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阅读理解。    Vitamins play an important role in people"s health. Without them, your body cannot workproperly.
    Vitamin A helps keep your skin healthy and helps your eyes get used to the darkness. Good  sources of Vitamin A are deep yellow and dark- green leafy fruits and vegetables, such as carrots
and potatoes.
    Vitamin B helps keep your need for food and its absorption (吸收) normal. Milk products,  grain
products, and meat are good sources of B Vitamins.
    Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables, such as tomatoes, strawberries, and cabbages. People who don"t get enough Vitamin C for a long time injure easily.
    Vitamin D is called " sunshine"  Vitamin. Your own body makes it when you are in sunlight. It helps your body use minerals (矿物质) to build stronger bones and teeth. The oily fish is a good source of Vitamin D.
    Vitamin E helps increase the immune function(免疫功能). It can be found in foods such as  vegetable
  oils, nuts and seeds.
1. Enjoy the__________ and eat__________.

2. You should_______________________.

3. You"d better_____________________.

4.Why not______________?

5. You need to_______________.
6. sunshine, oil fish/vitamin D  7. eat fruit and vegetables/take Vitamin C 
 8. take Vitamin A  9. take Vitamin B    10. take Vitamin E
试题【阅读理解。    Vitamins play an important role in people"s health. Without them, your 】;主要考察你对教育文化类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。      "Cool" is a word with many meanings. Its oldmeaning is used to express temperature that is a lit-tle bit cold. As the world has changed, the wordhas had many different meanings.    
      "Cool" can be used to express feelings aboutalmost anything.        
      When you see a famous car in the street, may-be you"Il say, "It"s cool. " You may think "he"s socool"
when you see your favourite footballer.     
     We all maximize (扩大)  the meaning of "cool".  You can use it instead of many words suchas "new" or "surprising". Here"s an interestingstory we can use to show the way how the word isused. A teacher asked her students to write aboutthe waterfall (瀑布)  they had visited.  On onestudent"s paper was just one sentence(句子) ,"It"sso cool. " Maybe he thought it was the best way toshow what he saw and felt.      
      But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏) ofwonds. Without "cool", some people have nowords to show the same meaning. Can you think of many other words that make your life colorful as the word "cool" ? I can.  And I think they are also verycool.1. We know that the word "cool" has had ______.
A. only one meaning
B. no meanings
C. many different meanings
D. the same meaning
2. In the passage, the word“express”means"______".
A. see
B. show
C. know
D. feel
3. If you are ______ something, you may say, "It’s cool."
A. interested in
B. angry about
C. afraid of
D. unhappy with
4. The writer takes an example to show he is ______ the way the word is used.
A. pleased with
B. strange to
C. worried about
D. careful with
5. In the passage, the writer suggests(暗示)that the word "cool"______.
A. can be used instead of many words
B. usually means something interesting
C. can make your life colourful
D. may not be as cool as it seems
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阅读理解。                                                English Students" Education  
     English schools begin in September after along summer holiday. There are two terms in aschool year.
The first term is from September toJanuary, and the second term is from February toJune. Most English
children begin to go to schoolwhen they are five years old. When they finish highschool, they are seventeen or eighteen years old.      
     High school students take only five or six sub-jects each term. They usually go to the same classevery
day, and they have homework for everyclass. After elass, they do a lot of interestingthings. Aiter high
school, many students go to col-lege. They usually have to pay a lot of money. Sothey have to work after
class to get money for theirstudies.1.In England, summer holidays begin in______. 
A. September
B. January
C. May
D. July
2. Most English children go to schooi at the age of______.
A. five
B. seven
C. seventeen
D. eighteen
3. High school students after class______.
A. do housework
B. go to work
C. play sports
D. do interesting things
4. Many English college students work after class for______.
A. helping their parents
B. getting money for their studies
C. helping others
D. leaming some useful things
5. After high school, many students go to______.
A. cities
B. work
C. college
D. towns
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you "What is the most important
in your life?" Maybe you will say "Computers and the Internet".
     The first computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked slowly. Today computers are
getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said,
"People can"t live without computers today. "
     The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than
computers. But now it can be found almost ever)"where. We can use it to read books, write letters, do
shopping, play computer games and make friends.
      Many students like the Internet very much. They often surf the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don"t know their real
names, ages, and even sex. They are so interested in making the "unreal friends" that they can"t put their
hearts into study. Many of them can"t catch up with others on many subjects because of that.
     We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at the same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.1. The Internet can not be used for_______.
A. studying
B. shopping
C. thinking
D. playing
2. When the computer was invented, it was _______.
A. large and worked quickly
B. small and worked slowly
C. large but worked slowly
D. small but worked quickly
3. The Internet was born in about_______.
A. 1960
B. 1970
C. 1980
D. 1985
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Few students like surfing the Internet.
B. Students use the Internet to make "unreal friends".
C. These "unreal friends" often meet each other.
D. Students know the friends on the Internet very well.
5. What does the writer think of the Internet?
A. It is wonderful.
B. It can make students study harder.
C. It is not good for students.
D. It is helpful, but we can"t do everything on it.
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完形填空.       In most schools and universities teachers give their    l    marks (分数) for their work. All students hate a "   2  " and are happy if their teacher gives them an "A". Now, at one American university the students
and the teachers must work  hard   3   they want good marks.
       During classes the students give their teachers    4   Each desk has a "boredom button(厌倦按钮) "
on it.  If a student thinks that the lecture is     5 he can press the special button. When he  does this, he
turns on a   6  _ at the back of the classroom." There"s one light there for every student. The teacher can 7 _ the lights and he can see if his students think the class is interesting or boring. The teacher cannot   8  
which student is pressing the button. So the students can be completely "   9   ".
       If too many lights come on at the back of his class, a teacher knows that he must do something quickly and make the _ 10   more interesting. What do you think the teachers think about the "boredom button"? Do you think it"s a good idea for schools?(     )1. A. children
(     )2. A. A 
(     )3. A. when    
(     )4. A. a help  
(     )5. A. boring 
(     )6. A. light  
(     )7. A. look at 
(     )8. A. see   
(     )9. A. right  
(     )10. A. studentsB. boys    
B. B      
B. where  
B. marks  
B. bored  
B. TV      
B. look for
B. watch  
B. honest  
B. teachersC. students  
C. C        
C. if        
C. help      
C. interested
C. radio    
C. look up  
C. look at  
C. wrong    
C. school    D. themselves
D. D          
D. unless    
D. a hand    
D. interesting
D. computer  
D. look down  
D. look      
D. secret    
D. class      
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阅读下面短文,用文中括号内所给动词填空。     Since 1946, one of the most important inventions has been the computer. It has been changing all our
     The first computer   _1   _ (build) in 1946.It    2     (be) as large as a room and quite difficult and slow     3     ( use). But since the invention of silicon " chip " (硅片) ,  computers      4     ( become)  smaller,  easier and faster to operate. Some computers are as small as TV sets. Some can even      5     (make)
smaller than a book. And computers      6    ( get) smaller and smaller all the time. Who knows what the
computers of tomorrow     7    (be) like?
     There      8     (be)  several reasons why the computer is useful to us. First,  a lot of information can be put into computers. Second, the computer _   9     (work) very quickly thousands of times faster than a
man and it will not be tired. Third, modern computers can be built into other kinds of machines, like radios, cars and planes. So today people can spend less time     10    ( do) more work with a computer.
1.______ 2. _______3. _______4. _______ 5. ______
6. ______7. _______8. _______9. _______10. ______
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