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The question whether there is life on Mars (火星) has made the public think a lot for more than a century. The closest look showed Mars to be a dusty, cold world, covered by air too thin to breathe. A British spaceship and Europe"s Mars spaceship plan to land on Mars or enter orbit (轨道) around it. One of the NASA’s (美国宇航局) spaceships is expected to land on January 3, the other is going to land on the opposite side of Mars on January 24. Since 1960, over twenty spaceships sent to Mars have failed. Most have been lost on flying up or landing because those are the most difficult times of any flights.     Scientists wanted to find out whether there was water in Mars. In October, a team of scientists reported that Mars had been a dry wasteland. But weeks later, a second team reported differently that they had found some marks showed clearly that they were made by the rivers. Such marks told us that Mars was a warmer place billions of years ago — just as life first appeared here on Earth. Scientists at once raise a question: if what they said is true, what happened on Mars? Then what about the earth?
小题1:Which is right about Mars?
A.It’s cold without dust.
B.There is no water or air.
C.It’s warm with some thin air.
D.It’s a dusty, cold world almost without air.
小题2:Two NASA’s spaceships _______________.
A.will land on the different sides of Mars
B.will land on the same day
C.will enter orbit around Mars
D.will land with a man
小题3:The most difficult times of a flight are _______________.
A.taking off
B.flying up and arriving
C.entering the orbit and landing
D.leaving the earth and entering the orbit
小题4:A team of scientists reported that there might be_____________ in Mars.
A.nothing but air
C.water billions of years ago
D.thick air and lakes
小题5:What are scientists worried about when they raise the question?
A.Life disappeared on Mars.
B.Spaceships can’t land on Mars.
C.The air on the earth gets less and less.
D.The earth might be changed like Mars



试题分析:一个多世纪火星上是否有生命的问题让公众想了很多。最接近的发现表明,火星是一个尘土飞扬的,寒冷的世界,覆盖太薄的空气。一英国飞船和欧洲的火星飞船计划降落在火星或进入它周围的轨道。美国航空航天局的太空飞船,预计1月3日土地,另一种是在1月24日降落在火星的另一侧。自1960年以来,超过20飞船送往火星,都失败了。大部分已遗失或着陆飞不起来了。科学家们想找出在火星上是否有水。 10月,研究小组的科学家报告说,火星一直干荒地。但几周后,第二小组的报告,他们发现了一些痕迹清楚地表明,。这类标记告诉我们,火星数十亿年前一个温暖的地方,科学家们立刻提出了一个问题:如果他们说的是真实的,在火星上发生了什么事?那地球呢?
小题1:细节理解题,根据文中语句“The closest look showed Mars to be a dusty, cold world, covered by air too thin to breathe.”理解可知。火星上有尘土,寒冷和太薄的空气,故选D。
小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“One of the NASA’s (美国宇航局) spaceships is expected to land on January 3, the other is going to land on the opposite side of Mars on January 24.”理解可知。两艘宇宙飞船在不同的时间不同的地点着陆火星,故选A。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Most have been lost on flying up or landing because those are the most difficult times of any flights.”理解可知。故选择B。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“a second team reported differently that they had found some marks showed clearly that they were made by the rivers.”理解可知。几十亿年以前,火星上有水资源,故选C。
小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Scientists at once raise a question: if what they said is true, what happened on Mars? Then what about the earth?”理解可知。科学家们担心地球也会有同样的Mike命运,故选D。
试题【The question whether there is life on Mars (火星) has made the public think a lot 】;主要考察你对社会现象类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Every day in China, about 200 million children go to school. Many of them take school buses.
Last year, a serious school bus accident happened in China, when a nine-seat minibus crashed. There were 62 children inside , and 21 of them died. To stop such accidents, the Center Government decided to strengthen(加强)the rules for school buses.
On April 5, the Government published new rules about school safety. These new rules are much stricter than the old ones.
Under the new rules, local governments must make sure that students attend nearby schools or boarding (寄宿的)schools to reduce traffic risks(风险). Also, local governments must help kids in the countryside reach their school buses.
From now on ,school buses have a speed limit(限速)of 80km per hour on highways and 60km per hour on normal roads. While on the road, other cars must let school bus go first.
The new rules also say that school buses must never be overloaded(超载).
There are many other rules as well. A school bus must have than seven seats. On each bus, there must be at lest one adult(成年人)to keep an eye on the kids. Each school bus must have a fire extinguisher(灭火器),a first aid kit(急救箱)and a GPS.
小题1:What does the underlined word“attend”mean?
A. join in               B. drop out           C. go to
小题2:Under the new rules, which of the following is TRUE?
A. School buses can be overloaded when necessary.
B. School buses can go first when there are other cars.
C. School buses must driver 80km/h or less on normal roads.
小题3: According to the new rules, a school bus must have the following EXCEPT      .
A. more than seven seats.
B. a parent of one of the students.
C. a fire extinguisher and a first aid kit.
小题4:The government made new rules for school buses because     .
A. school buses in China were not safe enough before.
B.62 students died in a school bus accident last year
C. 200 million children in China go to school by bus every day.
小题5:What’s the best title of this passage?
A. How to Avoid Bus Accidents
B. Safety First on School Buses
C. Bus Speed Limit Is Necessary
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Are the lives of city kids the same as those in villages? In lots of ways, they are very different.  But what are the differences?
Hu Peng and his four friends decided to find them out.  Earlier this month, they went to live for a week at Huagui Village near Xishui.  They went door to door there and asked kids there lots of questions.  They wanted to learn more about village kids’ everyday lives, so they asked questions like these: Do your parents teach you how to do housework? How much money do you usually spend on dinner? What would you do if a thief comes into your houses? They also asked 150 city kids the same question.
On April 12, the team gave a report to their class.  They told about lots of differences between children’s lives in cities and those in villages.  The biggest difference is independence.  Hu’s team say that more than 60 percent of city kids can’t do much housework, but more than 80 percent of village kids can care for themselves.
City kids told Hu they cared about school a lot, and they had no time to wash clothes or make their beds.  Village kids said they helped their parents with a lot: they cook, clean houses and feed farm animals, Hu’s team also saw that village kids had less pocket money.  Many never use computers.  They play in rivers or on mountains.  Some don’t really like to make new friends.
Hu’s team said their trip gave them more self-confidence(自信心) because they were doing something by them-selves.  But it also worried them a bit because they saw they still had a lot to learn.  “When we grow up, our parents can’t take care of us,” Hu said.  “We have to learn to take care of ourselves. ”
Kids in the city
Kids in the country
Can’t do much housework
No time to wash clothes or make bed
Have pocket money
Have less pocket money
Use computers
Don’t like to make new friends

