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Canberra is the capital of Australia. It is a modern and lively city with a population of over 345,000.

小题1:How far is Canberra from Sydney?
A.25 kmB.238 kmC.345 kmD.507 km
小题2:The word “Canberra”means__________.
A.the largest city
B.beautiful man-made lake
C.the old capital city
D.a place for friends to get together.
小题3:Canberra Flower Festival is a festival to ________
A.ride bikesB.visit universities
C.welcome the springD.walk around the lake



小题1:根据文章内容It is 238 km from Sydney可知答案为B
小题2:根据文章内容It became the capital and was named Canberra. “Canberra” means “ a place for friends to get together.可知答案为D
小题3:根据文章内容People can enjoy all kinds of beautiful flowers and welcome the spring to arrive.可知答案为C
试题【Canberra is the capital of Australia. It is a modern and lively city with a popu】;主要考察你对社会现象类等知识点的理解。[详细]
TOKYO, JAPAN--What do you do when you see a cockroach (蟑螂)? Do you hit it with a newspaper? Do you step on it?
When researchers at Tokyo University see a cockroach, they take the remote control and make the cockroach turn around, run left or right, or go forward. These scientists are changing the cockroaches into robots. Each cockroach has a very small pack that has in it a microprocessor(微处理器).Then researchers can send signals from the remote control to the pack. The signals control the movements of the cockroaches.
Why does anyone want to control a cockroach? “Insects can do many things that people can’t,” says Isao Shimoyama, head of robot research at Tokyo University. In a few years, he says, these robot insects will carry very small cameras. They will be able to move through earthquake rubble(瓦砾)to look for people or move under doors to find information about someone.
This may seem strange, but the Japanese government thinks the research is very important. The government is giving the scientists $ 5 million for this research.
First, the researchers breed (培育)hundreds of cockroaches. They use only the American cockroach because it is bigger and stronger than other cockroaches. Then they choose the best cockroaches and remove their wings and antennae(触须). They put small packs where the antennae were. The packs weigh about three grams, or about two times the weight of the cockroaches themselves. “Cockroaches are very strong,” says Ralph Holzer, who is a researcher at Tokyo University. “They can lift 20 times their own weight. ”
With a remote control, the scientists send signals to the packs. When a cockroach gets the signal, it moves. The problem is that the cockroaches don’t always move in the right direction.
小题1:The scientists are changing the cockroaches into robots because ______.
A.they want cockroaches to do things people can’t in the future
B.they want to control the movements of the cockroaches
C.they want cockroaches to take photos of the earthquakes
D.they want to send signals to the packs on the cockroaches
小题2:What can cockroaches do to help people?
A.They can lift 20 times their own weight.
B.They can help people to carry very small cameras.
C.They can breed hundreds of cockroaches.
D.They can search for those people in rubble after an earthquake.
小题3:Scientists control cockroaches’ movements ______.
A.by removing their wings
B.by sending signals from the remote control
C.by using very small cameras
D.by removing their antennae
小题4:What problem do the rcscarchcrs meet with?
A.The cockroachcs sometimes clon;t move.
B.The cockroachcs sometimes move in ihc wrong direction.
C.The cockroachcs arc too big to move through earthquake rubble.
D.The cockroachcs can only lift 20 times their own weight.

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Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao promised that the country would take actions to improve school bus safety on Sunday, a day after China saw its second terrible school bus accident in November, 2011.
“School buses should be safe mobile campuses(校园) for students,” the premier said at a national meeting on women and children, “Society(社会) should remember in mind that children should be the first to enjoy all kinds of social caring and the last ones to suffer from any disaster.”
School buses have become a hot topic in China since the deaths of 21 people, including 19 pre-school students, in a traffic accident between a truck and a school-owned minibus in Gansu province on Nov. 16, 2011. The nine-seat minibus was carrying 64 people at the time of the accident, according to the reports.
The second accident, in which a school bus in the northern province of Liaoning rolled over on Friday, left 35 people injured, according to China Daily.
“In recent days, a series of big accidents involving school buses has led to great anger among the people. These accidents have also made me uncomfortable,” said Mr Wang, an old teacher from Jiangsu. And he also thought that school bus safety must become a serious problem for schools and the government.
Premier Wen has already asked the government to develop new safety standard (标准) for school buses and made sure to help local government with safe buses for school-age children.
小题1:How many seats did the minibus in Gansu province have before it was turned into a school bus?
A.64 B.21 C.9 D.19
小题2:What does “roll over” mean in Paragraph 4?
小题3:How did Mr Wang feel when such accidents happened?
A.nervous B.angry C.stressed D.tired
小题4:Which of the following sentences is Not True?
A.21 pre-school students died in the school bus traffic accident in Gansu.
B.35 people were hurt in the school bus accident in Liaoning.
C.Mr Wang thought school bus safety was a serious problem.
D.The government has been asked to develop new safety standard for school buses.

