every time you take a step.
     The moon moves slowly, so one day on the moon is as long as two weeks on the earth and one night
is just as long as two weeks on the earth. It never rains on the moon, and everything on the moon is dry.
There are no trees or other living things of any kind. There is nothing to do there. The earth is a far better
 place to live on,but scientists are trying to make the best of the moon.

1. How can you go into space? By  __      .A. plane                        
B. spaceship
C. rocket                        
D. space suit2. How can you get to the moon?A. By rocket I can go into space.
B. It will take me a long time to get to the moon by rocket.
C. The rocket will take me to the space station and by spaceship I will get there.
D. A and C.3. Which is right?A. Days are longer but nights are shorter on the moon.
B. Days are shorter but nights are longer on the moon.
C. Days are shorter than nights on the moon.
D. 28 days on the earth is as long as two days on the moon.4. There is no life on the moon because     __   .A. the moon moves very slowly
B. there is no air or water
C. night is hotter but day is colder
D. the moon is much smaller than the earth5. On the moon if you are in a space suit you can move    __    than on the earth.A .more easily            
B. harder
C. more slowly                  
D. more quickly
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空     Many animals use some kinds of "languages". They use signals (信号) and the signals  have meanings.
For example, when a bee has found some food, it goes back to its home. It is    1    for a bee to tell the
other bees where the food is by
speaking to    2   ,but it can do a little dancing. This tells the bees where the food is and how far it is.
     Some animals show how they feel by making sounds. It is not difficult to tell if a dog is angry    3    it
barks (吠). Birds make several different sounds and each has its own meaning. Sometimes we humans
make sounds    4   . We make sounds like" Oh" or" Ouch" to show how we feel about something or
when we drop something on our feet. We humans have
languages. We have words. These words have the meaning of things, actions, feelings or ideas. We   5  
give each other messages to tell other people    6   we think or how we feel. By writing down words, we
can remember what has happened or    7   messages to people far away.
     Languages, like people, live and die. If a language isn"t used by people, it is called a dead language.
This language can not live and grow because    8    speaks it. Latin is an example of a dead language.
     A living language, of course, is often spoken by people today.It grows and changes with time. New
words are created (创造)  and some old words have    9    meanings. Some words, or their meanings,
may even die and only be found in the old books. English and Chinese are    10    examples of a living
language.(     ) 1. A. important
(     ) 2. A. him
(     ) 3. A. before
(     ) 4. A. by the different sounds
(     ) 5. A. able to
(     ) 6. A. which
(     ) 7. A. send
(     ) 8. A. someone
(     ) 9. A. new
(     )10. A. all .                 B. difficult
B. it
B. so that
B. by the different ways
B. are able
B. that
B. bring
B. anyone
B. strange
B. either          C. easy
C. them
C. until
C. in the same way
C. be able
C. what
C. get
C. everyone
C. difference
C. both           D. impossible
D. themselves
D. because
D. in the same sound
D. are able to
D. why
D. push
D. no one
D. good
D. neither          
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。  Why do earthquakes happen? Scientists explain that the outside of the earth
is made of a number of different plates(极块). For example, at San Francisco the
Pacific Plate which is moving towards the northwest meets the North American
Plate. The Pacific Plate is moving very   slowly-at 5. 3 centimetres a year.
Sometimes these two plates stop and do not move for years. Then suddenly, they
jump and an earthquake is felt. As the movement of these plates,West America
near the sea has always been a bad place for earthquakes. When the 1906
earthquake happened, the Pacific Plate jumped 5-6 metres to the north.
  We cannot stop earthquakes, but we can do things to make sure they don"t
destroy(毁坏) the whole of cities. First,it is not a good idea to build houses
along the lines, where two of the earth"s plates join together.Second, if you think
there may be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rock not on sand.
Third, you must make the houses as strong as possible. Weak buildings will fall
down in an earthquake,but strong ones may stay up.1. Scientists explain that _____.A. the outside of the earth is made of a plate
B. the inside of the earth is made of different plates
C. the outside of the earth is made of lots of different plates
D. the earth is a plate2. An earthquake can be felt _____.A. when two plates push each other
B. when one plate pulls another plate
C. when one plate jumps over another plate
D. when two plates don"t move3. An earthquake shook San Francisco in the past because _____.A. San Francisco stands along between the Pacific Plate and the North American
B. San Francisco stands near the Pacific
C. San Francisco is near the sea
D. the city of San Francisco wasn"t built very well4. We can"t stop _____.A. earthquakes from destroying the whole of cities
B. earthquakes
C. building houses along the earthquake line
D. building weak houses at San Francisco5. We _____to make sure earthquakes don"t destroy the whole of cities.A. should build houses far from the earthquake line
B. should build houses on rock not on sand if we think there may be an
C. must make the houses as strong as possible
D. A, B and C
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阅读理解     Chemists have been studying why people cry. They say the body produces two kinds of tears. One kind cleans out
the eye if it gets dirt in it. But when people cry because of their feelings, these tears have poisonous chemicals in them. The body is getting rid of chemicals produced by strong feelings.
     In the United States men have heart diseases more often than women do. Doctors say heart diseases and some other diseases have something to do with the pressure. Perhaps men suffer more from these diseases because they do not
cry enough. And it is possible that as more and more women work outside their homes, they will also suffer from more
pressures. Then everyone will need to cry more.1. Chemists are trying to understand _________.A. how many kinds of tears the body makes
B. why people cry
C. the diseases in a modern society
D. why men have heart diseases more than women2. What is happening now?A. More women are now working outside their homes.
B. More men than women are now crying.
C. The poison found in the tears is killing more and more people.
D. Heart diseases are on the rise.3. Why do people cry?A. They can get rid of the poison produced by strong feelings.
B. For no reason at all.
C. They cry when someone they know dies from a heart disease.
D. People cry because they have to work outside their homes.4. Heart diseases and other diseases have something to do with _________.A. chemicals
B. crying
C. pressures
D. tears5. Men have heart diseases more often than women because _________.A. there"s something special in men"s body
B. men suffer more from their work than women do
C. men have to work outside their homes
D. there"s no poison in women"s tears
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