当前位置:初中试题 > 英语试题 > 教育文化类 > 用所给词的适当形式填空。     I"m Carol. Do you know how I study English? Well, vocabulary is...
用所给词的适当形式填空。     I"m Carol. Do you know how I study English? Well, vocabulary is the 1.________ (important) thing for me to study.  I always listen to the English program on the radio. When I hear some new words, I try 2.        (keep) them in my mind. Then after one or 3. ______(twice) days, I still remember some of them. I don"t learn English just from English lessons. I learn it in 4.______ (difference) ways. Of course, I read some 5.        (interest) stories in English. I also speak a lot. To speak to myself is a good way. Many people don"t like to do that. But I like doing that.
1. most important  2.  to keep  3.  two  4.  different  5.  interesting
试题【用所给词的适当形式填空。     I"m Carol. Do you know how I study English? Well, vocabulary is】;主要考察你对教育文化类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读短文,回答问题。     What do you do to relax? Do you watch TV? Do you read a book? Or do you listen to music? How
many of us actually play a musical instrument? How many of us go to concerts? How important is music
in our lives? What kind of music do we like?
     The survey above shows the musical habits of a few of our readers. Interestingly, fourteen people
out of the twenty questioned actually play a musical instrument, while only six people don"t. Out of these,
ten people practice their musical instrument between 0-3 hours a week and the other four between three
and six hours a week.
     The best instrument to play is the guitar; eight people say it is their favourite instrument to play.
Another four people like playing the piano and two like playing the violin. Two people, however,
don"t like playing the violin or the piano as they think they are too difficult.
     Pop concerts are always popular but, in this survey only eight people say they like going to concerts,
six to pop concerts and two to jazz concerts.
     A higher number, eighteen, say they like listening to music as they find it relaxing. Only two people
don"t like listening to music at all. These results seem to suggest that we are more actively musical than
we think ... 1. How many of the twenty people don"t play a musical instrument? _____________________________________________________ .2. How many of the fourteen people like playing the guitar? _____________________________________________________ .3. Why don"t the two people like playing the violin or the piano? _____________________________________________________ .4. Do most people like listening to music? _____________________________________________________ .
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

     Do you know Expo pandas (世博大熊猫)? They"re ten pandas from Sichuan. They came to Shanghai
  in January this year. They"re very happy to be here. Let me tell you about their life. At seven o"clock, they
  get up. They often take exercise (锻炼) before breakfast. Do you know what they eat for breakfast?
 Some fruit and milk (牛奶). Then it"s time for them to play. They like playing together. After that they
 usually sleep for two hours. At three o"clock in the afternoon they need to eat something. The food is there
  favorite-bamboo(竹子). The ten pandas are very healthy. Many people come to see them. They"re the
  best wishes for Shanghai Expo.
1. Where do the pandas come from?
    A. Shanghai    
    B. Sichuan    
    C. Beijing    
    D. Shandong
2.When do they get up every day?
    A. At seven o"clock  
    B. At eight o"clock  
    C. At nine o"clocj  
    D. At ten o" clock
3.What do they eat for breakfast?
    A. Fruit and bamboo  
    B. Bamboo and milk  
    C. Fruit and milk  
    D. Bamboo
4. What"s the meaning of "sleep" in Chinese?
    A. 工作  
    B. 刷牙  
    C. 睡觉  
    D. 洗脸
5.How are the ten pandas?
    A. They aren"t happy.    
    B. They"re healthy.    
    C. They"re too old.
    D. They are ten years old.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     If you watch the sky about an hour after the sun goes down, you may see some "movingstars". But
they"re not real stars. They are man-made satellites. And the biggest of all is the International Space
Station ( ISS国际空间站).
     From now until July is the best season to watch the ISS flying over the earth, and people can see it
just with their eyes. The ISS is the biggest man-made satellite because scientists want to live on it. They
think that the best way to learn more about space is to live there.
     When the space station is finished, it will be like a city in space. People will stay and study there with
many of the things they have at home. Laboratories, living rooms and power stations are being built. The
ISS is the most ambitious(雄心勃勃) and expensive space program ever.
     Billions of dollars are being spent on it every year.
     Scientists hope that the ISS will be a stepping-stone (垫脚石) for future space exploration.
     "The ISS will help us better understand the human body, explore space and study the earth. It can
help us make life on the earth better," said Kathryn Clark, an ISS scientist.
     China is not an ISS country, but it has helped with some of the experiments. China sent some rice up
to the ISS to find out what space would do to it.
     The ISS is not finished yet. More than 100 parts need to be put on. Scientists hope it will be finished
as soon as possible. After it"s finished, more than 90% of the world"s population will be able to see the
Space Station. So keep looking up, and maybe you"ll see it get bigger.
1. The ISS is          .
A. a world power station                
B. a man-made satellite
C. an outer space moving star           
D. a stepping-stone to the sun
2. You can watch the International Space Station with your eyes          .
A. an hour before sunset            
B. while flying on the earth
C. in a special room              
D. from now till July
3. The ISS is in fact regarded as          for space exploration.
A. a laboratory        
B. a city      
C. a living room     
D. a museum
4. The passage tells us that            .
A. China belongs to the ISS
B. to build the ISS will cost less in the future
C. China did some research on wheat through the ISS
D. the best way to learn more about space is to live on the ISS
题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案

