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任务型阅读       In cold weather, 45 Japanese war orphans(孤儿) visited China to thank their Chinese foster(抚养)
       The Japanese orphans were those who had been left behind by their parents after the eight-year
Japanese-Aggression War against China. Most of them are more than seventy years old. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao met them in the Zhongnanhai compound tJll Nov. 11 and invited them to visit the former
residence (故居) and office of the late Premier Zhou Enlai. The thariksgiving gathering was organized to
express the war orphans" thanks to their foster families, but the visit was an emotional(激起感情的) one
because many of their foster narents had l)een deacl.    
       "We care about the living conditions(生活状况)of the orphans after they returned to Japan, and
Ibelieve that everybody will live a happy life through their own efforts and by support from the Japanese
government," said Wen.
       Wen said the war orphans would feel again the love given by their foster parents and the deep
friendship between the Chinese and Japanese people during their visit in China.
                                                            1. The Japanese war orphans visited China to____their foster families.2. Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao____  them in the Zhongnanhai compound on Nov. 11.3. "l"hese orphans were left by their____after the eight-year Japanese-Aggression War against China.4. Premier Wen wished them to live d____ife in Japan.5. rl"he war orphans felt again the love and the deep____ becween China and Japan.
1. thank 2. met 3. parents 4. happy 5. friendship
试题【任务型阅读       In cold weather, 45 Japanese war orphans(孤儿) visited China to thank 】;主要考察你对社会现象类等知识点的理解。[详细]
  LeBron James(勒布朗?詹姆斯)has the recognition(赞誉)from the whole
world as the greatest player of today.  People call him"King James",  the"Chosen
One"  and compare him to his idol--Michael Jordan,
  Now the 24-year-old has amazecl everyone again. He led the Cleveland C,
avaliers(克利夫兰骑士队)  to a 99 - 78 victory over the Detroit Pistons
(底特律活塞队)  on April 26.  He had 36 points, 13 rebounds(篮板球) and
eight assists(助攻).
  Since he joined the league, James has broken many records. He has led his
team to the NBA finals. He has celebrated two NBA All-Star game Most
Valuable Players( MVP) titles.  He has been named to the all NBA team twice.
  The 2.03-meter player has both a perfect build and a great basketball brain.
He is famous for his SDeed and Dower.
  "He"s not scared by anyone. He has the confidence that only the great have,"
said his coach, Paul Silas about LeBron.
  But LeBron"s most precious quality is that he is a team player.
  " My game just won"t let me be selfish," LeBron said,  I love sharing the
ball with my teammates. "
  Even his rivals agree that he is a court general.
  "They got a really good leader in LeBron," Pistons guard Rodney Stuckey
said after the April 26 game. "When he is going and he has his other teammates
going as well, it is really hard to beat them.They are a really good team. "1. LeBron James is a great _____.A. baseball player    
B. basketball player    
C. soccer player    
D. tennis player2. We love LeBron James because of his _____.A. perfect build                          
B. great basketball brain
C. family                                
D. both A and B3. LeBron"s most precious quality is that _____.A. he can be very rich                  
B. he is a good son
C. he gave money to the schools          
D.  he is a wonderful team player4. A team player is famous for his _____.A. height          
B. speed        
C. power          
D. both B and C5. lf you want to give a title for this passage,_____ is the best choice.A. LeBron James-a great team player
B. LeBron James-the greatest player in the world
C. I like LeBron James
D. He is the dream of everyone
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成句子。  Good morning. The program today is about music. The word "music" comes
from the Greek word" muse".  The Muses are the goddesses of the arts.  Music is
only one of the arts.  It is like the spoken language, but it uses sounds. Today"s
program brings together music from different corners of the world. Who invented
music? Who sang the first song? No one knows exactly the answers to these
questions. But we know that music plays an important part in almost everyone"s
life. Babies and young children love to   hear peopLe singing to them. When they
are a little older, they like to sing the songs they have heard. When children go to
school, their world of music grows. In the middle grades students take music
lessons. When they reach high school, they become interested in listening to pop
  The records we have chosen for you today are from American country
music, Indian music, pop music and so on. Music  has meaning for everyone. It
can make people happy or"can make them sad. In this program we shall study
the language of music. We shall be trying to find out more about how music
works. We shall try to find out how music says what people feel.