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Ladies and gentlemen,
Thank you very much for coming to this concert. I hope you have enjoyed the music.
The purpose of this concert is to 1 money for children in Africa. Every day 2children in Africa die 3 they have diseases or have not enough 4. There are two main reasons. First, there are no jobs for the children’s parents, so they have no money to buy food or 5. Second, the governments in 6 African countries do not have the money to take care of poor people.
7 African countries are poor. The land is not good for 8 plants and the 9 is also bad for farming. The organization we are trying to help, the Feed Africa Fund, 10 a lot of money every year on food for people in Africa. The money comes from people 11 you ---kind, generous(慷慨,大方) people who do not want to see children die from hunger. Just one dollar can buy enough rice or corn to 12 a family of four for three days.
How much do you spend on food every day? Ten dollars? Twenty dollars? I am sure you can spend a little 13 on your own food so that you have a 11 dollars for the Feed Africa Fund.
Ladies and gentlemen, we will now take a 15. Please be generous. Thank you.
A.hundredB.hundred ofC.hundreds ofD.thousand
A.to eatB.to sleepC.to playD.to drink

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It seems school children all over the world are not satisfied with their school food. Cherie Blair, the wife of Prime Minister Tony Blair, said that she would prepare a packed lunch for her son if school dinners do not improve. So what do students of your age eat for lunch at school?
High schools have dining halls, which serve everything from noodles to rice, but not hamburgers and chips. Other children bring food from home such as cold rice balls, meat or fish, and vegetables.
The United States
A common menu from a US school is made up of a hamburger with fried(油炸的)potatoes or roast chicken, fruit and cookies. School lunches must also provide food with protein(蛋白质),vitamin A, vitamin C, ironand calories.
Meat piesand hotdogs are all traditional dishes in Australian school shops. But as the nation pays more attention to children’s health, healthier foods have started to find their way onto school menus.
Many schools have used a traffic light system. The sale of red-labeled (标签) foods includingchocolate and soft drinks, is served only twice a week. Healthier green-labeled foods such as sandwiches, corn and watermelon, however are served every day.
In some schools, students have a choice of up to 89 foods to choose from, including popcorn and rice.
South Africa
Most of South Africa’s schools do not serve meals at all. Classes end at 1:30 pm and students get their own lunches. Many students bring food from home, usually sandwiches.
Fast food and fried food sell the best among students, which has led to a rise in obesity among children. But as more people began to realize the fact that being too fat may cause different illnesses, some schools in towns have led the way towards better nutrition(营养). Now students at these schools are provided with lunches of porridge(粥) with vegetables, such as cabbages, carrots and tomatoes.
小题1:Which belongs to red-labeled food in Australia?
A.sandwichesB.apple juiceC.tomatoesD.corn
小题2:What does the underlined word ‘obesity’ in the last paragraph probably mean?
小题3:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Food served in the US is the best of all.
B.Schools should try to satisfy the needs of studemts.
C.Schools serve different foods from country to country.
D.School children all over the world dislike their school food.

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完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
Mexican people have a tradition of greeting each other with handshakes and kisses on the cheek(脸颊. But recently, government officials asked people to   15  this. They have also closed schools and museums, and advised people to stay at home.
This is to stop people from  16  an infectious disease (传染病), swine flu (猪流感). The disease has spread over the country. It has killed 159 people and caused 4,000 to become sick  17 .
What is swine flu? Swine flu is a disease that causes respiratory (呼吸的) illness in pigs. It spreads to people in two ways. People catch the virus after being with infected(被感染的)pigs, or they get it from an infected   18  . The disease spreads in the same way   19  human flu, through coughs and sneezes and then touching the nose or mouth. However, it   20  be spread by eating pork.
People who have caught swine flu will have a fever, a cough, a sore throat and body aches. In most cases, the infection makes people unwell but their lives will not be   21 .
A few governments around the world have advised their citizens not to visit   22 . Some countries have begun checking air travelers for the disease and have set up quarantines (隔离) for people who might be infected. Russia, China and other countries have banned (禁止) buying pork from Mexico,  23  the flu cannot be caught by eating the meat.
Health experts advise people to wash their hands frequently(频繁地), to cover coughs and sneezes and to stay at home if they feel   24 .
A.stop to doB.stop doingC.go to doD.go on doing
A.last monthB.in the pastC.a month agoD.in the past month
A.in safetyB.in hungerC.in dangerD.out of danger

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