     Although many Chinese students say that their knowledge of English grammar is good, most would
admit that their spoken English is poor. Whenever I speak to a Chinese student, they always say, "My
spoken English is poor." However, their spoken English does not have to remain "poor". I would like to
suggest that there may be some reasons for their problems with spoken English.
     First, they fail to find suitable words to express themselves because of a limited vocabulary.
Obviously, the better answer is to enlarge their vocabulary. However, you can speak with a limited
vocabulary, if your attitude is positive(积极的). Others will follow you as long as(只要) you use the
words that you know.
     Second, they are afraid of making mistakes. Sometimes they make mistakes when they are speaking
because they are shy and nervous. Yet students should remember that their goal should be FLUENCY
(流利性) NOT ACCURACY(准确性). Your aim in writing is to be accurate following the rules for
grammar and using them to get your message across(使别人了解你的信息). But to talk to someone
in English, as quickly and well as you can, even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense,
but it doesn"t matter because the person you are speaking to will understand you and forgive you for any
mistakes he hears.
     The third reason is that not enough attention is paid to listening. You have one mouth but two ears!
All the hearing is necessary for you to start speaking.
     Fourth, most Chinese students are somewhat passive language learners. Instead of actively looking
for opportunities(机会) to improve their spoken English, they passively wait for speaking opportunities
to come to them and wonder why their English always remains poor. If you are active language learners,
then, you will see English chances wherever you go.
     If you do not use your English beyond the classroom, you will forget that English you know.
Remember: USE IT OR LOSE IT! You can learn how to speak English better by speaking Eng1ish

题型:江苏期末题难度:| 查看答案
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Title: Some reasons for the (1)________ with spoken English
Limit of (2 )________You have to (3) ________ your vocabulary.
You should take a positive (4)________ towards speaking English.
Worries about making (5)_________Being shy and (6)________makes it easy to make mistakes.
You should pay (7)________ attention to fluency than accuracy.
Lack of attention while (8)_______Before you start speaking, learn to listen.
Try to be an active language
As language learners, most Chinese students are passive instead of
being (9)______________.
You should make full (10)________ of all opportunities to improve
your spoken English.
       According to a new Ministry of Education (教育部) survey, student safety has become a big
problem. Nearly 50 percent of students say they are worried about robbery  on the way to and from
school. Now in many big cities in China, some school has taught an unusual lesson: self - protection
(自我保护). Students like this lesson as there are no exams or boring classes. And they can learn how
to save lives and know how to stop danger before it really happens.
       Chen Haoyu, a teacher at Beijing No. 25 Middle School and a self - protection expert, gives young
students advice on how to deal with danger.
       If you are robbed
       Keep calm. If you cannot cry for help or run away, give the robber your money. Try to remember
what the robber looks like and tell the police.
       If you are in a traffic accident
       If you are hurt by a car, take down the car number; if it is a bicycle, try to contact your parents
before you let the rider go. This is because you don"t know how seriously you are hurt.
       If it is raining hard and there is lightning
       Don"t stay in high places and keep away from trees.
       When there is a fire
       Get away as fast as you can .Put wet things on your body and try and find an exit. Do not take the
       If someone is drowning(溺水)
       If you can"t swim, don"t get into the water. Cry out for help.
       Remember that danger is never as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!
1. Why do students like the self - protection lesson?
A. Because there is advice on exams.
B. Because they can learn how to protect themselves.
C. Because they like self - protection experts.
D. Because they are free to do anything during the lesson.
2. The underlined word "contact" means _______.
A. end up      
B. wait for      
C. search for      
D. get in touch with
3. If your house is on fire, you must _____.
A. put dry things on your body    
B. run quickly and take the lift
C. take everything you have and then run away
D. run away and find an exit as quickly as you can
4. If you see a child fall into the river, but you can"t swim, you_______.
A. should telephone the doctor      
B. can jump into the river and save him
C. can do nothing                
D. should cry out for help
5. What"s the best title for this passage?
A. Self- protection              
B. How to take care of yourself
C. The popular lesson            
D. An interesting lesson