  Now, here comes the music today.  I shall explain why they are all good
1. The word "music" comes from the _____"muse".
2. Today"s program brings together music from _____.
3. When children _____, they become interested in listening to pop music.
4. The records we have chosen for you today are
    from _____, _____, _____and so on.
5. Music can make people_____or it can make them_____.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
根据短文内容刚所给词的适当形式填空.                                             "YESTERDAY"IN CONCERT!
     Last night, the Swedish rock band, yesterday, gave a concert in Beijing. More than five thousand
people were: there.  Most of__1__ ( they) were students or young people. They enjoyed the music
very much.
     In the middle of the concert, one of the singers , Max, had an accident. He jumped up and down,
but he was very__2__( care). He fell down and broke his leg. Some people took him to hospital.
     After Max left , there were only two singers-Eric and Elsa .They __3_( not want) to stop the concert,
so they went on. They sang some of their most famous songs: Why Did You Leave Me?, There Was ,
Someone in My Heart , I Can Forget the Past.
      At the end of the concert, Eric sang a song inChinese. He sang very__4__ (good) . After the concert, he said , "I"m trying __5_(learn) Chinese. and I like listening to Chinese songs. I learnt that song when I
was in Shanghai last month. "
1._____ 2._____ 3._____4._____ 5._____
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     SINA-In order to let people go out more easily during the 2008  Olympic Games,  Beijing is  Going to
start a special bus line and seven more nihgt bus lines. 40% of the taxis will be in service for 24 hours. The subway will run longer hours, too.(December 27, 2007)
    YAHOO-An old man called Shen Yuan made five Fuwa toys with 6,000 pieces of paper. It took him a few months of to finish them. Mr. Shen will make another five bigger  Fuwa toys and send them to Beijing.
(January 7, 2008)
     BAIDU-The Olimpic Flame(圣火)  has arrived in Beijng, show that the Olympic Games  in China will
soon begin. From today, the torch(火炬)will carry the Flame across the world. (March 31, 2008)
     XINHUA-Yang Yang, a famous Chinese skater,  received the Beijing Olympic torch from a leader in
Sanya,  May 4, 2008. Yang ran the first 200 metres during the torch relay (接力) in Sanya, the first leg in
the Chinese mainland(大陆). (May 4, 2008)1. ____ isn"t mentioned in the news above.A. The bus      
B. The    
C. The subway    
D. The plane2.  The old man"s Fuwa toys were made of ___.  A.  glass    
B. paper    
C. cotton    
D. silk3.  The torch has carried the Flame across the world since ___.A.  December 27, 2007      
B. January 7, 2008
C.  March 31, 2008        
D.  May 4, 20084.  In the Chinese mainland, the first leg of the torch relay started in ____.A. Beijng    
B. Chongqing    
C. Shanghai    
D. Sanya5.  There ____ of news about the Olympic torch relay here.A. is only one piece      
B. are two pieces    
C. are three pieces
D. are four pieces
题型:陕西省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解       BEIJING—Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao has visited the "left-behind" (留守) children whose parents are working in cities before Children"s Day.
       During a visit to northwest China"s Shanxi Province, Wen visited the home of Yang Saike, a primary
school boy in a village of Xingping City.
       Yang, whose parents were working in Fujian, thousands of kilometers away, was cared for by his
grandparents. His parents fail to go home even once a year.
       The premier held Yang in his arms and looked through his exercise book and praised him for his hard work.
       Wen talked with many children and asked them many questions about their schooling and life.
       "You are so pretty," Wen said to Liu Mengqi, a seven-year-old girl living with her grandmother.
Liu"s parents were also working in the city.
       "Have you been to school yet?" Wen asked two other girls.
       "We are going to the pre-school class," said one.
       "Mom and dad at home?" Wen asked. The children shook their heads.
       "Children cannot see their parents very often, which is a new problem in the countryside. We should
give them more care and love," said the premier.
       With fast economic (经济) development, more people in the country chose to work in cities and left
their children with grandparents or relatives back home, said Wen.
       The premier asked local governments to do something to protect and care for such children at home
and freeing (解除)their parents in cities from worries about their children.1. Wen says a new problem in the country is that "left-behind" children __________.A. seldom get care from the government    
B. seldom get together with their parents
C. cannot do well in school like others    
D. cannot get any love from their parents2. According to (根据) Wen, more country people go to work in cities because of _____   A. great losses of farmland                  
B. their hope for city life
C. economic development                  
D. their poor country life
题型:期末题难度:| 查看答案
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