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It’s Tuesday afternoon, and I’m in Rheinburg, Germany, visiting the Extra Future Store. The “store of the future” is attracting a lot of attention these days– but not for it’s prices. Instead, people are coming from all over to experience a new way to shop.
The experience is less like shopping in a supermarket and more like playing some kind of high–tech game. It starts as I enter the store and choose a shopping cart(购物车). First, I swipe my store ID card through a computer on the cart. The computer’s screen comes on, a map of the store shows, and the journey begins.
As I shop, antennas(天线) around the store send information about different specials to the computer on my cart. Attracted by one of the ads, I choose a box of cheese. I hold up the box to the computer. It displays the price and also suggests that a certain type of bread would be good with it. The map on my chart shows me where to find the bread. It’s like the store is helping me to shop.
How does the store make this kind of shopping experience possible? The answer is radio frequency identification chip (or RFID射频识别). Each chip has a special number. Using an RFID reader on the computer, we can get information from a chip about the product(产品). RFID will help shoppers find the things in a store more quickly– products that are just right for them. In addition, people won’t have to wait in long lines to pay. The things in your cart will be read by the computer and the money will be paid by your store ID card automatically(自动地). So you can simply walk out of the store with your shopping bags.
Sounds good, right? Maybe you will experience the new shopping soon in your city.
小题1:Why are so many people coming to the Extra Future Store?
A.They hope to buy a new kind of computers.
B.They want to play some new high– tech games.
C.They expect to experience a new way of shopping.
D.They plan to learn how to use the FRID readers.
小题2:What is the right order to shop in this store?
①Look for the things you want to buy and find them.
②Swipe your store ID card through the computer.
③Walk out of the store without waiting in lines.
④The computer shows you a map and some ads.
⑤Hold up the things to the computer to be charged.
小题3:What are Not so necessary for this kind of new stores?
A.Carts with computers.B.RFID readers.
C.Many shop assistants.D.Good products.
小题4: Which of the following is the advantage of this new store?
A.The things in the shop are much cheaper.
B.It costs more time to find the things you need.
C.You will buy more things than you really need.
D.It’s more convenient to find the products and to pay.



小题1:细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话people are coming from all over to experience a new way to shop可知人们来到the Extra Future Store期望体验一种新的购物方式。所以选C。
小题4:细节理解题。根据RFID will help shoppers find the things in a store more quickly– products that are just right for them. In addition, people won’t have to wait in long lines to pay.可知这种新商店的优点在于能更快找到所需产品,无需排队付款,所以选D。
试题【It’s Tuesday afternoon, and I’m in Rheinburg, Germany, visiting the Extra Future】;主要考察你对社会现象类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Hello! The Generation 90s is coming!
Wearing earphones, using net language and text messaging, the Gen – 90s following the Gen – 80s begin to make their world debut(初次露面).
Each generation or age group has its own symbols and lifestyle. Read and judge for yourself if you fit the Gen – 90s profile(形象).
These little earphones seem to grow on the heads of the Gen – 90s. They might lead to MP4, MP5 or Iphone players and are used to listen to pop songs. But too much time on earphones is bad for ears.
Martian(火星的) Language
They have created their own online language. It’s a mixture of English, Japanese and Chinese that perhaps only Martians can understand. This is a generation full of imagination. But try not to use them when writing compositions. Teacher may get annoyed.
Self – Portrait(自我)
Saying “cheese” to their own cameras is common for this generation. A little bit of narcissism(自恋) never hurts anyone. It helps them reflect(反映) a little on their own lives. But be careful not to put all private photos online.
Text – Messaging
They can type their mobile phones as fast as they can speak. However, oral communication is important and will never go out of style.
小题1:The readers of the passage maybe_______.
小题2: The writer described the Gen-90s in _______ ways.
小题3:The passage is mainly about _______.
A.the Gen-90s’ happy life
B.the difference between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90s
C.the Gen-90s’ lifestyle and some useful advice for them
D.the similarities between the Gen-80s and the Gen-90s
小题4:According to the text, the writer will choose _______ as a good example to the Gen-90s.
A.Li Hua likes dancing and always wears beautiful dresses.
B.Zhang Chao speaks English and Japanese very well.
C.Lily is a shy girl and she doesn’t like making friends.
D.Fangfang likes taking photos of her own and often put them online.
小题5:How is the passage organized?
A.By making comparisons(比较).
B.By showing a topic and giving explanations(解释).
C.By using famous people’s words.
D.By listing data(数据).

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How often do you use your car? Can you use your car less often? Do you know the following facts in the UK?
·About 50% of all car journeys are just for fun.
·Over 80% people go to work by car.
·25% car journeys are under two miles.
·70% car journeys are under five miles.

Instead of using the car for short journeys, why not walk or ride a bicycle? Walking is the most popular form of exercise—it’s healthy and it can save money. If you work nearby, try walking or cycling instead of driving. Walking your children to school gives them valuable road experience.