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A 9.0-magnitude earthquake occurred
off the northeastern coast of Japan on 11 March

The earthquake in Japan on March 11,2011 was a 9.0 on the Richter scale (里氏). Over 6,500 died because of the disaster by March 18. The earthquake also caused a tsunami (海啸) and a nuclear leak (核泄漏).
However, most Japanese people stayed calm and orderly.They left broken houses calmly. They waited in line for food, water and public telephones. There was no robbing (抢劫) and no pushing.
Earthquakes hit Japan almost every year. People are ready for an earthquake at any time.

In Japan, you can learn about earthquakes on TV and in schoolbooks. Even the famous comic, Sakura Momoko (《樱桃小丸子》), shows earthquake training in a school. Almost every family in Japan has a survival kit (救生包). The kit has a flashlight (手电筒), a radio, water and enough food for several days.
Most buildings in Japan use wood. The material is less dangerous during a disaster. The buildings can  stand an earthquake of up to 7.0 on the Richter scale.
小题1:How large was the earthquake in Japan on March 11?
小题2:What did the earthquake cause besides many people’s death?
小题3:Where can Japanese people learn about earthquakes?
小题4:What are most buildings in Japan made of?
小题5:What can we learn from Japanese people if the disaster happens to us?
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A new planet more like Earth was discovered and regarded as a likely future home for human. The planet contains both land and water with average temperatures around 22℃. It is 600 light years from Earth. There are 290 days a year on the planet.

A French company wants to change the Eiffel Tower into a very tall and growing Christmas tree made of 600,000 plants. The Eiffel Tower is decorated(装饰)with 10,000 light bulbs and attracts(吸引)7 million visitors a year.

Wow, what a night! The evening got off to a fun start with Steven Hall. Ronan Parke took on Kelly Clarkson’s Because Of You. Jai McDowall finally won because of his wonderful performance.
小题1:The new planet     .
A.might have 365 days a yearB.has no water
C.might be a future home for human D.has bad weather
小题2:   will make the Eiffel Tower become a big tree.
A.1000 light bulbsB.600,000 plants
C.600 light years D.7 million visitors
小题3:    was the winner of Britain’s Got Talent 2011.
A.Steven HallB.Ronan Parke
C.Kelly Clarkson D.Jai McDowall

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China"s long-awaited rules on school bus safety finally came into force on Tuesday, including a list of ways aimed at reducing the risk of accident.
Among the biggest changes is that buses carrying students will be given priority(优先权) in traffic, while companies and drivers will need licenses to offer school transport services.
Officials have spent more than four months making the rules, during which time the country has been shocked by several big crashes because of overcrowded school buses.
The latest accident happened on Monday in Yangchun, Guangdong province, in which three kindergarten pupils were killed and 14 others injured.
Rules and funding
In the new rules, a school bus is considered as a vehicle with more than seven seats that is transporting children receiving the State"s nine-year compulsory education (ages 6 to 15) to or from school. This can also be for preschoolers(学龄前儿童) if a parent is unable to take them to or from kindergarten(幼儿园).
School buses must also operate in routes marked in the map by governments to ensure safety.
Companies and bus drivers who fail to meet the rules face the punishment.
Drivers against the rules will be fined 200 yuan ($32) and vehicles will be taken away from its owner if they have been used as an unlicensed school bus.
小题1:New safety rules for school buses can ________.
A.make the students have a school bus
B.make fewer accident
C.make the school bus bigger
D.punish the parents
小题2:The accident happened usually because ________.
A.there were more students than there should be in the bus
B.the road is not wide enough
C.there were not any rule at first
D.companies and drivers faced no punishment
小题3:Which of the following is Not true?
A.When a truck and a school bus meet, the school bus can go first.
B.The students (ages 3—5) mustn’t take school bus according to the rules.
C.Those who break the rules will be fined two hundred yuan.
D.The school bus has at least 7 seats.
小题4:The passage mainly talks about ________.
A.the accident in Guangdong
B.the school bus safety rules
C.how to punish the drivers
D.what a school bus is like
小题5:A school bus must go _______.
A.different ways every day
B.after other buses
C.with all the students
D.the same way all the days

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