Bus companies are using new buses: some run on new fuelswhich produce less pollution; some have easier access(通路)for disabled and old people. There are special traffic lanes (行车道)to make bus journeys easier. So do something to help solve the pollution problem----let the bus take you to work and your children to school.

All car journeys, long or short, can be hard work. For some trips, it is wiser to take the train. Leave your car at home and walk, cycle or take a bus to and from the station. Train travel is fast, safe and comfortable. Train tickets are not always expensive.
小题1:How many of car journeys are just for fun in the UK?
A.25%.B.About 50%.
C.70%.D.Over 80%.
小题2:The writer believes that _____________________ can give children valuable road experience.
A.walking to schoolB.traveling by train
C.taking new fuel busesD.having car journeys for fun
小题3:What does the writer think of traveling by train?

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Microblog(微博) is used by more and more people in China. Do you know what it is?
  Micorblog makes the people around the world to know each other better. It helps people to find the information that they need more easily, also to get some information about the world they did not know before.
  Many famous people are using microblog now, including singers, TV hosts and artists. The first day of Chinese New Year in 2010,people on Sina Microblog sent 9873 microblogs to wish somebody a Happy New Year. Yao Chen became the queen(王后) of microblog because her microblog has over 1.3 million followers; Li Yuchun sent a microblog and got 11760 comments(评论) within 24 hours; Cai Kangyong, who is a famous TV host and famous writer in Taiwan, has 15143 more followers within 24 hours.
  Why is microblog so popular? The most important reason is that it is convenient(方便的). People need not use too much time to write the articles to express(表达) their feeling. They can write at most 140 words, and then send it through computers or mobile phones onto the microblog. As soon as they send it, their followers will know. They can use it anytime, anywhere.
  Many of my friends use microblog to share things with others. They can talk about what they see, hear and think in a sentence or a photo. Also, they can follow their friends’ or their favorite stars’ microblogs. They can even join in any discussion of anything. Microblog is very hit now!
  Have you microblog today?
小题1:According to the passage, ________________.
A.microblog can make people around the world to know each other better
B.you can write as many words as you like in your microblog
C.microblog is not very popular in China
D.microblog is only used by people under 18
小题2:Yao Chen became the queen of microblog because _______________.
A.she sent a microblog and got 11760 comments
B.she is a famous actress in China
C.her blog has over 1.3 million followers
D.she has 15143 more followers within 24 hours
小题3: Microblog is very popular. The most important reason is that ____________________.
A.many famous people are using it now  
B.it is convenient
C.people can share their photos with others
D.people can join in any discussion
小题4:What can we do on the microblog?
A.We can join in any discussion of anything.
B.We can only get some information about the world we had known before.
C.We can write at least 140 words, and then send it through computers onto the microblog.
D.We can get answers to any of our questions.
小题5:We can probably find this article in _______________.
A.a children’s story bookB.a clothing magazine
C.a newspaperD.an exercise book

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There"re different kinds of animals in the zoo. We see the zoo keepers give them        to eat. They don"t have to       food by themselves. They just eat, walk and       all day. So many of       may think that the animals there       happy and lucky. But most       them are sad. Why? They"re       free.
Animals like elephants, monkeys and tigers       live freely and happily in       or mountains. Tigers,        example, run, jump, play with their children       catch small animals for food. But now they have to stay in       rooms in the zoo. Their life in the zoo is      different from their life in the forests.
Now many of us think       animals should go back to forests and mountains so that       earth will become better.
A.is B.areC.wereD.was
A.inB.on C.of D.to
A.no longer B.not any long C.not more D.no any more
A.never B.usually C.now D.seldom
A.fields B.zoos C.parks D.forests
A.for B.in C.on D.at
A.but B.and C.or D.yet
A.good B.short C.small D.tall
A.tooB.quite C.even D.really
A.much B.many C.more D.most
A.the B.an C.this D.that

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Many people may think that animals in the zoo are happy, free and lucky, but most of them are sad. Do you know why? Animals like tigers, lions, and bears usually live in forests or mountains. They run, jump, play with their children and catch small animals for food. But now they have to stay in cages ,small rooms in the zoo. They don’t have to find food by themselves because the zoo keepers feed them. They do nothing but eat, walk and sleep every day. Their life in the zoo is quite different from that in the forest because they are not free. Maybe they miss their mothers and their friends, in fact, they feel lonely.
小题1:Most of the animals in the zoo feel ______ according to the passage.
小题2:Where do tigers, lions and bears usually live?_____________.
A.In the zooB.In the forest
C.In a roomD.In the field
小题3:What does the word “keeper” mean here? It means ____________.
小题4:Which is wrong according to the passage?
A.The animals in the zoo feel lonely in fact.
B.The animals catch food themselves in the zoo.
C.The animals can only eat, walk or sleep in the zoo.
D.The animals in the forest are happier than those in the zoo.
小题5:Which is the best title题目?
A.Animals In the ZooB.Animals And People
C.Lovely AnimalsD.Happy Animals

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